package; import*; import static*; import io.trygvis.esper.testing.*; import static io.trygvis.esper.testing.DaoUtil.timestampToLocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.*; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; public class NexusDao { private final Connection c; public NexusDao(Connection c) { this.c = c; } public static URI uri(String s) { try { return URI.create(s); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); return null; } } private NexusRepositoryDto nexusRepositoryDto(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { int i = 1; return new NexusRepositoryDto( rs.getString(i++), uri(rs.getString(i++)), (String[]) rs.getArray(i++).getArray(), fromNull(rs.getTimestamp(i++)).map(timestampToLocalDateTime), fromNull(rs.getTimestamp(i++)).map(timestampToLocalDateTime), fromNull(rs.getTimestamp(i)).map(timestampToLocalDateTime) ); } /* public void insertRepository(String repositoryId, URI nexusUri, LocalDateTime discoveryDate) throws SQLException { int i = 1; try (PreparedStatement s = prepareStatement("INSERT INTO nexus_repository(id, uri, discovered_date) VALUES(?, ?, ?)")) { s.setString(i++, repositoryId); s.setString(i++, nexusUri.toASCIIString()); s.setTimestamp(i, new Timestamp(discoveryDate.toDateTime().getMillis())); s.executeUpdate(); } } */ public List selectServer() throws SQLException { try (PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT url, name FROM nexus_server")) { ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); List servers = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { servers.add(new NexusServerDto(uri(rs.getString(1)), rs.getString(2))); } return servers; } } public Option findRepository(String repositoryId) throws SQLException { try (PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT id, server_url, group_ids, discovery_date, last_update, last_successful_update FROM nexus_repository WHERE id=?")) { s.setString(1, repositoryId); try (ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery()) { if (! { return Option.none(); } return some(nexusRepositoryDto(rs)); } } } public List findRepositories(URI nexusUrl) throws SQLException { try (PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT id, server_url, group_ids, created_date, last_update, last_successful_update FROM nexus_repository WHERE server_url=?")) { s.setString(1, nexusUrl.toASCIIString()); List list = new ArrayList<>(); try (ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery()) { while ( { list.add(nexusRepositoryDto(rs)); } } return list; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Nexus Artifact // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- private final String NEXUS_ARTIFACT_ID = "group_id, artifact_id, version"; private final String NEXUS_ARTIFACT = NEXUS_ARTIFACT_ID + ", snapshot_version, classifiers, packagings, created_date"; private int setArtifactId(int i, PreparedStatement s, ArtifactId id) throws SQLException { s.setString(i++, id.groupId); s.setString(i++, id.artifactId); s.setString(i++, id.version); return i; } private static ArtifactDto artifactDto(URI serverUrl, String repositoryId, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { int i = 1; return new ArtifactDto( serverUrl, repositoryId, new ArtifactId(rs.getString(i++), rs.getString(i++), rs.getString(i))); } public void insertArtifact(URI nexusUrl, String repositoryId, ArtifactId id, Option snapshotVersion, List files, Date createdDate) throws SQLException { String[] classifiers = new String[files.size()]; String[] packagings = new String[files.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { classifiers[i] = files.get(i).classifier.toNull(); packagings[i] = files.get(i).extension; } int i = 1; try (PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO nexus_artifact(server_url, repository_id, " + NEXUS_ARTIFACT + ") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")) { s.setString(i++, nexusUrl.toASCIIString()); s.setString(i++, repositoryId); i = setArtifactId(i, s, id); s.setString(i++, snapshotVersion.toNull()); s.setArray(i++, c.createArrayOf("varchar", classifiers)); s.setArray(i++, c.createArrayOf("varchar", packagings)); s.setTimestamp(i, DaoUtil.dateToTimestamp.f(createdDate)); s.executeUpdate(); } } public void deleteArtifact(URI nexusUrl, String repositoryId, ArtifactId id) throws SQLException { int i = 1; try (PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM nexus_artifact WHERE server_url=? AND repository_id=? AND group_id=? AND artifact_id=? AND version=?")) { s.setString(i++, nexusUrl.toASCIIString()); s.setString(i++, repositoryId); i += setArtifactId(i, s, id); s.executeUpdate(); } } public List findArtifactsInRepository(URI url, String repositoryId) throws SQLException { try (PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT " + NEXUS_ARTIFACT + " FROM nexus_artifact WHERE server_url=? AND repository_id=?")) { s.setString(1, url.toASCIIString()); s.setString(2, repositoryId); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); List list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(artifactDto(url, repositoryId, rs)); } return list; } } } class NexusServerDto { public final URI url; public final String name; NexusServerDto(URI url, String name) { this.url = url; = name; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof NexusServerDto)) return false; NexusServerDto that = (NexusServerDto) o; if (!url.equals(that.url)) return false; return true; } public int hashCode() { return url.hashCode(); } } class NexusRepositoryDto { public final String repositoryId; public final URI nexusUrl; public final String[] groupIds; public final Option discoveryDate; public final Option lastUpdate; public final Option lastSuccessfulUpdate; NexusRepositoryDto(String repositoryId, URI nexusUrl, String[] groupIds, Option discoveryDate, Option lastUpdate, Option lastSuccessfulUpdate) { this.repositoryId = repositoryId; this.nexusUrl = nexusUrl; this.groupIds = groupIds; this.discoveryDate = discoveryDate; this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate; this.lastSuccessfulUpdate = lastSuccessfulUpdate; } }