#!/bin/bash # SCP Test Case for Sanity Test # The case boot up the Qemu target with `poky-qemu qemuxxx`. # Then check if file can be copied into target with scp command. # # Author: Jiajun Xu <jiajun.xu@intel.com> # # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License, # Version 2. # . $POKYBASE/scripts/qemuimage-testlib TIMEOUT=360 RET=1 SPID=0 i=0 # Start qemu and check its network Test_Create_Qemu ${TIMEOUT} # If qemu network is up, check ssh service in qemu if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then Test_Info "Begin to Test SSH Service in Qemu" Test_SSH_UP ${TARGET_IPADDR} ${TIMEOUT} RET=$? else RET=1 fi # Check if file can be copied from host into target # For qemu target, the file is 5M if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then echo $QEMUARCH | grep -q "qemu" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then dd if=/dev/zero of=${TEST_TMP}/scp_test_file bs=512k count=10 Test_SCP ${TARGET_IPADDR} ${TEST_TMP}/scp_test_file /home/root & SPID=$! fi # Check if scp finished or not while [ $i -lt $TIMEOUT ] do ps -fp $SPID > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then RET=0 break fi i=$((i+5)) sleep 5 done # Kill scp process if scp is not finished in time if [ $i -ge $TIMEOUT ]; then RET=1 kill $SPID fi fi if [ ${RET} -eq 0 ]; then Test_Info "SCP Test PASS" Test_Kill_Qemu Test_Print_Result "SCP" 0 exit 0 else Test_Info "SCP Test FAIL" Test_Kill_Qemu Test_Print_Result "SCP" 1 exit 1 fi