# # Records history of build output in order to detect regressions # # Based in part on testlab.bbclass and packagehistory.bbclass # # Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Koen Kooi <koen@openembedded.org> # BUILDHISTORY_FEATURES ?= "image package" BUILDHISTORY_DIR ?= "${TMPDIR}/buildhistory" BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE = "${BUILDHISTORY_DIR}/images/${MACHINE_ARCH}/${TCLIBC}/${IMAGE_BASENAME}" BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE = "${BUILDHISTORY_DIR}/packages/${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}/${PN}" BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT ?= "0" BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT_AUTHOR ?= "buildhistory <buildhistory@${DISTRO}>" BUILDHISTORY_PUSH_REPO ?= "" # Must inherit package first before changing PACKAGEFUNCS inherit package PACKAGEFUNCS += "buildhistory_emit_pkghistory" # We don't want to force a rerun of do_package for everything # if the buildhistory_emit_pkghistory function or any of the # variables it refers to changes do_package[vardepsexclude] += "buildhistory_emit_pkghistory" # # Called during do_package to write out metadata about this package # for comparision when writing future packages # python buildhistory_emit_pkghistory() { import re if not "package" in (d.getVar('BUILDHISTORY_FEATURES', True) or "").split(): return 0 pkghistdir = d.getVar('BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE', True) class RecipeInfo: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.pe = "0" self.pv = "0" self.pr = "r0" self.depends = "" self.packages = "" class PackageInfo: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.pe = "0" self.pv = "0" self.pr = "r0" self.size = 0 self.depends = "" self.rdepends = "" self.rrecommends = "" self.files = "" self.filelist = "" # Should check PACKAGES here to see if anything removed def getpkgvar(pkg, var): val = bb.data.getVar('%s_%s' % (var, pkg), d, 1) if val: return val val = bb.data.getVar('%s' % (var), d, 1) return val def readRecipeInfo(pn, histfile): rcpinfo = RecipeInfo(pn) f = open(histfile, "r") try: for line in f: lns = line.split('=') name = lns[0].strip() value = lns[1].strip(" \t\r\n").strip('"') if name == "PE": rcpinfo.pe = value elif name == "PV": rcpinfo.pv = value elif name == "PR": rcpinfo.pr = value elif name == "DEPENDS": rcpinfo.depends = value elif name == "PACKAGES": rcpinfo.packages = value finally: f.close() return rcpinfo def readPackageInfo(pkg, histfile): pkginfo = PackageInfo(pkg) f = open(histfile, "r") try: for line in f: lns = line.split('=') name = lns[0].strip() value = lns[1].strip(" \t\r\n").strip('"') if name == "PE": pkginfo.pe = value elif name == "PV": pkginfo.pv = value elif name == "PR": pkginfo.pr = value elif name == "RDEPENDS": pkginfo.rdepends = value elif name == "RRECOMMENDS": pkginfo.rrecommends = value elif name == "PKGSIZE": pkginfo.size = long(value) elif name == "FILES": pkginfo.files = value elif name == "FILELIST": pkginfo.filelist = value finally: f.close() return pkginfo def getlastrecipeversion(pn): try: histfile = os.path.join(pkghistdir, "latest") return readRecipeInfo(pn, histfile) except EnvironmentError: return None def getlastpkgversion(pkg): try: histfile = os.path.join(pkghistdir, pkg, "latest") return readPackageInfo(pkg, histfile) except EnvironmentError: return None def sortpkglist(string): pkgiter = re.finditer(r'[a-zA-Z0-9.+-]+( \([><=]+ [^ )]+\))?', string, 0) pkglist = [p.group(0) for p in pkgiter] pkglist.sort() return ' '.join(pkglist) def sortlist(string): items = string.split(' ') items.sort() return ' '.join(items) pn = d.getVar('PN', True) pe = d.getVar('PE', True) or "0" pv = d.getVar('PV', True) pr = d.getVar('PR', True) packages = squashspaces(d.getVar('PACKAGES', True)) rcpinfo = RecipeInfo(pn) rcpinfo.pe = pe rcpinfo.pv = pv rcpinfo.pr = pr rcpinfo.depends = sortlist(squashspaces(d.getVar('DEPENDS', True) or "")) rcpinfo.packages = packages write_recipehistory(rcpinfo, d) write_latestlink(None, pe, pv, pr, d) # Apparently the version can be different on a per-package basis (see Python) pkgdest = d.getVar('PKGDEST', True) for pkg in packages.split(): pe = getpkgvar(pkg, 'PE') or "0" pv = getpkgvar(pkg, 'PV') pr = getpkgvar(pkg, 'PR') # # Find out what the last version was # Make sure the version did not decrease # lastversion = getlastpkgversion(pkg) if lastversion: last_pe = lastversion.pe last_pv = lastversion.pv last_pr = lastversion.pr r = bb.utils.vercmp((pe, pv, pr), (last_pe, last_pv, last_pr)) if r < 0: bb.error("Package version for package %s went backwards which would break package feeds from (%s:%s-%s to %s:%s-%s)" % (pkg, last_pe, last_pv, last_pr, pe, pv, pr)) pkginfo = PackageInfo(pkg) pkginfo.pe = pe pkginfo.pv = pv pkginfo.pr = pr pkginfo.rdepends = sortpkglist(squashspaces(getpkgvar(pkg, 'RDEPENDS') or "")) pkginfo.rrecommends = sortpkglist(squashspaces(getpkgvar(pkg, 'RRECOMMENDS') or "")) pkginfo.files = squashspaces(getpkgvar(pkg, 'FILES') or "") # Gather information about packaged files pkgdestpkg = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg) filelist = [] pkginfo.size = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pkgdestpkg): relpth = os.path.relpath(root, pkgdestpkg) for f in files: fstat = os.lstat(os.path.join(root, f)) pkginfo.size += fstat.st_size filelist.append(os.sep + os.path.join(relpth, f)) filelist.sort() pkginfo.filelist = " ".join(filelist) write_pkghistory(pkginfo, d) write_latestlink(pkg, pe, pv, pr, d) } def write_recipehistory(rcpinfo, d): bb.debug(2, "Writing recipe history") pkghistdir = d.getVar('BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE', True) if not os.path.exists(pkghistdir): os.makedirs(pkghistdir) verfile = os.path.join(pkghistdir, "%s:%s-%s" % (rcpinfo.pe, rcpinfo.pv, rcpinfo.pr)) f = open(verfile, "w") try: if rcpinfo.pe != "0": f.write("PE = %s\n" % rcpinfo.pe) f.write("PV = %s\n" % rcpinfo.pv) f.write("PR = %s\n" % rcpinfo.pr) f.write("DEPENDS = %s\n" % rcpinfo.depends) f.write("PACKAGES = %s\n" % rcpinfo.packages) finally: f.close() def write_pkghistory(pkginfo, d): bb.debug(2, "Writing package history") pkghistdir = d.getVar('BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE', True) verpath = os.path.join(pkghistdir, pkginfo.name) if not os.path.exists(verpath): os.makedirs(verpath) verfile = os.path.join(verpath, "%s:%s-%s" % (pkginfo.pe, pkginfo.pv, pkginfo.pr)) f = open(verfile, "w") try: if pkginfo.pe != "0": f.write("PE = %s\n" % pkginfo.pe) f.write("PV = %s\n" % pkginfo.pv) f.write("PR = %s\n" % pkginfo.pr) f.write("RDEPENDS = %s\n" % pkginfo.rdepends) f.write("RRECOMMENDS = %s\n" % pkginfo.rrecommends) f.write("PKGSIZE = %d\n" % pkginfo.size) f.write("FILES = %s\n" % pkginfo.files) f.write("FILELIST = %s\n" % pkginfo.filelist) finally: f.close() def write_latestlink(pkg, pe, pv, pr, d): import shutil pkghistdir = d.getVar('BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE', True) def rm_link(path): try: os.unlink(path) except OSError: return if pkg: filedir = os.path.join(pkghistdir, pkg) else: filedir = pkghistdir latest_file = os.path.join(filedir, "latest") ver_file = os.path.join(filedir, "%s:%s-%s" % (pe, pv, pr)) rm_link(latest_file) if d.getVar('BUILDHISTORY_KEEP_VERSIONS', True) == '1': shutil.copy(ver_file, latest_file) else: shutil.move(ver_file, latest_file) buildhistory_get_image_installed() { # Anything requiring the use of the packaging system should be done in here # in case the packaging files are going to be removed for this image if [ "${@base_contains('BUILDHISTORY_FEATURES', 'image', '1', '0', d)}" = "0" ] ; then return fi mkdir -p ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE} # Get list of installed packages list_installed_packages | sort > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-package-names.txt INSTALLED_PKGS=`cat ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-package-names.txt` # Produce installed package file and size lists and dependency graph echo -n > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-packages.txt echo -n > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-package-sizes.tmp echo -e "digraph depends {\n node [shape=plaintext]" > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends.dot for pkg in $INSTALLED_PKGS; do pkgfile=`get_package_filename $pkg` echo `basename $pkgfile` >> ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-packages.txt if [ -f $pkgfile ] ; then pkgsize=`du -k $pkgfile | head -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }'` echo $pkgsize $pkg >> ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-package-sizes.tmp fi deps=`list_package_depends $pkg` for dep in $deps ; do echo "$pkg OPP $dep;" | sed -e 's:-:_:g' -e 's:\.:_:g' -e 's:+::g' | sed 's:OPP:->:g' done recs=`list_package_recommends $pkg` for rec in $recs ; do echo "$pkg OPP $rec [style=dotted];" | sed -e 's:-:_:g' -e 's:\.:_:g' -e 's:+::g' | sed 's:OPP:->:g' done done | sort | uniq >> ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends.dot echo "}" >> ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends.dot cat ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-package-sizes.tmp | sort -n -r | awk '{print $1 "\tKiB " $2}' > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-package-sizes.txt rm ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/installed-package-sizes.tmp # Produce some cut-down graphs (for readability) grep -v kernel_image ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends.dot | grep -v kernel_2 | grep -v kernel_3 > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends-nokernel.dot grep -v libc6 ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends-nokernel.dot | grep -v libgcc > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends-nokernel-nolibc.dot grep -v update_ ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends-nokernel-nolibc.dot > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate.dot grep -v kernel_module ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate.dot > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/depends-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate-nomodules.dot # Workaround for broken shell function dependencies if false ; then get_package_filename list_package_depends list_package_recommends fi } buildhistory_get_imageinfo() { if [ "${@base_contains('BUILDHISTORY_FEATURES', 'image', '1', '0', d)}" = "0" ] ; then return fi # List the files in the image, but exclude date/time etc. # This awk script is somewhat messy, but handles where the size is not printed for device files under pseudo ( cd ${IMAGE_ROOTFS} && find . -ls | awk '{ if ( $7 ~ /[0-9]/ ) printf "%s %10-s %10-s %10s %s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $6, $7, $11, $12, $13 ; else printf "%s %10-s %10-s %10s %s %s %s\n", $3, $5, $6, 0, $10, $11, $12 }' | sort -k5 > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/files-in-image.txt ) # Record some machine-readable meta-information about the image echo -n > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/image-info.txt cat >> ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/image-info.txt <<END ${@buildhistory_get_imagevars(d)} END imagesize=`du -ks ${IMAGE_ROOTFS} | awk '{ print $1 }'` echo "IMAGESIZE = $imagesize" >> ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/image-info.txt # Add some configuration information echo "${MACHINE}: ${IMAGE_BASENAME} configured for ${DISTRO} ${DISTRO_VERSION}" > ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/build-id cat >> ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE}/build-id <<END ${@buildhistory_get_layers(d)} END } # By prepending we get in before the removal of packaging files ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND =+ "buildhistory_get_image_installed ; " IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += " buildhistory_get_imageinfo ; " def buildhistory_get_layers(d): layertext = "Configured metadata layers:\n%s\n" % '\n'.join(get_layers_branch_rev(d)) return layertext def squashspaces(string): import re return re.sub("\s+", " ", string).strip() def buildhistory_get_imagevars(d): imagevars = "DISTRO DISTRO_VERSION USER_CLASSES IMAGE_CLASSES IMAGE_FEATURES IMAGE_LINGUAS IMAGE_INSTALL BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND" listvars = "USER_CLASSES IMAGE_CLASSES IMAGE_FEATURES IMAGE_LINGUAS IMAGE_INSTALL BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS" imagevars = imagevars.split() listvars = listvars.split() ret = "" for var in imagevars: value = d.getVar(var, True) or "" if var in listvars: # Squash out spaces value = squashspaces(value) ret += "%s = %s\n" % (var, value) return ret.rstrip('\n') buildhistory_commit() { if [ ! -d ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR} ] ; then # Code above that creates this dir never executed, so there can't be anything to commit return fi ( cd ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR}/ # Initialise the repo if necessary if [ ! -d .git ] ; then git init -q fi # Ensure there are new/changed files to commit repostatus=`git status --porcelain` if [ "$repostatus" != "" ] ; then git add ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR}/* HOSTNAME=`hostname 2>/dev/null || echo unknown` # porcelain output looks like "?? packages/foo/bar" for entry in `echo "$repostatus" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F/ '{print $1}' | sort | uniq` ; do git commit ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR}/$entry -m "$entry: Build ${BUILDNAME} of ${DISTRO} ${DISTRO_VERSION} for machine ${MACHINE} on $HOSTNAME" --author "${BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT_AUTHOR}" > /dev/null done if [ "${BUILDHISTORY_PUSH_REPO}" != "" ] ; then git push -q ${BUILDHISTORY_PUSH_REPO} fi else git commit ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR}/ --allow-empty -m "No changes: Build ${BUILDNAME} of ${DISTRO} ${DISTRO_VERSION} for machine ${MACHINE} on $HOSTNAME" --author "${BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT_AUTHOR}" > /dev/null fi) || true } python buildhistory_eventhandler() { import bb.build import bb.event if isinstance(e, bb.event.BuildCompleted): if e.data.getVar('BUILDHISTORY_FEATURES', True).strip(): if e.data.getVar("BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT", True) == "1": bb.build.exec_func("buildhistory_commit", e.data) } addhandler buildhistory_eventhandler