# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- """ BitBake 'Fetch' implementations Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the BitBake build tools. """ # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig from future_builtins import zip import os import logging import bb from bb import data from bb.fetch2 import Fetch from bb.fetch2 import FetchError from bb.fetch2 import logger class Perforce(Fetch): def supports(self, url, ud, d): return ud.type in ['p4'] def doparse(url, d): parm = {} path = url.split("://")[1] delim = path.find("@"); if delim != -1: (user, pswd, host, port) = path.split('@')[0].split(":") path = path.split('@')[1] else: (host, port) = data.getVar('P4PORT', d).split(':') user = "" pswd = "" if path.find(";") != -1: keys=[] values=[] plist = path.split(';') for item in plist: if item.count('='): (key, value) = item.split('=') keys.append(key) values.append(value) parm = dict(zip(keys, values)) path = "//" + path.split(';')[0] host += ":%s" % (port) parm["cset"] = Perforce.getcset(d, path, host, user, pswd, parm) return host, path, user, pswd, parm doparse = staticmethod(doparse) def getcset(d, depot, host, user, pswd, parm): p4opt = "" if "cset" in parm: return parm["cset"]; if user: p4opt += " -u %s" % (user) if pswd: p4opt += " -P %s" % (pswd) if host: p4opt += " -p %s" % (host) p4date = data.getVar("P4DATE", d, 1) if "revision" in parm: depot += "#%s" % (parm["revision"]) elif "label" in parm: depot += "@%s" % (parm["label"]) elif p4date: depot += "@%s" % (p4date) p4cmd = data.getVar('FETCHCOMMAND_p4', d, 1) logger.debug(1, "Running %s%s changes -m 1 %s", p4cmd, p4opt, depot) p4file = os.popen("%s%s changes -m 1 %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, depot)) cset = p4file.readline().strip() logger.debug(1, "READ %s", cset) if not cset: return -1 return cset.split(' ')[1] getcset = staticmethod(getcset) def localpath(self, url, ud, d): (host, path, user, pswd, parm) = Perforce.doparse(url, d) # If a label is specified, we use that as our filename if "label" in parm: ud.localfile = "%s.tar.gz" % (parm["label"]) return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, 1), ud.localfile) base = path which = path.find('/...') if which != -1: base = path[:which] base = self._strip_leading_slashes(base) cset = Perforce.getcset(d, path, host, user, pswd, parm) ud.localfile = data.expand('%s+%s+%s.tar.gz' % (host, base.replace('/', '.'), cset), d) return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, 1), ud.localfile) def download(self, loc, ud, d): """ Fetch urls """ (host, depot, user, pswd, parm) = Perforce.doparse(loc, d) if depot.find('/...') != -1: path = depot[:depot.find('/...')] else: path = depot module = parm.get('module', os.path.basename(path)) localdata = data.createCopy(d) data.setVar('OVERRIDES', "p4:%s" % data.getVar('OVERRIDES', localdata), localdata) data.update_data(localdata) # Get the p4 command p4opt = "" if user: p4opt += " -u %s" % (user) if pswd: p4opt += " -P %s" % (pswd) if host: p4opt += " -p %s" % (host) p4cmd = data.getVar('FETCHCOMMAND', localdata, 1) # create temp directory logger.debug(2, "Fetch: creating temporary directory") bb.mkdirhier(data.expand('${WORKDIR}', localdata)) data.setVar('TMPBASE', data.expand('${WORKDIR}/oep4.XXXXXX', localdata), localdata) tmppipe = os.popen(data.getVar('MKTEMPDIRCMD', localdata, 1) or "false") tmpfile = tmppipe.readline().strip() if not tmpfile: logger.error("Fetch: unable to create temporary directory.. make sure 'mktemp' is in the PATH.") raise FetchError(module) if "label" in parm: depot = "%s@%s" % (depot, parm["label"]) else: cset = Perforce.getcset(d, depot, host, user, pswd, parm) depot = "%s@%s" % (depot, cset) os.chdir(tmpfile) logger.info("Fetch " + loc) logger.info("%s%s files %s", p4cmd, p4opt, depot) p4file = os.popen("%s%s files %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, depot)) if not p4file: logger.error("Fetch: unable to get the P4 files from %s", depot) raise FetchError(module) count = 0 for file in p4file: list = file.split() if list[2] == "delete": continue dest = list[0][len(path)+1:] where = dest.find("#") os.system("%s%s print -o %s/%s %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, module, dest[:where], list[0])) count = count + 1 if count == 0: logger.error("Fetch: No files gathered from the P4 fetch") raise FetchError(module) myret = os.system("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, module)) if myret != 0: try: os.unlink(ud.localpath) except OSError: pass raise FetchError(module) # cleanup bb.utils.prunedir(tmpfile)