DESCRIPTION = "Itsy Package Manager" DESCRIPTION_libipkg = "Itsy Package Manager Library" SECTION = "base" LICENSE = "GPL" PROVIDES = "virtual/ipkg libipkg" FILES_libipkg-dev = "${libdir}/*.a ${libdir}/*.la ${libdir}/*.so ${includedir}" FILES_libipkg = "${libdir}/*.so.*" AUTO_LIBNAME_PKGS = "libipkg" SRC_URI = "${HANDHELDS_CVS};module=familiar/dist/ipkg;tag=${@'V' +'PV',d,1).replace('.', '-')} \ file://fix_tar_extension.patch;patch=1 \ file://update_version_comparision.patch;patch=1 \ file://enable_debversion.patch;patch=1 \ file://terse.patch;patch=1 \ file://ipkg_bugfix.patch;patch=1 \ file://noupdalt.patch;patch=1" S = "${WORKDIR}/ipkg/C" inherit autotools pkgconfig # Define a variable to allow distros to run configure earlier. # (for example, to enable loading of ethernet kernel modules before networking starts) IPKG_INIT_POSITION = "98" IPKG_INIT_POSITION_slugos = "41" pkg_postinst_ipkg () { #!/bin/sh if [ "x$D" != "x" ]; then install -d ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/${sysconfdir}/rcS.d # this happens at S98 where our good 'ole packages script used to run echo "#!/bin/sh ipkg-cl configure " > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/${sysconfdir}/rcS.d/S${IPKG_INIT_POSITION}configure chmod 0755 ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/${sysconfdir}/rcS.d/S${IPKG_INIT_POSITION}configure fi update-alternatives --install ${bindir}/ipkg ipkg ${bindir}/ipkg-cl 100 } pkg_postrm_ipkg () { #!/bin/sh update-alternatives --remove ipkg ${bindir}/ipkg-cl } do_stage() { oe_libinstall -so libipkg ${STAGING_LIBDIR} install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/replace/ install -m 0644 replace/replace.h ${STAGING_INCDIR}/replace/ install -d ${STAGING_INCDIR}/libipkg/ for f in *.h do install -m 0644 $f ${STAGING_INCDIR}/libipkg/ done } # # FIXME: Install /etc/ipkg.conf and /etc/ipkg/arch.conf #