#!/bin/sh if [ "x$BUILDDIR" == "x" ]; then echo "You need to source poky-init-build-env before running this script" exit 1 fi PATH=$BUILDDIR/tmp/staging/$BUILD_SYS/bin:$BUILDDIR/tmp/cross/bin:$PATH KERNEL_NETWORK_CMD="ip=" QEMU_NETWORK_CMD="-net nic,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap0,script=$OEROOT/scripts/qemu-ifup" if [ -z "$QEMU_MEMORY" ]; then QEMU_MEMORY="64M" fi if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then MACHINE=$1 else MACHINE="qemuarm" fi if [ "x$2" != "x" ]; then TYPE=$2 else TYPE="ext2" fi if [ "x$3" != "x" ]; then ZIMAGE=$3 fi if [ "x$4" != "x" ]; then HDIMAGE=$4 fi if [ "$MACHINE" == "qemuarm" -o "$MACHINE" == "spitz" -o "$MACHINE" == "borzoi" -o "$MACHINE" == "akita" ]; then QEMU=`which qemu-system-arm` if [ "x$ZIMAGE" == "x" ]; then ZIMAGE=$BUILDDIR/tmp/deploy/images/zImage-$MACHINE.bin fi CROSSPATH=$BUILDDIR/tmp/cross/arm-poky-linux/bin fi if [ "$MACHINE" == "qemux86" ]; then QEMU=`which qemu` if [ "x$ZIMAGE" == "x" ]; then ZIMAGE=$BUILDDIR/tmp/deploy/images/bzImage-$MACHINE.bin fi CROSSPATH=$BUILDDIR/tmp/cross/i586-poky-linux/bin fi export PATH=$CROSSPATH:$PATH if [ ! -e $CROSSPATH/cc ]; then ln -s $CROSSPATH/gcc $CROSSPATH/cc fi DISTCCD=`which distccd` if [ -x "$DISTCCD" ]; then $DISTCCD --allow --daemon else echo "Warning: distccd not present, no distcc support loaded" fi if [ "$MACHINE" == "qemuarm" ]; then if [ "$TYPE" == "ext2" ]; then if [ "x$HDIMAGE" == "x" ]; then HDIMAGE=$BUILDDIR/tmp/deploy/images/oh-image-sdk-qemuarm.ext2 fi QEMUOPTIONS="-append \"root=/dev/sda mem=$QEMU_MEMORY\" $QEMU_NETWORK_CMD -M versatilepb -hda $HDIMAGE -usb -usbdevice wacom-tablet" fi if [ "$TYPE" == "nfs" ]; then dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/blank bs=1024 count=8192 QEMUOPTIONS="-append \"root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw $KERNEL_NETWORK_CMD\" $QEMU_NETWORK_CMD -M versatilepb -hda /tmp/blank" fi fi if [ "$MACHINE" == "qemux86" ]; then if [ "$TYPE" == "ext2" ]; then if [ "x$HDIMAGE" == "x" ]; then HDIMAGE=$BUILDDIR/tmp/deploy/images/oh-image-pda-qemux86.ext2 fi # video=vesafb:1024x768-32@86 QEMUOPTIONS="-std-vga -append \"root=/dev/hda mem=$QEMU_MEMORY $KERNEL_NETWORK_CMD\" $QEMU_NETWORK_CMD -hda $HDIMAGE -usb -usbdevice wacom-tablet" fi if [ "$TYPE" == "nfs" ]; then dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/blank bs=1024 count=8192 QEMUOPTIONS="-std-vga -append \"root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw $KERNEL_NETWORK_CMD\" $QEMU_NETWORK_CMD -hda /tmp/blank" fi fi if [ "x$QEMUOPTIONS" == "x" ]; then echo "Sorry, unable to support this configuration" exit 1 fi echo "Running $QEMU using sudo..." echo "$QEMU -kernel $ZIMAGE $QEMUOPTIONS" sudo $QEMU -kernel $ZIMAGE $QEMUOPTIONS # -serial file:serial.log if [ -x "$DISTCCD" ]; then killall distccd fi if [ -e /tmp/blank ]; then rm /tmp/blank fi