DESCRIPTION = "Adds scripts to use distcc on the host system under qemu" LICENSE = "GPL" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${WORKDIR}/COPYING.GPL;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "distcc task-core-nfs-server oprofileui-server rsync bash" PR = "r19" SRC_URI = "file:// \ file://anjuta-remote-run \ file://exports \ file://shutdown.desktop \ file://qemu-autostart \ file://COPYING.GPL" S = "${WORKDIR}" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(qemuarm|qemux86|qemumips|qemuppc)" PACKAGE_ARCH = "all" do_install() { install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/profile.d install -m 0755 ${D}${sysconfdir}/profile.d/ install -m 0644 exports ${D}${sysconfdir}/ install -d ${D}${bindir} install -m 0755 anjuta-remote-run ${D}${bindir}/ install -d ${D}${datadir}/applications install -m 0644 shutdown.desktop ${D}${datadir}/applications/ install -d ${D}/etc/init.d install qemu-autostart ${D}/etc/init.d/ } inherit update-rc.d INITSCRIPT_NAME = "qemu-autostart" INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 999 5 2 . stop 20 0 1 6 ." href='/git/2012/05/openembedded-core.git/'>openembedded-core.git
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