#!/usr/bin/env python # ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- """ BitBake 'Fetch' implementations Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the BitBake build tools. Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig """ import os, re import bb from bb import data class FetchError(Exception): """Exception raised when a download fails""" class NoMethodError(Exception): """Exception raised when there is no method to obtain a supplied url or set of urls""" class MissingParameterError(Exception): """Exception raised when a fetch method is missing a critical parameter in the url""" class ParameterError(Exception): """Exception raised when a url cannot be proccessed due to invalid parameters.""" class MD5SumError(Exception): """Exception raised when a MD5SUM of a file does not match the expected one""" def uri_replace(uri, uri_find, uri_replace, d): # bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "uri_replace: operating on %s" % uri) if not uri or not uri_find or not uri_replace: bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "uri_replace: passed an undefined value, not replacing") uri_decoded = list(bb.decodeurl(uri)) uri_find_decoded = list(bb.decodeurl(uri_find)) uri_replace_decoded = list(bb.decodeurl(uri_replace)) result_decoded = ['','','','','',{}] for i in uri_find_decoded: loc = uri_find_decoded.index(i) result_decoded[loc] = uri_decoded[loc] import types if type(i) == types.StringType: import re if (re.match(i, uri_decoded[loc])): result_decoded[loc] = re.sub(i, uri_replace_decoded[loc], uri_decoded[loc]) if uri_find_decoded.index(i) == 2: if d: localfn = bb.fetch.localpath(uri, d) if localfn: result_decoded[loc] = os.path.dirname(result_decoded[loc]) + "/" + os.path.basename(bb.fetch.localpath(uri, d)) # bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "uri_replace: matching %s against %s and replacing with %s" % (i, uri_decoded[loc], uri_replace_decoded[loc])) else: # bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "uri_replace: no match") return uri # else: # for j in i.keys(): # FIXME: apply replacements against options return bb.encodeurl(result_decoded) methods = [] urldata = {} def init(urls = [], d = None): if d == None: bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "BUG init called with None as data object!!!") return for m in methods: m.urls = [] for u in urls: ud = initdata(u, d) if ud.method: ud.method.urls.append(u) def initdata(url, d): if url not in urldata: ud = FetchData() (ud.type, ud.host, ud.path, ud.user, ud.pswd, ud.parm) = bb.decodeurl(data.expand(url, d)) ud.date = Fetch.getSRCDate(d) for m in methods: if m.supports(url, ud, d): ud.localpath = m.localpath(url, ud, d) ud.md5 = ud.localpath + '.md5' # if user sets localpath for file, use it instead. if "localpath" in ud.parm: ud.localpath = ud.parm["localpath"] ud.method = m break urldata[url] = ud return urldata[url] def go(d): """Fetch all urls""" for m in methods: for u in m.urls: ud = urldata[u] if ud.localfile and not m.forcefetch(u, ud, d) and os.path.exists(urldata[u].md5): # File already present along with md5 stamp file # Touch md5 file to show activity os.utime(ud.md5, None) continue # RP - is olddir needed? # olddir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) m.go(u, ud , d) # os.chdir(olddir) if ud.localfile and not m.forcefetch(u, ud, d): Fetch.write_md5sum(u, ud, d) def localpaths(d): """Return a list of the local filenames, assuming successful fetch""" local = [] for m in methods: for u in m.urls: local.append(urldata[u].localpath) return local def localpath(url, d): ud = initdata(url, d) if ud.method: return ud.localpath return url class FetchData(object): """Class for fetcher variable store""" def __init__(self): self.localfile = "" class Fetch(object): """Base class for 'fetch'ing data""" def __init__(self, urls = []): self.urls = [] def supports(self, url, urldata, d): """ Check to see if this fetch class supports a given url. """ return 0 def localpath(self, url, urldata, d): """ Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch. Can also setup variables in urldata for use in go (saving code duplication and duplicate code execution) """ return url def setUrls(self, urls): self.__urls = urls def getUrls(self): return self.__urls urls = property(getUrls, setUrls, None, "Urls property") def forcefetch(self, url, urldata, d): """ Force a fetch, even if localpath exists? """ return False def go(self, url, urldata, d): """ Fetch urls Assumes localpath was called first """ raise NoMethodError("Missing implementation for url") def getSRCDate(d): """ Return the SRC Date for the component d the bb.data module """ pn = data.getVar("PN", d, 1) if pn: return data.getVar("SRCDATE_%s" % pn, d, 1) or data.getVar("CVSDATE_%s" % pn, d, 1) or data.getVar("DATE", d, 1) return data.getVar("SRCDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("CVSDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("DATE", d, 1) getSRCDate = staticmethod(getSRCDate) def try_mirror(d, tarfn): """ Try to use a mirrored version of the sources. We do this to avoid massive loads on foreign cvs and svn servers. This method will be used by the different fetcher implementations. d Is a bb.data instance tarfn is the name of the tarball """ tarpath = os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, 1), tarfn) if os.access(tarpath, os.R_OK): bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists, skipping checkout." % tarfn) return True pn = data.getVar('PN', d, True) src_tarball_stash = None if pn: src_tarball_stash = (data.getVar('SRC_TARBALL_STASH_%s' % pn, d, True) or data.getVar('CVS_TARBALL_STASH_%s' % pn, d, True) or data.getVar('SRC_TARBALL_STASH', d, True) or data.getVar('CVS_TARBALL_STASH', d, True) or "").split() for stash in src_tarball_stash: fetchcmd = data.getVar("FETCHCOMMAND_mirror", d, True) or data.getVar("FETCHCOMMAND_wget", d, True) uri = stash + tarfn bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "fetch " + uri) fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${URI}", uri) ret = os.system(fetchcmd) if ret == 0: bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetched %s from tarball stash, skipping checkout" % tarfn) return True return False try_mirror = staticmethod(try_mirror) def verify_md5sum(ud, got_sum): """ Verify the md5sum we wanted with the one we got """ wanted_sum = None if 'md5sum' in ud.parm: wanted_sum = ud.parm['md5sum'] if not wanted_sum: return True return wanted_sum == got_sum verify_md5sum = staticmethod(verify_md5sum) def write_md5sum(url, ud, d): if bb.which(data.getVar('PATH', d), 'md5sum'): try: md5pipe = os.popen('md5sum ' + ud.localpath) md5data = (md5pipe.readline().split() or [ "" ])[0] md5pipe.close() except OSError: md5data = "" # verify the md5sum if not Fetch.verify_md5sum(ud, md5data): raise MD5SumError(url) md5out = file(ud.md5, 'w') md5out.write(md5data) md5out.close() write_md5sum = staticmethod(write_md5sum) import cvs import git import local import svn import wget import svk import ssh import perforce methods.append(cvs.Cvs()) methods.append(git.Git()) methods.append(local.Local()) methods.append(svn.Svn()) methods.append(wget.Wget()) methods.append(svk.Svk()) methods.append(ssh.SSH()) methods.append(perforce.Perforce())