#!/bin/bash set -e BASEDIR=`dirname $0` BASEDIR=`cd $BASEDIR; pwd` export BASEDIR mkdir -p $BASEDIR/.app/var/pid mkdir -p $BASEDIR/.app/var/download if [ -n "$APPSH_REPO" ] then repo="$APPSH_REPO" else repo="http://repo1.maven.org" fi # TODO: support file:// repositories # TODO: look in the local repository first # TODO: assert that we got a 200 OK get() { local exit curl -o $2 $1 -D curl.tmp exit=`grep "^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] 200 .*" curl.tmp >/dev/null; echo $?` head=`head -n 1 curl.tmp` rm curl.tmp if [ "$exit" != 0 ] then echo "Unable to download $1: $head" exit 1 fi } resolved_version= resolve_snapshot() { local base_url local metadata echo "Resolving version $version..." metadata=$BASEDIR/.app/var/download/$groupId-$artifactId-$version-metadata.xml base_url=$repo/$(echo $groupId | sed "s,\.,/,g")/$artifactId/$version get $base_url/maven-metadata.xml $metadata resolved_version=`xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//snapshotVersion[extension[text()="zip"]]' -v value $metadata` if [ -z "$resolved_version" ] then echo "Unable to resolve version." exit 1 fi echo "Resolved version $version to $resolved_version" } zip_file= download_artifact() { zip_file=$BASEDIR/.app/var/download/$groupId-$artifactId-$resolved_version.zip if [ -r $zip_file ] then echo "Artifact already downloaded." return 0 fi echo "Downloading artifact" base_url=$repo/$(echo $groupId | sed "s,\.,/,g")/$artifactId/$version get $base_url/$artifactId-$resolved_version.zip $zip_file # TODO: download checksum. bash is too shady to trust } assert_is_instance() { usage=$1 name=$2 instance=$3 if [ -z "$name" ] then $usage "Missing required option -n." fi if [ -z "$instance" ] then $usage "Missing required option -i." fi if [ ! -d $name/$instance ] then echo "No such application/instance: $name/$instance." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $name/$instance/current ] then echo "Missing 'current' link." >&2 exit 1 fi } install_usage() { if [ -n "$1" ] then echo "Error:" $@ >&2 fi echo "usage:" >&2 echo "" echo "Install Maven artifact from repo:" >&2 echo " $0 install -m groupId:artifactId [-n name] -i instance [-v version]" >&2 echo "Name defaults to artifactId." >&2 echo "" echo "Install zip file:" >&2 echo " $0 install -f file -n name -i instance [-v version]" >&2 echo "The version defaults to the current timestamp" >&2 exit 1 } method_install() { local m while getopts "m:n:i:v:f:" opt do case $opt in m) m=$OPTARG groupId=`echo $OPTARG | cut -s -f 1 -d :` artifactId=`echo $OPTARG | cut -s -f 2 -d :` if [ -z "$groupId" -o -z "$artifactId" ] then install_usage "Invalid -m value." fi ;; n) name=$OPTARG ;; i) instance=$OPTARG ;; v) version=$OPTARG ;; f) file=$OPTARG ;; \?) install_usage "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" ;; esac done if [ -z "$file" -a -z "$m" ] then install_usage "Either -f or -m has to be specified." fi if [ -n "$file" -a -n "$m" ] then install_usage "Only one of -f or -m can specified." fi if [ -z "$instance" ] then install_usage "Missing required argument: -i instance." fi if [ -z "version" ] then install_usage "Missing required argument: -v version." fi if [ -n "$m" ] then if [ -z "$name" ] then name=$artifactId fi resolve_snapshot else zip_file=$file if [ -z "$version" ] then resolved_version=`TZ=UTC date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"` else resolved_version=$version fi fi if [ ! -d $name/$instance ] then echo "Creating instance '$instance' for $name" mkdir -p $name/$instance fi if [ -d $name/$instance/versions/$resolved_version ] then echo "Version $resolved_version is already installed" exit 1 fi download_artifact mkdir -p $name/$instance/versions/$resolved_version echo "Unpacking..." unzip -q -d $name/$instance/versions/$resolved_version $zip_file ( cd $name/$instance/versions/$resolved_version find scripts | xargs chmod +x if [ -x scripts/postinstall ] then echo "Running postinstall..." set +e env -i \ PATH=$PATH \ scripts/postinstall set -e ret=`echo $?` if [ "$ret" != 0 ] then echo "Postinstall failed!" exit 1 fi echo "Postinstall completed successfully" fi ) echo "Changing current symlink" rm -f $name/$instance/current ln -s versions/$resolved_version/root $name/$instance/current ( cd $name/$instance/current find bin -type f | xargs chmod +x ) if [ -r $BASEDIR/.app/var/list ] then sed "/^$name:$instance/d" $BASEDIR/.app/var/list > $BASEDIR/.app/var/list.new fi echo "$name:$instance:$version" >> $BASEDIR/.app/var/list.new mv $BASEDIR/.app/var/list.new $BASEDIR/.app/var/list } start_usage() { if [ -n "$1" ] then echo "Error:" $@ >&2 fi echo "usage: $0 start -n name -i instance" >&2 exit 1 } # TODO: set ulimit # TODO: set umask # TODO: change group newgrp/sg method_start() { while getopts "n:i:" opt do case $opt in n) name=$OPTARG ;; i) instance=$OPTARG ;; \?) start_usage "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" ;; esac done assert_is_instance start_usage "$name" "$instance" ( cd $name/$instance/current bin=`get_conf app.start` if [ -z "$bin" ] then bin=`find bin -type f` if [ ! -x "$bin" ] then echo "No app.start configured, couldn't detect an executable file to execute." >&2 exit 1 fi elif [ ! -x "$bin" ] then echo "Invalid executable: $bin" >&2 exit 1 fi e=`get_conf_in_group env` env -i $e \ $bin & set -x PID=$! echo $PID > $BASEDIR/.app/var/pid/$name-$instance.pid ) } method_stop() { while getopts "n:i:" opt do case $opt in n) name=$OPTARG ;; i) instance=$OPTARG ;; \?) start_usage "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" ;; esac done assert_is_instance stop_usage "$name" "$instance" ( cd $name/$instance/current bin=`get_conf app.stop` if [ -z "$bin" ] then PID=`cat $BASEDIR/.app/var/pid/$name-$instance.pid` echo "Sending TERM to $PID" bin="kill $PID" elif [ ! -x "$bin" ] then echo "Invalid executable: $bin" >&2 exit 1 fi e=`get_conf_in_group env` env -i $e \ PID=$PID \ $bin & ) } method_list() { local mode="pretty" while getopts "Pn:" opt do case $opt in P) mode="parseable" shift ;; n) filter_name=$OPTARG shift ;; \?) install_usage "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" ;; esac done if [ ! -r $BASEDIR/.app/var/list ] then return fi x="$@" if [ -z "$x" ] then vars="name instance version" else vars="$@" fi if [ $mode = "pretty" ] then printf "%-20s %-20s %-20s\n" "Name" "Instance" "Version" fi sort $BASEDIR/.app/var/list | while read line do echo $line | (IFS=:; while read name instance version do if [ "$filter_name" != "" -a "$filter_name" != "$name" ] then continue fi if [ $mode = "pretty" ] then printf "%-20s %-20s %-20s\n" "$name" "$instance" "$version" else line="" IFS=" "; for var in $vars do eval v=\$$var if [ -z "$line" ] then line="$line$v" else line="$line:$v" fi done echo $line fi done) done } method_usage() { echo "usage: $0 " >&2 echo "" >&2 echo "Available methods:" >&2 echo " install - Installs an application" >&2 echo " list - List all installed applications" >&2 echo " start - Starts an applications" >&2 echo " stop - Stops an applications" >&2 echo " conf - Application configuration management" >&2 echo "" >&2 echo "Run '$0 ' to get more help" >&2 } . $BASEDIR/.app/lib/app-conf if [ $# -gt 0 ] then method=$1 shift fi case "$method" in install) method_install $@ ;; start) method_start $@ ;; stop) method_stop $@ ;; list) method_list $@ ;; conf) method_conf $@ ;; *) method_usage $@ ;; esac exit $?