extends layout block navbar div(class='navbar navbar-fixed-top') div(class='navbar-inner') div(class='container') a(class='btn btn-navbar', data-toggle='collapse', data-target='.nav-collapse') span(class='icon-bar') a(class='brand', href='/') Collection+JSON Explorer div(class='nav-collapse') ul(class='nav') block inner_content div(class='hero-unit') h1= title // spacers div(class='row-fluid')   div(class='row-fluid')   div(class='row-fluid') div(class='span10 input-append') form(action='/render', class='form-search') input(type='text', name='url', placeholder='Resource to explore', class='span10') button(type='submit', class='btn btn-primary') Explore // p form(action='/render', class='form-search') input(type='text', name='url', placeholder='Enter URL to explore...', class='span6') button(type='submit', class='btn') Explore div(class='row-fluid') div(class='span4') h2 About p This is an interactive explorer for the Collection+JSON |hypermedia. Give it an URL and it will render is as good as it |can. h3 REST/Collection+JSON Resources p There's a growing C+J community that's discussing on the a(href='https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/collectionjson') Google Group | . p The a(href='http://amundsen.com/media-types/collection/') formal specification | with a tutorial and examples. div(class='span4') h2 Using p Feel to use this service! However, note that it's running on a free a(href='http://heroku.com') Heroku | instance so it might fail, be slow or otherwise useless. p If you want to run it against your own local servers you can | either run it yourself, or use apps like a(href='http://localtunnel.com') localtunnel.com | to make your application publicly available. h3 The Source Code p The source code is available a(href='trygvis.dyndns.org/~trygvis/git/2012/06/collection+json-explorer.git') here | . div(class='span4') h2 Examples p The a(href='http://employee.herokuapp.com') Employee |application is a set of resources with employees and |departments. The application was made specifically for this |explorer. a(href='http://' + host + '/render?url=http%3A%2F%2Femployee.herokuapp.com') Explore now! p The specification contains a few example collections too which you can explore: - var examples = [ "minimal", "collection", "item", "queries", "template", "error" ] each example, i in examples - var u='http://' + host + '/render?url=' + encodeURIComponent('http://' + host + '/examples/from-spec/' + example + '.collection+json') if i > 0 | , a(href='#{u}') #{example} if i == examples.length - 1 |. block content div(class='offset2 span10') block inner_content