Core Concepts
- Person
- Build - an execution of a CI job. Can have a user that triggered the job, either directly or through a commit
- Commit - a change in the source control system
- Product(?) - a set of git repositories, svn trunks and jenkins jobs/builds. Many persons can be participating in developing the product (creates a team concept).
- Gang Programming Session - a session with multiple people working together on the same problem.
Concepts needed(?)
- A form of badges that goes away if the performance is not kept up.
- Can be repeatable, example of repeatable: commit in rows. Not repeatable: first commit.
Unbreakable - Per Person
N builds started by U in a row that didn't break the build
Well Tested - Per Product
Product P has increased the number of tests the last N (commits|days).
Gang Programmer
Level 1: 3 programmers Level 2: 4 programmers Level 3: 5 programmers
N commits per day/week
BF3 Nomenclature
Two types of "awards": "ribbons" and "medals". A medal is given for repeatedly awarded a ribbon.
- Convert UUIDs from char(36) to bigint (8 bytes)