# # Packaging process # # Executive summary: This class iterates over the functions listed in PACKAGEFUNCS # Taking D and spliting it up into the packages listed in PACKAGES, placing the # resulting output in PKGDEST. # # There are the following default steps but PACKAGEFUNCS can be extended: # # a) perform_packagecopy - Copy D into PKGD # # b) package_do_split_locales - Split out the locale files, updates FILES and PACKAGES # # c) split_and_strip_files - split the files into runtime and debug and strip them. # Debug files include debug info split, and associated sources that end up in -dbg packages # # d) populate_packages - Split the files in PKGD into separate packages in PKGDEST/<pkgname> # Also triggers the binary stripping code to put files in -dbg packages. # # e) package_do_filedeps - Collect perfile run-time dependency metadata # The data is stores in FILER{PROVIDES,DEPENDS}_file_pkg variables with # a list of affected files in FILER{PROVIDES,DEPENDS}FLIST_pkg # # f) package_do_shlibs - Look at the shared libraries generated and autotmatically add any # depenedencies found. Also stores the package name so anyone else using this library # knows which package to depend on. # # g) package_do_pkgconfig - Keep track of which packages need and provide which .pc files # # h) read_shlibdeps - Reads the stored shlibs information into the metadata # # i) package_depchains - Adds automatic dependencies to -dbg and -dev packages # # j) emit_pkgdata - saves the packaging data into PKGDATA_DIR for use in later # packaging steps inherit packagedata PKGD = "${WORKDIR}/package" PKGDEST = "${WORKDIR}/packages-split" # rpm is used for the per-file dependency identification PACKAGE_DEPENDS += "rpm-native" def legitimize_package_name(s): """ Make sure package names are legitimate strings """ import re def fixutf(m): cp = m.group(1) if cp: return ('\u%s' % cp).decode('unicode_escape').encode('utf-8') # Handle unicode codepoints encoded as <U0123>, as in glibc locale files. s = re.sub('<U([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})>', fixutf, s) # Remaining package name validity fixes return s.lower().replace('_', '-').replace('@', '+').replace(',', '+').replace('/', '-') def do_split_packages(d, root, file_regex, output_pattern, description, postinst=None, recursive=False, hook=None, extra_depends=None, aux_files_pattern=None, postrm=None, allow_dirs=False, prepend=False, match_path=False, aux_files_pattern_verbatim=None, allow_links=False): """ Used in .bb files to split up dynamically generated subpackages of a given package, usually plugins or modules. """ dvar = bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True) packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True).split() if postinst: postinst = '#!/bin/sh\n' + postinst + '\n' if postrm: postrm = '#!/bin/sh\n' + postrm + '\n' if not recursive: objs = os.listdir(dvar + root) else: objs = [] for walkroot, dirs, files in os.walk(dvar + root): for file in files: relpath = os.path.join(walkroot, file).replace(dvar + root + '/', '', 1) if relpath: objs.append(relpath) if extra_depends == None: # This is *really* broken mainpkg = packages[0] # At least try and patch it up I guess... if mainpkg.find('-dbg'): mainpkg = mainpkg.replace('-dbg', '') if mainpkg.find('-dev'): mainpkg = mainpkg.replace('-dev', '') extra_depends = mainpkg for o in objs: import re, stat if match_path: m = re.match(file_regex, o) else: m = re.match(file_regex, os.path.basename(o)) if not m: continue f = os.path.join(dvar + root, o) mode = os.lstat(f).st_mode if not (stat.S_ISREG(mode) or (allow_links and stat.S_ISLNK(mode)) or (allow_dirs and stat.S_ISDIR(mode))): continue on = legitimize_package_name(m.group(1)) pkg = output_pattern % on if not pkg in packages: if prepend: packages = [pkg] + packages else: packages.append(pkg) oldfiles = bb.data.getVar('FILES_' + pkg, d, True) if not oldfiles: the_files = [os.path.join(root, o)] if aux_files_pattern: if type(aux_files_pattern) is list: for fp in aux_files_pattern: the_files.append(fp % on) else: the_files.append(aux_files_pattern % on) if aux_files_pattern_verbatim: if type(aux_files_pattern_verbatim) is list: for fp in aux_files_pattern_verbatim: the_files.append(fp % m.group(1)) else: the_files.append(aux_files_pattern_verbatim % m.group(1)) bb.data.setVar('FILES_' + pkg, " ".join(the_files), d) if extra_depends != '': the_depends = bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, d, True) if the_depends: the_depends = '%s %s' % (the_depends, extra_depends) else: the_depends = extra_depends bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, the_depends, d) bb.data.setVar('DESCRIPTION_' + pkg, description % on, d) if postinst: bb.data.setVar('pkg_postinst_' + pkg, postinst, d) if postrm: bb.data.setVar('pkg_postrm_' + pkg, postrm, d) else: bb.data.setVar('FILES_' + pkg, oldfiles + " " + os.path.join(root, o), d) if callable(hook): hook(f, pkg, file_regex, output_pattern, m.group(1)) bb.data.setVar('PACKAGES', ' '.join(packages), d) PACKAGE_DEPENDS += "file-native" python () { if bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) != '': deps = bb.data.getVarFlag('do_package', 'depends', d) or "" for dep in (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGE_DEPENDS', d, True) or "").split(): deps += " %s:do_populate_sysroot" % dep bb.data.setVarFlag('do_package', 'depends', deps, d) deps = (bb.data.getVarFlag('do_package', 'deptask', d) or "").split() # shlibs requires any DEPENDS to have already packaged for the *.list files deps.append("do_package") bb.data.setVarFlag('do_package', 'deptask', " ".join(deps), d) else: d.setVar("PACKAGERDEPTASK", "") } def splitfile(file, debugfile, debugsrcdir, d): # Function to split a single file, called from split_and_strip_files below # A working 'file' (one which works on the target architecture) # is split and the split off portions go to debugfile. # # The debug information is then processed for src references. These # references are copied to debugsrcdir, if defined. import commands, stat dvar = bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True) pathprefix = "export PATH=%s; " % bb.data.getVar('PATH', d, True) objcopy = bb.data.getVar("OBJCOPY", d, True) debugedit = bb.data.expand("${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/rpm/bin/debugedit", d) workdir = bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}", d) workparentdir = os.path.dirname(workdir) sourcefile = bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}/debugsources.list", d) # We ignore kernel modules, we don't generate debug info files. if file.find("/lib/modules/") != -1 and file.endswith(".ko"): return 1 newmode = None if not os.access(file, os.W_OK) or os.access(file, os.R_OK): origmode = os.stat(file)[stat.ST_MODE] newmode = origmode | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IREAD os.chmod(file, newmode) # We need to extract the debug src information here... if debugsrcdir: os.system("%s'%s' -b '%s' -d '%s' -i -l '%s' '%s'" % (pathprefix, debugedit, workparentdir, debugsrcdir, sourcefile, file)) bb.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(debugfile)) os.system("%s'%s' --only-keep-debug '%s' '%s'" % (pathprefix, objcopy, file, debugfile)) # Set the debuglink to have the view of the file path on the target os.system("%s'%s' --add-gnu-debuglink='%s' '%s'" % (pathprefix, objcopy, debugfile, file)) if newmode: os.chmod(file, origmode) return 0 def splitfile2(debugsrcdir, d): # Function to split a single file, called from split_and_strip_files below # # The debug src information processed in the splitfile2 is further procecessed # and copied to the destination here. import commands, stat dvar = bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True) pathprefix = "export PATH=%s; " % bb.data.getVar('PATH', d, True) strip = bb.data.getVar("STRIP", d, True) objcopy = bb.data.getVar("OBJCOPY", d, True) debugedit = bb.data.expand("${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/rpm/bin/debugedit", d) workdir = bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}", d) workparentdir = os.path.dirname(workdir) workbasedir = os.path.basename(workdir) sourcefile = bb.data.expand("${WORKDIR}/debugsources.list", d) if debugsrcdir: bb.mkdirhier("%s%s" % (dvar, debugsrcdir)) processdebugsrc = "LC_ALL=C ; sort -z -u '%s' | egrep -v -z '(<internal>|<built-in>)$' | " # We need to ignore files that are not actually ours # we do this by only paying attention to items from this package processdebugsrc += "fgrep -z '%s' | " processdebugsrc += "(cd '%s' ; cpio -pd0mL '%s%s' 2>/dev/null)" os.system(processdebugsrc % (sourcefile, workbasedir, workparentdir, dvar, debugsrcdir)) # The copy by cpio may have resulted in some empty directories! Remove these for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%s%s" % (dvar, debugsrcdir)): for d in dirs: dir = os.path.join(root, d) #bb.note("rmdir -p %s" % dir) os.system("rmdir -p %s 2>/dev/null" % dir) def runstrip(file, elftype, d): # Function to strip a single file, called from split_and_strip_files below # A working 'file' (one which works on the target architecture) # # The elftype is a bit pattern (explained in split_and_strip_files) to tell # us what type of file we're processing... # 4 - executable # 8 - shared library import commands, stat pathprefix = "export PATH=%s; " % bb.data.getVar('PATH', d, True) strip = bb.data.getVar("STRIP", d, True) # Handle kernel modules specifically - .debug directories here are pointless if file.find("/lib/modules/") != -1 and file.endswith(".ko"): return os.system("%s'%s' --strip-debug --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --preserve-dates '%s'" % (pathprefix, strip, file)) newmode = None if not os.access(file, os.W_OK) or os.access(file, os.R_OK): origmode = os.stat(file)[stat.ST_MODE] newmode = origmode | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IREAD os.chmod(file, newmode) extraflags = "" # .so and shared library if ".so" in file and elftype & 8: extraflags = "--remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-unneeded" # shared or executable: elif elftype & 8 or elftype & 4: extraflags = "--remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note" stripcmd = "'%s' %s '%s'" % (strip, extraflags, file) bb.debug(1, "runstrip: %s" % stripcmd) ret = os.system("%s%s" % (pathprefix, stripcmd)) if newmode: os.chmod(file, origmode) if ret: bb.error("runstrip: '%s' strip command failed" % stripcmd) return 0 # # Package data handling routines # def get_package_mapping (pkg, d): data = read_subpkgdata(pkg, d) key = "PKG_%s" % pkg if key in data: return data[key] return pkg def runtime_mapping_rename (varname, d): #bb.note("%s before: %s" % (varname, bb.data.getVar(varname, d, True))) new_depends = [] deps = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions(bb.data.getVar(varname, d, True) or "") for depend in deps: # Have to be careful with any version component of the depend new_depend = get_package_mapping(depend, d) if deps[depend]: new_depends.append("%s (%s)" % (new_depend, deps[depend])) else: new_depends.append(new_depend) bb.data.setVar(varname, " ".join(new_depends) or None, d) #bb.note("%s after: %s" % (varname, bb.data.getVar(varname, d, True))) # # Package functions suitable for inclusion in PACKAGEFUNCS # python package_do_split_locales() { if (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGE_NO_LOCALE', d, True) == '1'): bb.debug(1, "package requested not splitting locales") return packages = (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) or "").split() datadir = bb.data.getVar('datadir', d, True) if not datadir: bb.note("datadir not defined") return dvar = bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True) pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, True) if pn + '-locale' in packages: packages.remove(pn + '-locale') localedir = os.path.join(dvar + datadir, 'locale') if not os.path.isdir(localedir): bb.debug(1, "No locale files in this package") return locales = os.listdir(localedir) # This is *really* broken mainpkg = packages[0] # At least try and patch it up I guess... if mainpkg.find('-dbg'): mainpkg = mainpkg.replace('-dbg', '') if mainpkg.find('-dev'): mainpkg = mainpkg.replace('-dev', '') summary = bb.data.getVar('SUMMARY', d, True) or pn description = bb.data.getVar('DESCRIPTION', d, True) or "" for l in locales: ln = legitimize_package_name(l) pkg = pn + '-locale-' + ln packages.append(pkg) bb.data.setVar('FILES_' + pkg, os.path.join(datadir, 'locale', l), d) bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, '%s virtual-locale-%s' % (mainpkg, ln), d) bb.data.setVar('RPROVIDES_' + pkg, '%s-locale %s-translation' % (pn, ln), d) bb.data.setVar('SUMMARY_' + pkg, '%s - %s translations' % (summary, l), d) bb.data.setVar('DESCRIPTION_' + pkg, '%s This package contains language translation files for the %s locale.' % (description, l), d) bb.data.setVar('PACKAGES', ' '.join(packages), d) # Disabled by RP 18/06/07 # Wildcards aren't supported in debian # They break with ipkg since glibc-locale* will mean that # glibc-localedata-translit* won't install as a dependency # for some other package which breaks meta-toolchain # Probably breaks since virtual-locale- isn't provided anywhere #rdep = (bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % mainpkg, d, True) or bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS', d, True) or "").split() #rdep.append('%s-locale*' % pn) #bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % mainpkg, ' '.join(rdep), d) } python perform_packagecopy () { dest = bb.data.getVar('D', d, True) dvar = bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True) bb.mkdirhier(dvar) # Start by package population by taking a copy of the installed # files to operate on os.system('rm -rf %s/*' % (dvar)) # Preserve sparse files and hard links os.system('tar -cf - -C %s -ps . | tar -xf - -C %s' % (dest, dvar)) } python split_and_strip_files () { import commands, stat, errno dvar = bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True) # We default to '.debug' style if bb.data.getVar('PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT_STYLE', d, True) == 'debug-file-directory': # Single debug-file-directory style debug info debugappend = ".debug" debugdir = "" debuglibdir = "/usr/lib/debug" debugsrcdir = "/usr/src/debug" else: # Original Poky, a.k.a. ".debug", style debug info debugappend = "" debugdir = "/.debug" debuglibdir = "" debugsrcdir = "/usr/src/debug" os.chdir(dvar) # Return type (bits): # 0 - not elf # 1 - ELF # 2 - stripped # 4 - executable # 8 - shared library def isELF(path): type = 0 pathprefix = "export PATH=%s; " % bb.data.getVar('PATH', d, True) ret, result = commands.getstatusoutput("%sfile '%s'" % (pathprefix, path)) if ret: bb.error("split_and_strip_files: 'file %s' failed" % path) return type # Not stripped if "ELF" in result: type |= 1 if "not stripped" not in result: type |= 2 if "executable" in result: type |= 4 if "shared" in result: type |= 8 return type # # First lets figure out all of the files we may have to process ... do this only once! # file_list = {} file_links = {} if (bb.data.getVar('INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT', d, True) != '1') and \ (bb.data.getVar('INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP', d, True) != '1'): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dvar): for f in files: file = os.path.join(root, f) # Only process files (and symlinks)... Skip files that are obviously debug files if not (debugappend != "" and file.endswith(debugappend)) and \ not (debugdir != "" and debugdir in os.path.dirname(file[len(dvar):])) and \ os.path.isfile(file): try: s = os.stat(file) except OSError, (err, strerror): if err != errno.ENOENT: raise # Skip broken symlinks continue # Is the item excutable? Then we need to process it. if (s[stat.ST_MODE] & stat.S_IXUSR) or \ (s[stat.ST_MODE] & stat.S_IXGRP) or \ (s[stat.ST_MODE] & stat.S_IXOTH): # If it's a symlink, and points to an ELF file, we capture the readlink target if os.path.islink(file): target = os.readlink(file) if not os.path.isabs(target): ltarget = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), target) else: ltarget = target if isELF(ltarget): #bb.note("Sym: %s (%d)" % (ltarget, isELF(ltarget))) file_list[file] = "sym: " + target continue # It's a file (or hardlink), not a link # ...but is it ELF, and is it already stripped? elf_file = isELF(file) if elf_file & 1: # Check if it's a hard link to something else if s.st_nlink > 1: file_reference = "%d_%d" % (s.st_dev, s.st_ino) # Hard link to something else file_list[file] = "hard: " + file_reference continue file_list[file] = "ELF: %d" % elf_file # # First lets process debug splitting # if (bb.data.getVar('INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT', d, True) != '1'): for file in file_list: src = file[len(dvar):] dest = debuglibdir + os.path.dirname(src) + debugdir + "/" + os.path.basename(src) + debugappend fpath = dvar + dest # Preserve symlinks in debug area... if file_list[file].startswith("sym: "): ltarget = file_list[file][5:] lpath = os.path.dirname(ltarget) lbase = os.path.basename(ltarget) ftarget = "" if lpath and lpath != ".": ftarget += lpath + debugdir + "/" ftarget += lbase + debugappend bb.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(fpath)) #bb.note("Symlink %s -> %s" % (fpath, ftarget)) os.symlink(ftarget, fpath) continue # Preserve hard links in debug area... file_reference = "" if file_list[file].startswith("hard: "): file_reference = file_list[file][6:] if file_reference not in file_links: # If this is a new file, add it as a reference, and # update it's type, so we can fall through and split file_list[file] = "ELF: %d" % (isELF(file)) else: target = file_links[file_reference][len(dvar):] ftarget = dvar + debuglibdir + os.path.dirname(target) + debugdir + "/" + os.path.basename(target) + debugappend bb.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(fpath)) #bb.note("Link %s -> %s" % (fpath, ftarget)) os.link(ftarget, fpath) continue # It's ELF... if file_list[file].startswith("ELF: "): elf_file = int(file_list[file][5:]) if elf_file & 2: bb.warn("File '%s' was already stripped, this will prevent future debugging!" % (src)) continue # Split the file... bb.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(fpath)) #bb.note("Split %s -> %s" % (file, fpath)) # Only store off the hard link reference if we successfully split! if splitfile(file, fpath, debugsrcdir, d) == 0 and file_reference != "": file_links[file_reference] = file # The above may have generated dangling symlinks, remove them! # Dangling symlinks are a result of something NOT being split, such as a stripped binary. # This should be a rare occurance, but we want to clean up anyway. for file in file_list: if file_list[file].startswith("sym: "): src = file[len(dvar):] dest = debuglibdir + os.path.dirname(src) + debugdir + "/" + os.path.basename(src) + debugappend fpath = dvar + dest try: s = os.stat(fpath) except OSError, (err, strerror): if err != errno.ENOENT: raise #bb.note("Remove dangling link %s -> %s" % (fpath, os.readlink(fpath))) os.unlink(fpath) # This could leave an empty debug directory laying around # take care of the obvious case... os.system("rmdir %s 2>/dev/null" % os.path.dirname(fpath)) # Process the debugsrcdir if requested... # This copies and places the referenced sources for later debugging... splitfile2(debugsrcdir, d) # # End of debug splitting # # # Now lets go back over things and strip them # if (bb.data.getVar('INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP', d, True) != '1'): for file in file_list: if file_list[file].startswith("ELF: "): elf_file = int(file_list[file][5:]) #bb.note("Strip %s" % file) runstrip(file, elf_file, d) # # End of strip # } python populate_packages () { import glob, stat, errno, re workdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True) outdir = bb.data.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR', d, True) dvar = bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True) packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, True) bb.mkdirhier(outdir) os.chdir(dvar) # Sanity check PACKAGES for duplicates - should be moved to # sanity.bbclass once we have the infrastucture package_list = [] for pkg in packages.split(): if pkg in package_list: bb.error("-------------------") bb.error("%s is listed in PACKAGES multiple times, this leads to packaging errors." % pkg) bb.error("Please fix the metadata/report this as bug to OE bugtracker.") bb.error("-------------------") else: package_list.append(pkg) pkgdest = bb.data.getVar('PKGDEST', d, True) os.system('rm -rf %s' % pkgdest) seen = [] for pkg in package_list: localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d) root = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg) bb.mkdirhier(root) bb.data.setVar('PKG', pkg, localdata) overrides = bb.data.getVar('OVERRIDES', localdata, True) if not overrides: raise bb.build.FuncFailed('OVERRIDES not defined') bb.data.setVar('OVERRIDES', overrides + ':' + pkg, localdata) bb.data.update_data(localdata) filesvar = bb.data.getVar('FILES', localdata, True) or "" files = filesvar.split() file_links = {} for file in files: if os.path.isabs(file): file = '.' + file if not os.path.islink(file): if os.path.isdir(file): newfiles = [ os.path.join(file,x) for x in os.listdir(file) ] if newfiles: files += newfiles continue globbed = glob.glob(file) if globbed: if [ file ] != globbed: files += globbed continue if (not os.path.islink(file)) and (not os.path.exists(file)): continue if file in seen: continue seen.append(file) if os.path.isdir(file) and not os.path.islink(file): bb.mkdirhier(os.path.join(root,file)) os.chmod(os.path.join(root,file), os.stat(file).st_mode) continue fpath = os.path.join(root,file) dpath = os.path.dirname(fpath) bb.mkdirhier(dpath) if not os.path.islink(file): os.link(file, fpath) continue ret = bb.copyfile(file, fpath) if ret is False or ret == 0: raise bb.build.FuncFailed("File population failed") del localdata os.chdir(workdir) unshipped = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dvar): for f in files: path = os.path.join(root[len(dvar):], f) if ('.' + path) not in seen: unshipped.append(path) if unshipped != []: bb.note("the following files were installed but not shipped in any package:") for f in unshipped: bb.note(" " + f) bb.build.exec_func("package_name_hook", d) for pkg in package_list: pkgname = bb.data.getVar('PKG_%s' % pkg, d, True) if pkgname is None: bb.data.setVar('PKG_%s' % pkg, pkg, d) dangling_links = {} pkg_files = {} for pkg in package_list: dangling_links[pkg] = [] pkg_files[pkg] = [] inst_root = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(inst_root): for f in files: path = os.path.join(root, f) rpath = path[len(inst_root):] pkg_files[pkg].append(rpath) try: s = os.stat(path) except OSError, (err, strerror): if err != errno.ENOENT: raise target = os.readlink(path) if target[0] != '/': target = os.path.join(root[len(inst_root):], target) dangling_links[pkg].append(os.path.normpath(target)) for pkg in package_list: rdepends = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions(bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, d, True) or bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS', d, True) or "") for l in dangling_links[pkg]: found = False bb.debug(1, "%s contains dangling link %s" % (pkg, l)) for p in package_list: for f in pkg_files[p]: if f == l: found = True bb.debug(1, "target found in %s" % p) if p == pkg: break if p not in rdepends: rdepends[p] = "" break if found == False: bb.note("%s contains dangling symlink to %s" % (pkg, l)) bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, bb.utils.join_deps(rdepends, commasep=False), d) } populate_packages[dirs] = "${D}" PKGDESTWORK = "${WORKDIR}/pkgdata" python emit_pkgdata() { from glob import glob def write_if_exists(f, pkg, var): def encode(str): import codecs c = codecs.getencoder("string_escape") return c(str)[0] val = bb.data.getVar('%s_%s' % (var, pkg), d, True) if val: f.write('%s_%s: %s\n' % (var, pkg, encode(val))) return val = bb.data.getVar('%s' % (var), d, True) if val: f.write('%s: %s\n' % (var, encode(val))) return packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) pkgdest = bb.data.getVar('PKGDEST', d, 1) pkgdatadir = bb.data.getVar('PKGDESTWORK', d, True) # Take shared lock since we're only reading, not writing lf = bb.utils.lockfile(bb.data.expand("${PACKAGELOCK}", d), True) data_file = pkgdatadir + bb.data.expand("/${PN}" , d) f = open(data_file, 'w') f.write("PACKAGES: %s\n" % packages) f.close() workdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True) for pkg in packages.split(): subdata_file = pkgdatadir + "/runtime/%s" % pkg sf = open(subdata_file, 'w') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'PN') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'PV') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'PR') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'DESCRIPTION') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'SUMMARY') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'RDEPENDS') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'RPROVIDES') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'RRECOMMENDS') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'RSUGGESTS') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'RREPLACES') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'RCONFLICTS') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'PKG') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'ALLOW_EMPTY') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'FILES') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'pkg_postinst') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'pkg_postrm') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'pkg_preinst') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'pkg_prerm') write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'FILERPROVIDESFLIST') for dfile in (bb.data.getVar('FILERPROVIDESFLIST_' + pkg, d, True) or "").split(): write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'FILERPROVIDES_' + dfile) write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'FILERDEPENDSFLIST') for dfile in (bb.data.getVar('FILERDEPENDSFLIST_' + pkg, d, True) or "").split(): write_if_exists(sf, pkg, 'FILERDEPENDS_' + dfile) sf.close() allow_empty = bb.data.getVar('ALLOW_EMPTY_%s' % pkg, d, True) if not allow_empty: allow_empty = bb.data.getVar('ALLOW_EMPTY', d, True) root = "%s/%s" % (pkgdest, pkg) os.chdir(root) g = glob('*') if g or allow_empty == "1": packagedfile = pkgdatadir + '/runtime/%s.packaged' % pkg file(packagedfile, 'w').close() bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) } emit_pkgdata[dirs] = "${PKGDESTWORK}/runtime" ldconfig_postinst_fragment() { if [ x"$D" = "x" ]; then [ -x /sbin/ldconfig ] && /sbin/ldconfig fi } RPMDEPS = "${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/rpm/bin/rpmdeps" # Collect perfile run-time dependency metadata # Output: # FILERPROVIDESFLIST_pkg - list of all files w/ deps # FILERPROVIDES_filepath_pkg - per file dep # # FILERDEPENDSFLIST_pkg - list of all files w/ deps # FILERDEPENDS_filepath_pkg - per file dep python package_do_filedeps() { import os, re pkgdest = bb.data.getVar('PKGDEST', d, True) packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) rpmdeps = bb.data.expand("${RPMDEPS}", d) r = re.compile(r'[<>=]+ +[^ ]*') # Quick routine to process the results of the rpmdeps call... def process_deps(pipe, pkg, f, provides_files, requires_files): provides = [] requires = [] file = f.replace(pkgdest + "/" + pkg, "") file = file.replace("@", "@at@") file = file.replace(" ", "@space@") file = file.replace("\t", "@tab@") file = file.replace("[", "@openbrace@") file = file.replace("]", "@closebrace@") file = file.replace("_", "@underscore@") for line in pipe: if line.startswith("Requires:"): i = requires elif line.startswith("Provides:"): i = provides else: continue value = line.split(":", 1)[1].strip() value = r.sub(r'(\g<0>)', value) if value.startswith("rpmlib("): continue i.append(value) if len(provides) > 0: provides_files.append(file) key = "FILERPROVIDES_" + file + "_" + pkg bb.data.setVar(key, " ".join(provides), d) if len(requires) > 0: requires_files.append(file) key = "FILERDEPENDS_" + file + "_" + pkg bb.data.setVar(key, " ".join(requires), d) # Determine dependencies for pkg in packages.split(): if pkg.endswith('-dbg') or pkg.endswith('-doc') or pkg.find('-locale-') != -1 or pkg.find('-localedata-') != -1 or pkg.find('-gconv-') != -1 or pkg.find('-charmap-') != -1 or pkg.startswith('kernel-module-'): continue provides_files = [] requires_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pkgdest + "/" + pkg): for file in files: f = os.path.join(root, file) dep_pipe = os.popen(rpmdeps + " --provides --requires -v " + f) process_deps(dep_pipe, pkg, f, provides_files, requires_files) bb.data.setVar("FILERDEPENDSFLIST_" + pkg, " ".join(requires_files), d) bb.data.setVar("FILERPROVIDESFLIST_" + pkg, " ".join(provides_files), d) } SHLIBSDIR = "${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/shlibs" SHLIBSWORKDIR = "${WORKDIR}/shlibs" python package_do_shlibs() { import re exclude_shlibs = bb.data.getVar('EXCLUDE_FROM_SHLIBS', d, 0) if exclude_shlibs: bb.note("not generating shlibs") return lib_re = re.compile("^.*\.so") libdir_re = re.compile(".*/lib$") packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) targetos = bb.data.getVar('TARGET_OS', d, True) workdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True) ver = bb.data.getVar('PV', d, True) if not ver: bb.error("PV not defined") return pkgdest = bb.data.getVar('PKGDEST', d, True) shlibs_dir = bb.data.getVar('SHLIBSDIR', d, True) shlibswork_dir = bb.data.getVar('SHLIBSWORKDIR', d, True) # Take shared lock since we're only reading, not writing lf = bb.utils.lockfile(bb.data.expand("${PACKAGELOCK}", d)) def linux_so(root, path, file): cmd = bb.data.getVar('OBJDUMP', d, True) + " -p " + os.path.join(root, file) + " 2>/dev/null" cmd = "PATH=\"%s\" %s" % (bb.data.getVar('PATH', d, True), cmd) fd = os.popen(cmd) lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for l in lines: m = re.match("\s+NEEDED\s+([^\s]*)", l) if m: needed[pkg].append(m.group(1)) m = re.match("\s+SONAME\s+([^\s]*)", l) if m and not m.group(1) in sonames: # if library is private (only used by package) then do not build shlib for it if not private_libs or -1 == private_libs.find(m.group(1)): sonames.append(m.group(1)) if m and libdir_re.match(root): needs_ldconfig = True def darwin_so(root, path, file): fullpath = os.path.join(root, file) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): return def get_combinations(base): # # Given a base library name, find all combinations of this split by "." and "-" # combos = [] options = base.split(".") for i in range(1, len(options) + 1): combos.append(".".join(options[0:i])) options = base.split("-") for i in range(1, len(options) + 1): combos.append("-".join(options[0:i])) return combos if (file.endswith('.dylib') or file.endswith('.so')) and not pkg.endswith('-dev') and not pkg.endswith('-dbg'): # Drop suffix name = file.rsplit(".",1)[0] # Find all combinations combos = get_combinations(name) for combo in combos: if not combo in sonames: sonames.append(combo) if file.endswith('.dylib') or file.endswith('.so'): lafile = fullpath.replace(os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg), bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True)) # Drop suffix lafile = lafile.rsplit(".",1)[0] lapath = os.path.dirname(lafile) lafile = os.path.basename(lafile) # Find all combinations combos = get_combinations(lafile) for combo in combos: if os.path.exists(lapath + '/' + combo + '.la'): break lafile = lapath + '/' + combo + '.la' #bb.note("Foo2: %s" % lafile) #bb.note("Foo %s %s" % (file, fullpath)) if os.path.exists(lafile): fd = open(lafile, 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for l in lines: m = re.match("\s*dependency_libs=\s*'(.*)'", l) if m: deps = m.group(1).split(" ") for dep in deps: #bb.note("Trying %s for %s" % (dep, pkg)) name = None if dep.endswith(".la"): name = os.path.basename(dep).replace(".la", "") elif dep.startswith("-l"): name = dep.replace("-l", "lib") if pkg not in needed: needed[pkg] = [] if name: needed[pkg].append(name) #bb.note("Adding %s for %s" % (name, pkg)) needed = {} shlib_provider = {} private_libs = bb.data.getVar('PRIVATE_LIBS', d, True) for pkg in packages.split(): needs_ldconfig = False bb.debug(2, "calculating shlib provides for %s" % pkg) needed[pkg] = [] sonames = list() top = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): for file in files: soname = None path = os.path.join(root, file) if os.path.islink(path): continue if targetos == "darwin" or targetos == "darwin8": darwin_so(root, dirs, file) elif os.access(path, os.X_OK) or lib_re.match(file): linux_so(root, dirs, file) shlibs_file = os.path.join(shlibswork_dir, pkg + ".list") shver_file = os.path.join(shlibswork_dir, pkg + ".ver") if len(sonames): fd = open(shlibs_file, 'w') for s in sonames: fd.write(s + '\n') shlib_provider[s] = (pkg, ver) fd.close() fd = open(shver_file, 'w') fd.write(ver + '\n') fd.close() if needs_ldconfig: bb.debug(1, 'adding ldconfig call to postinst for %s' % pkg) postinst = bb.data.getVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, d, True) or bb.data.getVar('pkg_postinst', d, True) if not postinst: postinst = '#!/bin/sh\n' postinst += bb.data.getVar('ldconfig_postinst_fragment', d, True) bb.data.setVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, postinst, d) list_re = re.compile('^(.*)\.list$') for dir in [shlibs_dir]: if not os.path.exists(dir): continue for file in os.listdir(dir): m = list_re.match(file) if m: dep_pkg = m.group(1) fd = open(os.path.join(dir, file)) lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() ver_file = os.path.join(dir, dep_pkg + '.ver') lib_ver = None if os.path.exists(ver_file): fd = open(ver_file) lib_ver = fd.readline().rstrip() fd.close() for l in lines: shlib_provider[l.rstrip()] = (dep_pkg, lib_ver) bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) assumed_libs = bb.data.getVar('ASSUME_SHLIBS', d, True) if assumed_libs: for e in assumed_libs.split(): l, dep_pkg = e.split(":") lib_ver = None dep_pkg = dep_pkg.rsplit("_", 1) if len(dep_pkg) == 2: lib_ver = dep_pkg[1] dep_pkg = dep_pkg[0] shlib_provider[l] = (dep_pkg, lib_ver) for pkg in packages.split(): bb.debug(2, "calculating shlib requirements for %s" % pkg) deps = list() for n in needed[pkg]: if n in shlib_provider.keys(): (dep_pkg, ver_needed) = shlib_provider[n] if dep_pkg == pkg: continue if ver_needed: dep = "%s (>= %s)" % (dep_pkg, ver_needed) else: dep = dep_pkg if not dep in deps: deps.append(dep) else: bb.note("Couldn't find shared library provider for %s" % n) deps_file = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg + ".shlibdeps") if os.path.exists(deps_file): os.remove(deps_file) if len(deps): fd = open(deps_file, 'w') for dep in deps: fd.write(dep + '\n') fd.close() } python package_do_pkgconfig () { import re packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) workdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True) pkgdest = bb.data.getVar('PKGDEST', d, True) shlibs_dir = bb.data.getVar('SHLIBSDIR', d, True) shlibswork_dir = bb.data.getVar('SHLIBSWORKDIR', d, True) pc_re = re.compile('(.*)\.pc$') var_re = re.compile('(.*)=(.*)') field_re = re.compile('(.*): (.*)') pkgconfig_provided = {} pkgconfig_needed = {} for pkg in packages.split(): pkgconfig_provided[pkg] = [] pkgconfig_needed[pkg] = [] top = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): for file in files: m = pc_re.match(file) if m: pd = bb.data.init() name = m.group(1) pkgconfig_provided[pkg].append(name) path = os.path.join(root, file) if not os.access(path, os.R_OK): continue f = open(path, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for l in lines: m = var_re.match(l) if m: name = m.group(1) val = m.group(2) bb.data.setVar(name, bb.data.expand(val, pd), pd) continue m = field_re.match(l) if m: hdr = m.group(1) exp = bb.data.expand(m.group(2), pd) if hdr == 'Requires': pkgconfig_needed[pkg] += exp.replace(',', ' ').split() # Take shared lock since we're only reading, not writing lf = bb.utils.lockfile(bb.data.expand("${PACKAGELOCK}", d)) for pkg in packages.split(): pkgs_file = os.path.join(shlibswork_dir, pkg + ".pclist") if pkgconfig_provided[pkg] != []: f = open(pkgs_file, 'w') for p in pkgconfig_provided[pkg]: f.write('%s\n' % p) f.close() for dir in [shlibs_dir]: if not os.path.exists(dir): continue for file in os.listdir(dir): m = re.match('^(.*)\.pclist$', file) if m: pkg = m.group(1) fd = open(os.path.join(dir, file)) lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() pkgconfig_provided[pkg] = [] for l in lines: pkgconfig_provided[pkg].append(l.rstrip()) for pkg in packages.split(): deps = [] for n in pkgconfig_needed[pkg]: found = False for k in pkgconfig_provided.keys(): if n in pkgconfig_provided[k]: if k != pkg and not (k in deps): deps.append(k) found = True if found == False: bb.note("couldn't find pkgconfig module '%s' in any package" % n) deps_file = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg + ".pcdeps") if len(deps): fd = open(deps_file, 'w') for dep in deps: fd.write(dep + '\n') fd.close() bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) } python read_shlibdeps () { packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True).split() for pkg in packages: rdepends = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions(bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, d, 0) or bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS', d, 0) or "") for extension in ".shlibdeps", ".pcdeps", ".clilibdeps": depsfile = bb.data.expand("${PKGDEST}/" + pkg + extension, d) if os.access(depsfile, os.R_OK): fd = file(depsfile) lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for l in lines: rdepends[l.rstrip()] = "" bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, bb.utils.join_deps(rdepends, commasep=False), d) } python package_depchains() { """ For a given set of prefix and postfix modifiers, make those packages RRECOMMENDS on the corresponding packages for its RDEPENDS. Example: If package A depends upon package B, and A's .bb emits an A-dev package, this would make A-dev Recommends: B-dev. If only one of a given suffix is specified, it will take the RRECOMMENDS based on the RDEPENDS of *all* other packages. If more than one of a given suffix is specified, its will only use the RDEPENDS of the single parent package. """ packages = bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) postfixes = (bb.data.getVar('DEPCHAIN_POST', d, True) or '').split() prefixes = (bb.data.getVar('DEPCHAIN_PRE', d, True) or '').split() def pkg_adddeprrecs(pkg, base, suffix, getname, depends, d): #bb.note('depends for %s is %s' % (base, depends)) rreclist = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions(bb.data.getVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + pkg, d, True) or bb.data.getVar('RRECOMMENDS', d, True) or "") for depend in depends: if depend.find('-native') != -1 or depend.find('-cross') != -1 or depend.startswith('virtual/'): #bb.note("Skipping %s" % depend) continue if depend.endswith('-dev'): depend = depend.replace('-dev', '') if depend.endswith('-dbg'): depend = depend.replace('-dbg', '') pkgname = getname(depend, suffix) #bb.note("Adding %s for %s" % (pkgname, depend)) if pkgname not in rreclist: rreclist[pkgname] = "" #bb.note('setting: RRECOMMENDS_%s=%s' % (pkg, ' '.join(rreclist))) bb.data.setVar('RRECOMMENDS_%s' % pkg, bb.utils.join_deps(rreclist, commasep=False), d) def pkg_addrrecs(pkg, base, suffix, getname, rdepends, d): #bb.note('rdepends for %s is %s' % (base, rdepends)) rreclist = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions(bb.data.getVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + pkg, d, True) or bb.data.getVar('RRECOMMENDS', d, True) or "") for depend in rdepends: if depend.find('virtual-locale-') != -1: #bb.note("Skipping %s" % depend) continue if depend.endswith('-dev'): depend = depend.replace('-dev', '') if depend.endswith('-dbg'): depend = depend.replace('-dbg', '') pkgname = getname(depend, suffix) #bb.note("Adding %s for %s" % (pkgname, depend)) if pkgname not in rreclist: rreclist[pkgname] = "" #bb.note('setting: RRECOMMENDS_%s=%s' % (pkg, ' '.join(rreclist))) bb.data.setVar('RRECOMMENDS_%s' % pkg, bb.utils.join_deps(rreclist, commasep=False), d) def add_dep(list, dep): dep = dep.split(' (')[0].strip() if dep not in list: list.append(dep) depends = [] for dep in bb.utils.explode_deps(bb.data.getVar('DEPENDS', d, True) or ""): add_dep(depends, dep) rdepends = [] for dep in bb.utils.explode_deps(bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS', d, True) or ""): add_dep(rdepends, dep) for pkg in packages.split(): for dep in bb.utils.explode_deps(bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, d, True) or ""): add_dep(rdepends, dep) #bb.note('rdepends is %s' % rdepends) def post_getname(name, suffix): return '%s%s' % (name, suffix) def pre_getname(name, suffix): return '%s%s' % (suffix, name) pkgs = {} for pkg in packages.split(): for postfix in postfixes: if pkg.endswith(postfix): if not postfix in pkgs: pkgs[postfix] = {} pkgs[postfix][pkg] = (pkg[:-len(postfix)], post_getname) for prefix in prefixes: if pkg.startswith(prefix): if not prefix in pkgs: pkgs[prefix] = {} pkgs[prefix][pkg] = (pkg[:-len(prefix)], pre_getname) for suffix in pkgs: for pkg in pkgs[suffix]: if bb.data.getVarFlag('RRECOMMENDS_' + pkg, 'nodeprrecs', d): continue (base, func) = pkgs[suffix][pkg] if suffix == "-dev": pkg_adddeprrecs(pkg, base, suffix, func, depends, d) if len(pkgs[suffix]) == 1: pkg_addrrecs(pkg, base, suffix, func, rdepends, d) else: rdeps = [] for dep in bb.utils.explode_deps(bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS_' + base, d, True) or bb.data.getVar('RDEPENDS', d, True) or ""): add_dep(rdeps, dep) pkg_addrrecs(pkg, base, suffix, func, rdeps, d) } PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS ?= "" PACKAGEFUNCS ?= "perform_packagecopy \ ${PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS} \ package_do_split_locales \ split_and_strip_files \ populate_packages \ package_do_filedeps \ package_do_shlibs \ package_do_pkgconfig \ read_shlibdeps \ package_depchains \ emit_pkgdata" python do_package () { packages = (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) or "").split() if len(packages) < 1: bb.debug(1, "No packages to build, skipping do_package") return workdir = bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, True) outdir = bb.data.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR', d, True) dest = bb.data.getVar('D', d, True) dvar = bb.data.getVar('PKGD', d, True) pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, True) if not workdir or not outdir or not dest or not dvar or not pn or not packages: bb.error("WORKDIR, DEPLOY_DIR, D, PN and PKGD all must be defined, unable to package") return for f in (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGEFUNCS', d, True) or '').split(): bb.build.exec_func(f, d) } do_package[dirs] = "${SHLIBSWORKDIR} ${PKGDESTWORK} ${D}" addtask package before do_build after do_install PACKAGELOCK = "${STAGING_DIR}/package-output.lock" SSTATETASKS += "do_package" do_package[sstate-name] = "package" do_package[sstate-plaindirs] = "${PKGD} ${PKGDEST}" do_package[sstate-inputdirs] = "${PKGDESTWORK} ${SHLIBSWORKDIR}" do_package[sstate-outputdirs] = "${PKGDATA_DIR} ${SHLIBSDIR}" do_package[sstate-lockfile] = "${PACKAGELOCK}" do_package[stamp-extra-info] = "${MACHINE}" do_package_setscene[dirs] = "${STAGING_DIR}" python do_package_setscene () { sstate_setscene(d) } addtask do_package_setscene # Dummy task to mark when all packaging is complete do_package_write () { : } do_package_write[noexec] = "1" PACKAGERDEPTASK = "do_package_write" do_build[recrdeptask] += "${PACKAGERDEPTASK}" addtask package_write before do_build after do_package # # Helper functions for the package writing classes # python package_mapping_rename_hook () { """ Rewrite variables to account for package renaming in things like debian.bbclass or manual PKG variable name changes """ runtime_mapping_rename("RDEPENDS", d) runtime_mapping_rename("RRECOMMENDS", d) runtime_mapping_rename("RSUGGESTS", d) runtime_mapping_rename("RPROVIDES", d) runtime_mapping_rename("RREPLACES", d) runtime_mapping_rename("RCONFLICTS", d) } EXPORT_FUNCTIONS mapping_rename_hook