# defaults ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY = "10" ALTERNATIVE_LINK = "${bindir}/${ALTERNATIVE_NAME}" update_alternatives_postinst() { update-alternatives --install ${ALTERNATIVE_LINK} ${ALTERNATIVE_NAME} ${ALTERNATIVE_PATH} ${ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY} } update_alternatives_postrm() { update-alternatives --remove ${ALTERNATIVE_NAME} ${ALTERNATIVE_PATH} } def update_alternatives_after_parse(d): import bb if bb.data.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_NAME', d) == None: raise bb.build.FuncFailed, "%s inherits update-alternatives but doesn't set ALTERNATIVE_NAME" % bb.data.getVar('FILE', d) if bb.data.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_PATH', d) == None: raise bb.build.FuncFailed, "%s inherits update-alternatives but doesn't set ALTERNATIVE_PATH" % bb.data.getVar('FILE', d) python __anonymous() { update_alternatives_after_parse(d) } python populate_packages_prepend () { pkg = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1) bb.note('adding update-alternatives calls to postinst/postrm for %s' % pkg) postinst = bb.data.getVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, d, 1) or bb.data.getVar('pkg_postinst', d, 1) if not postinst: postinst = '#!/bin/sh\n' postinst += bb.data.getVar('update_alternatives_postinst', d, 1) bb.data.setVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, postinst, d) postrm = bb.data.getVar('pkg_postrm_%s' % pkg, d, 1) or bb.data.getVar('pkg_postrm', d, 1) if not postrm: postrm = '#!/bin/sh\n' postrm += bb.data.getVar('update_alternatives_postrm', d, 1) bb.data.setVar('pkg_postrm_%s' % pkg, postrm, d) } ory; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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