function PagingTableService() { var create = function ($scope, fetchCallback, options) { options = options || {}; var watcher = options.watcher || function(){}; var self = { rows: [], query: "", startIndex: options.startIndex || 0, count: options.count || 10, currentlySearching: false, queryStart: 0 }; var update = function () { var query = self.query; if (self.currentlySearching) { console.log("query active, storing =", query); return; } self.currentlySearching = true; self.queryStart = new Date().getTime(); // This will update the spinner if the user want to show it. var interval = setInterval(function () { $scope.$apply(); }, 500); fetchCallback(self.startIndex, self.count, query, function (data) { var now = new Date().getTime(); console.log("Query took " + (now - self.queryStart) + "ms"); clearInterval(interval); self.rows = data.rows; self.currentlySearching = false; self.queryStart = 0; if(self.query != query) { console.log("Had a new query requested, sending. query =", query, ", self.query =", self.query); update(); } watcher(); }); }; self.first = function () { self.startIndex = 0; update(); }; = function () { if (self.currentlySearching) { return; } self.startIndex += self.count; update(); }; self.prev = function () { if (self.currentlySearching) { return; } if (self.startIndex == 0) { return; } self.startIndex -= self.count; update(); }; /* * The search functions needs to know if there already is a search in progress and if so, do not send the search * before the previous one completes. */ self.onSearch = function () { update(); }; self.onSearchChange = function () { update(); }; /* * UI State queries * * TODO: the results should only be shown if the last query was successful. Add an 'error' state too. */ self.showSpinner = function () { return self.currentlySearching && new Date().getTime() - self.queryStart > 500; }; self.showResults = function () { return !self.currentlySearching; }; self.showPrev = function () { return self.startIndex > 0; }; self.showNext = function () { return true; }; self.nextDisabled = function () { return self.currentlySearching; }; self.prevDisabled = function () { return self.currentlySearching; }; // Do an initial fetch update(); return self; }; var defaultCallback = function(Resource, args) { args = args || {}; return function(startIndex, count, query, cb) { if(startIndex || startIndex == 0) { args.startIndex = startIndex; } if(count) { args.count = count; } if(query || query == "") { args.query = query; } console.log("Fetching page. args =", args); Resource.query(args, function(data, headers) { var totalResults = headers("total-results"); console.log("Total results =", totalResults, "Data =", data); cb({ totalResults: totalResults, rows: data }); }); }; }; return { create: create, defaultCallback: defaultCallback } } angular. module('pagingTableService', ['ngResource']). factory('PagingTableService', PagingTableService);