#!/usr/bin/env python # ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- """ BitBake 'RunQueue' implementation Handles preparation and execution of a queue of tasks Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Purdie This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with """ from bb import msg, data, fetch, event, mkdirhier, utils from sets import Set import bb, os, sys class TaskFailure(Exception): """Exception raised when a task in a runqueue fails""" def __init__(self, x): self.args = x class RunQueue: """ BitBake Run Queue implementation """ def __init__(self): self.reset_runqueue() def reset_runqueue(self): self.runq_fnid = [] self.runq_task = [] self.runq_depends = [] self.runq_revdeps = [] self.runq_weight = [] self.prio_map = [] def get_user_idstring(self, task, taskData): fn = taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]] taskname = self.runq_task[task] return "%s, %s" % (fn, taskname) def prepare_runqueue(self, cfgData, dataCache, taskData, targets): """ Turn a set of taskData into a RunQueue and compute data needed to optimise the execution order. targets is list of paired values - a provider name and the task to run """ depends = [] runq_weight1 = [] runq_build = [] runq_done = [] bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Preparing Runqueue") for task in range(len(taskData.tasks_name)): fnid = taskData.tasks_fnid[task] fn = taskData.fn_index[fnid] task_deps = dataCache.task_deps[fn] if fnid not in taskData.failed_fnids: depends = taskData.tasks_tdepends[task] # Resolve Depends if 'deptask' in task_deps and taskData.tasks_name[task] in task_deps['deptask']: taskname = task_deps['deptask'][taskData.tasks_name[task]] for depid in taskData.depids[fnid]: if depid in taskData.build_targets: depdata = taskData.build_targets[depid][0] if depdata: dep = taskData.fn_index[depdata] depends.append(taskData.gettask_id(dep, taskname)) # Resolve Runtime Depends if 'rdeptask' in task_deps and taskData.tasks_name[task] in task_deps['rdeptask']: taskname = task_deps['rdeptask'][taskData.tasks_name[task]] for depid in taskData.rdepids[fnid]: if depid in taskData.run_targets: depdata = taskData.run_targets[depid][0] if depdata: dep = taskData.fn_index[depdata] depends.append(taskData.gettask_id(dep, taskname)) def add_recursive_build(depid): """ Add build depends of depid to depends (if we've not see it before) (calls itself recursively) """ if str(depid) in dep_seen: return dep_seen.append(depid) if depid in taskData.build_targets: depdata = taskData.build_targets[depid][0] if depdata: dep = taskData.fn_index[depdata] taskid = taskData.gettask_id(dep, taskname) depends.append(taskid) fnid = taskData.tasks_fnid[taskid] for nextdepid in taskData.depids[fnid]: if nextdepid not in dep_seen: add_recursive_build(nextdepid) for nextdepid in taskData.rdepids[fnid]: if nextdepid not in rdep_seen: add_recursive_run(nextdepid) def add_recursive_run(rdepid): """ Add runtime depends of rdepid to depends (if we've not see it before) (calls itself recursively) """ if str(rdepid) in rdep_seen: return rdep_seen.append(rdepid) if rdepid in taskData.run_targets: depdata = taskData.run_targets[rdepid][0] if depdata: dep = taskData.fn_index[depdata] taskid = taskData.gettask_id(dep, taskname) depends.append(taskid) fnid = taskData.tasks_fnid[taskid] for nextdepid in taskData.depids[fnid]: if nextdepid not in dep_seen: add_recursive_build(nextdepid) for nextdepid in taskData.rdepids[fnid]: if nextdepid not in rdep_seen: add_recursive_run(nextdepid) # Resolve Recursive Runtime Depends # Also includes all Build Depends (and their runtime depends) if 'recrdeptask' in task_deps and taskData.tasks_name[task] in task_deps['recrdeptask']: dep_seen = [] rdep_seen = [] taskname = task_deps['recrdeptask'][taskData.tasks_name[task]] for depid in taskData.depids[fnid]: add_recursive_build(depid) for rdepid in taskData.rdepids[fnid]: add_recursive_run(rdepid) #Prune self references if task in depends: newdep = [] bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s %s) contains self reference! %s" % (task, taskData.fn_index[taskData.tasks_fnid[task]], taskData.tasks_name[task], depends)) for dep in depends: if task != dep: newdep.append(dep) depends = newdep self.runq_fnid.append(taskData.tasks_fnid[task]) self.runq_task.append(taskData.tasks_name[task]) self.runq_depends.append(Set(depends)) self.runq_revdeps.append(Set()) self.runq_weight.append(0) runq_weight1.append(0) runq_build.append(0) runq_done.append(0) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Marking Active Tasks") def mark_active(listid, depth): """ Mark an item as active along with its depends (calls itself recursively) """ if runq_build[listid] == 1: return runq_build[listid] = 1 depends = self.runq_depends[listid] for depend in depends: mark_active(depend, depth+1) for target in targets: targetid = taskData.getbuild_id(target[0]) if targetid in taskData.failed_deps: continue if targetid not in taskData.build_targets: continue fnid = taskData.build_targets[targetid][0] if fnid in taskData.failed_fnids: continue listid = taskData.tasks_lookup[fnid][target[1]] mark_active(listid, 1) # Prune inactive tasks maps = [] delcount = 0 for listid in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): if runq_build[listid-delcount] == 1: maps.append(listid-delcount) else: del self.runq_fnid[listid-delcount] del self.runq_task[listid-delcount] del self.runq_depends[listid-delcount] del self.runq_weight[listid-delcount] del runq_weight1[listid-delcount] del runq_build[listid-delcount] del runq_done[listid-delcount] del self.runq_revdeps[listid-delcount] delcount = delcount + 1 maps.append(-1) if len(self.runq_fnid) == 0: if not taskData.abort: bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "All possible tasks have been run but build incomplete (--continue mode). See errors above for incomplete tasks.") return bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "No active tasks and not in --continue mode?! Please report this bug.") bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Pruned %s inactive tasks, %s left" % (delcount, len(self.runq_fnid))) for listid in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): newdeps = [] origdeps = self.runq_depends[listid] for origdep in origdeps: if maps[origdep] == -1: bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Invalid mapping - Should never happen!") newdeps.append(maps[origdep]) self.runq_depends[listid] = Set(newdeps) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Assign Weightings") for listid in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): for dep in self.runq_depends[listid]: self.runq_revdeps[dep].add(listid) endpoints = [] for listid in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): revdeps = self.runq_revdeps[listid] if len(revdeps) == 0: runq_done[listid] = 1 self.runq_weight[listid] = 1 endpoints.append(listid) for dep in revdeps: if dep in self.runq_depends[listid]: #self.dump_data(taskData) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) has circular dependency on %s (%s)" % (taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[dep]], self.runq_task[dep] , taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[listid]], self.runq_task[listid])) runq_weight1[listid] = len(revdeps) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Compute totals (have %s endpoint(s))" % len(endpoints)) while 1: next_points = [] for listid in endpoints: for revdep in self.runq_depends[listid]: self.runq_weight[revdep] = self.runq_weight[revdep] + self.runq_weight[listid] runq_weight1[revdep] = runq_weight1[revdep] - 1 if runq_weight1[revdep] == 0: next_points.append(revdep) runq_done[revdep] = 1 endpoints = next_points if len(next_points) == 0: break # Sanity Checks for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): if runq_done[task] == 0: seen = [] deps_seen = [] def print_chain(taskid, finish): seen.append(taskid) for revdep in self.runq_revdeps[taskid]: if runq_done[revdep] == 0 and revdep not in seen and not finish: bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) (depends: %s)" % (revdep, self.get_user_idstring(revdep, taskData), self.runq_depends[revdep])) if revdep in deps_seen: bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Chain ends at Task %s (%s)" % (revdep, self.get_user_idstring(revdep, taskData))) finish = True return for dep in self.runq_depends[revdep]: deps_seen.append(dep) print_chain(revdep, finish) print_chain(task, False) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) not processed!\nThis is probably a circular dependency (the chain might be printed above)." % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task, taskData))) if runq_weight1[task] != 0: bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) count not zero!" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task, taskData))) # Make a weight sorted map from copy import deepcopy sortweight = deepcopy(self.runq_weight) sortweight.sort() copyweight = deepcopy(self.runq_weight) self.prio_map = [] for weight in sortweight: idx = copyweight.index(weight) self.prio_map.append(idx) copyweight[idx] = -1 self.prio_map.reverse() #self.dump_data(taskData) def execute_runqueue(self, cooker, cfgData, dataCache, taskData, runlist): """ Run the tasks in a queue prepared by prepare_runqueue Upon failure, optionally try to recover the build using any alternate providers (if the abort on failure configuration option isn't set) """ failures = 0 while 1: failed_fnids = self.execute_runqueue_internal(cooker, cfgData, dataCache, taskData) if len(failed_fnids) == 0: return failures if taskData.abort: raise bb.runqueue.TaskFailure(failed_fnids) for fnid in failed_fnids: #print "Failure: %s %s %s" % (fnid, taskData.fn_index[fnid], self.runq_task[fnid]) taskData.fail_fnid(fnid) failures = failures + 1 self.reset_runqueue() self.prepare_runqueue(cfgData, dataCache, taskData, runlist) def execute_runqueue_internal(self, cooker, cfgData, dataCache, taskData): """ Run the tasks in a queue prepared by prepare_runqueue """ import signal bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Executing runqueue") runq_buildable = [] runq_running = [] runq_complete = [] active_builds = 0 build_pids = {} failed_fnids = [] if len(self.runq_fnid) == 0: # nothing to do return def sigint_handler(signum, frame): raise KeyboardInterrupt def get_next_task(data): """ Return the id of the highest priority task that is buildable """ for task1 in range(len(data.runq_fnid)): task = data.prio_map[task1] if runq_running[task] == 1: continue if runq_buildable[task] == 1: return task return None def task_complete(data, task): """ Mark a task as completed Look at the reverse dependencies and mark any task with completed dependencies as buildable """ runq_complete[task] = 1 for revdep in data.runq_revdeps[task]: if runq_running[revdep] == 1: continue if runq_buildable[revdep] == 1: continue alldeps = 1 for dep in data.runq_depends[revdep]: if runq_complete[dep] != 1: alldeps = 0 if alldeps == 1: runq_buildable[revdep] = 1 fn = taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[revdep]] taskname = self.runq_task[revdep] bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Marking task %s (%s, %s) as buildable" % (revdep, fn, taskname)) # Mark initial buildable tasks for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): runq_running.append(0) runq_complete.append(0) if len(self.runq_depends[task]) == 0: runq_buildable.append(1) else: runq_buildable.append(0) number_tasks = int(bb.data.getVar("BB_NUMBER_THREADS", cfgData) or 1) try: while 1: task = get_next_task(self) if task is not None: fn = taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]] taskname = self.runq_task[task] if bb.build.stamp_is_current_cache(dataCache, fn, taskname): targetid = taskData.gettask_id(fn, taskname) if not (targetid in taskData.external_targets and cooker.configuration.force): bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Stamp current task %s (%s)" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task, taskData))) runq_running[task] = 1 task_complete(self, task) continue bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Running task %s (%s)" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task, taskData))) try: pid = os.fork() except OSError, e: bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "fork failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) if pid == 0: # Bypass finally below active_builds = 0 # Stop Ctrl+C being sent to children signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) sys.stdin = open('/dev/null', 'r') cooker.configuration.cmd = taskname[3:] try: cooker.tryBuild(fn, False) except bb.build.EventException: bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Build of " + fn + " " + taskname + " failed") sys.exit(1) except: bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Build of " + fn + " " + taskname + " failed") raise sys.exit(0) build_pids[pid] = task runq_running[task] = 1 active_builds = active_builds + 1 if active_builds < number_tasks: continue if active_builds > 0: result = os.waitpid(-1, 0) active_builds = active_builds - 1 task = build_pids[result[0]] if result[1] != 0: del build_pids[result[0]] bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) failed" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task, taskData))) failed_fnids.append(self.runq_fnid[task]) break task_complete(self, task) del build_pids[result[0]] continue break finally: try: while active_builds > 0: bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Waiting for %s active tasks to finish" % active_builds) tasknum = 1 for k, v in build_pids.iteritems(): bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "%s: %s (%s)" % (tasknum, self.get_user_idstring(v, taskData), k)) tasknum = tasknum + 1 result = os.waitpid(-1, 0) task = build_pids[result[0]] if result[1] != 0: bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) failed" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task, taskData))) failed_fnids.append(self.runq_fnid[task]) del build_pids[result[0]] active_builds = active_builds - 1 if len(failed_fnids) > 0: return failed_fnids except: bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Sending SIGTERM to remaining %s tasks" % active_builds) for k, v in build_pids.iteritems(): os.kill(k, signal.SIGTERM) raise # Sanity Checks for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): if runq_buildable[task] == 0: bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never buildable!" % task) if runq_running[task] == 0: bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never ran!" % task) if runq_complete[task] == 0: bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never completed!" % task) return failed_fnids def dump_data(self, taskQueue): """ Dump some debug information on the internal data structures """ bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "run_tasks:") for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, " (%s)%s - %s: %s Deps %s RevDeps %s" % (task, taskQueue.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]], self.runq_task[task], self.runq_weight[task], self.runq_depends[task], self.runq_revdeps[task])) bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "sorted_tasks:") for task1 in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): if task1 in self.prio_map: task = self.prio_map[task1] bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, " (%s)%s - %s: %s Deps %s RevDeps %s" % (task, taskQueue.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]], self.runq_task[task], self.runq_weight[task], self.runq_depends[task], self.runq_revdeps[task]))