# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- """ BitBake Smart Dictionary Implementation Functions for interacting with the data structure used by the BitBake build tools. """ # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Seb Frankengul # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Holger Hans Peter Freyther # Copyright (C) 2005 Uli Luckas # Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig import copy, re, sys import bb from bb import utils from bb.COW import COWDictBase __setvar_keyword__ = ["_append", "_prepend"] __setvar_regexp__ = re.compile('(?P.*?)(?P_append|_prepend)(_(?P.*))?') __expand_var_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${[^{}]+}") __expand_python_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${@.+?}") class DataSmart: def __init__(self, special = COWDictBase.copy(), seen = COWDictBase.copy() ): self.dict = {} # cookie monster tribute self._special_values = special self._seen_overrides = seen self.expand_cache = {} def expand(self, s, varname): def var_sub(match): key = match.group()[2:-1] if varname and key: if varname == key: raise Exception("variable %s references itself!" % varname) var = self.getVar(key, 1) if var is not None: return var else: return match.group() def python_sub(match): code = match.group()[3:-1] codeobj = compile(code.strip(), varname or "", "eval") s = utils.better_eval(codeobj, {"d": self}) if isinstance(s, int): s = str(s) return s if not isinstance(s, basestring): # sanity check return s if varname and varname in self.expand_cache: return self.expand_cache[varname] while s.find('${') != -1: olds = s try: s = __expand_var_regexp__.sub(var_sub, s) s = __expand_python_regexp__.sub(python_sub, s) if s == olds: break if not isinstance(s, basestring): # sanity check bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Data, 'expansion of %s returned non-string %s' % (olds, s)) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Data, "%s:%s while evaluating:\n%s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], s)) raise if varname: self.expand_cache[varname] = s return s def finalize(self): """Performs final steps upon the datastore, including application of overrides""" overrides = (self.getVar("OVERRIDES", True) or "").split(":") # # Well let us see what breaks here. We used to iterate # over each variable and apply the override and then # do the line expanding. # If we have bad luck - which we will have - the keys # where in some order that is so important for this # method which we don't have anymore. # Anyway we will fix that and write test cases this # time. # # First we apply all overrides # Then we will handle _append and _prepend # for o in overrides: # calculate '_'+override l = len(o)+1 # see if one should even try if o not in self._seen_overrides: continue vars = self._seen_overrides[o] for var in vars: name = var[:-l] try: self.renameVar(var, name) except Exception: bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Data, "Untracked delVar") # now on to the appends and prepends if "_append" in self._special_values: appends = self._special_values['_append'] or [] for append in appends: for (a, o) in self.getVarFlag(append, '_append') or []: # maybe the OVERRIDE was not yet added so keep the append if (o and o in overrides) or not o: self.delVarFlag(append, '_append') if o and not o in overrides: continue sval = self.getVar(append, False) or "" sval += a self.setVar(append, sval) if "_prepend" in self._special_values: prepends = self._special_values['_prepend'] or [] for prepend in prepends: for (a, o) in self.getVarFlag(prepend, '_prepend') or []: # maybe the OVERRIDE was not yet added so keep the prepend if (o and o in overrides) or not o: self.delVarFlag(prepend, '_prepend') if o and not o in overrides: continue sval = a + (self.getVar(prepend, False) or "") self.setVar(prepend, sval) def initVar(self, var): self.expand_cache = {} if not var in self.dict: self.dict[var] = {} def _findVar(self, var): _dest = self.dict while (_dest and var not in _dest): if not "_data" in _dest: _dest = None break _dest = _dest["_data"] if _dest and var in _dest: return _dest[var] return None def _makeShadowCopy(self, var): if var in self.dict: return local_var = self._findVar(var) if local_var: self.dict[var] = copy.copy(local_var) else: self.initVar(var) def setVar(self, var, value): self.expand_cache = {} match = __setvar_regexp__.match(var) if match and match.group("keyword") in __setvar_keyword__: base = match.group('base') keyword = match.group("keyword") override = match.group('add') l = self.getVarFlag(base, keyword) or [] l.append([value, override]) self.setVarFlag(base, keyword, l) # todo make sure keyword is not __doc__ or __module__ # pay the cookie monster try: self._special_values[keyword].add( base ) except KeyError: self._special_values[keyword] = set() self._special_values[keyword].add( base ) return if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) # more cookies for the cookie monster if '_' in var: override = var[var.rfind('_')+1:] if override not in self._seen_overrides: self._seen_overrides[override] = set() self._seen_overrides[override].add( var ) # setting var self.dict[var]["content"] = value def getVar(self, var, exp): value = self.getVarFlag(var, "content") if exp and value: return self.expand(value, var) return value def renameVar(self, key, newkey): """ Rename the variable key to newkey """ val = self.getVar(key, 0) if val is not None: self.setVar(newkey, val) for i in ('_append', '_prepend'): src = self.getVarFlag(key, i) if src is None: continue dest = self.getVarFlag(newkey, i) or [] dest.extend(src) self.setVarFlag(newkey, i, dest) if i in self._special_values and key in self._special_values[i]: self._special_values[i].remove(key) self._special_values[i].add(newkey) self.delVar(key) def delVar(self, var): self.expand_cache = {} self.dict[var] = {} def setVarFlag(self, var, flag, flagvalue): if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) self.dict[var][flag] = flagvalue def getVarFlag(self, var, flag): local_var = self._findVar(var) if local_var: if flag in local_var: return copy.copy(local_var[flag]) return None def delVarFlag(self, var, flag): local_var = self._findVar(var) if not local_var: return if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) if var in self.dict and flag in self.dict[var]: del self.dict[var][flag] def setVarFlags(self, var, flags): if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) for i in flags: if i == "content": continue self.dict[var][i] = flags[i] def getVarFlags(self, var): local_var = self._findVar(var) flags = {} if local_var: for i in local_var: if i == "content": continue flags[i] = local_var[i] if len(flags) == 0: return None return flags def delVarFlags(self, var): if not var in self.dict: self._makeShadowCopy(var) if var in self.dict: content = None # try to save the content if "content" in self.dict[var]: content = self.dict[var]["content"] self.dict[var] = {} self.dict[var]["content"] = content else: del self.dict[var] def createCopy(self): """ Create a copy of self by setting _data to self """ # we really want this to be a DataSmart... data = DataSmart(seen=self._seen_overrides.copy(), special=self._special_values.copy()) data.dict["_data"] = self.dict return data # Dictionary Methods def keys(self): def _keys(d, mykey): if "_data" in d: _keys(d["_data"], mykey) for key in d.keys(): if key != "_data": mykey[key] = None keytab = {} _keys(self.dict, keytab) return keytab.keys() def __getitem__(self, item): #print "Warning deprecated" return self.getVar(item, False) def __setitem__(self, var, data): #print "Warning deprecated" self.setVar(var, data)