#!/bin/sh # Poky Automated Build Server Enviroment Setup Script # # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 OpenedHand Ltd. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA TARGETDIR=/srv/poky/autobuild-output CURRDIR=`pwd` if [ "$CURRDIR" = "/srv/poky/autobuild/full-shihtzu/build" ]; then ABTARGET="poky" elif [ "$CURRDIR" = "/srv/poky/autobuild/full-bleeding-shihtzu/build" ]; then ABTARGET="poky-bleeding" elif [ "$CURRDIR" = "/srv/poky/autobuild/toolchain-shihtzu/build" ]; then ABTARGET="toolchain" elif [ "$CURRDIR" = "/srv/poky/autobuild/incremental-shihtzu/build" ]; then ABTARGET="incremental" elif [ "$CURRDIR" = "/srv/poky/autobuild/full-darwin-shihtzu/build" ]; then ABTARGET="darwin" if [ ! -d "$CURRDIR/meta-darwin" ]; then svn co http://svn.o-hand.com/repos/poky/branches/experimental/meta-darwin $CURRDIR/meta-darwin else cd $CURRDIR/meta-darwin svn up cd $CURRDIR fi fi if [ "xpreamble" = "x$1" ]; then mkdir -p ./build/tmp/deploy/images rm -f ./build/tmp/deploy/images/images-complete svn info > ./build/tmp/deploy/images/svninfo exit 0 fi BDIR="build" . ./scripts/poky-env-internal POSTPROCESS=`which poky-autobuild-postprocess` if [ "xcomplete" = "x$1" ]; then touch ./tmp/deploy/images/images-complete chmod a+w ./tmp/deploy/images/images-complete if [ "x$POSTPROCESS" != "x" ]; then cd .. $POSTPROCESS $ABTARGET $TARGETDIR fi exit 0 fi CONFFILE="./conf/auto.conf" if [ ! -e "$CONFFILE" ]; then if [ ! -d "./conf" ]; then mkdir -p "./conf" fi echo 'PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_ipk package_deb"' > "$CONFFILE" echo 'BB_NUMBER_THREADS = "6"' >> "$CONFFILE" echo 'PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j 6"' >> "$CONFFILE" echo 'DL_DIR = "/srv/poky/sources"' >> "$CONFFILE" echo 'INHERIT += "poky-autobuild-notifier"' >> "$CONFFILE" if [ "$ABTARGET" = "darwin" ]; then echo 'PACKAGE_CLASSES += "package_tar"' >> "$CONFFILE" echo "BBFILES += \"$CURRDIR/meta-darwin/packages/*/*.bb\"" >> "./conf/local.conf" echo 'POKYMODE = "darwin"' >> "$CONFFILE" echo 'DARWINFILES = "file:///srv/poky/sources/"' >> "$CONFFILE" echo 'INHERIT_INSANE = ""' >> "$CONFFILE" echo "FILESPATH_append = \":$CURRDIR/meta-darwin/files\"" >> "$CONFFILE" fi fi if [ "$ABTARGET" = "darwin" ]; then BBPATH=$CURRDIR/meta-darwin:$BBPATH fi bitbake $@ retval=$? if [ "x$POSTPROCESS" != "x" ]; then cd .. $POSTPROCESS $ABTARGET $TARGETDIR fi exit $retval e7935f7'>checksums.ini