*** Changes marked with FREEHEP. cpptasks-20051015-patched-1.0-SNAPSHOT - [DevStudioCompatibleCCompiler] changed /GX into /EHsc (for VC8, and backward compatible with VC7 and VC6). - [CommandLineLinker] use absolute paths for filenames if they are shorter than relative paths to overcome windows file length limit. - [gcc.AbstractLdLinker] no -Bstatic for Darwin. - [CCTask] added log statement to identify linker and compiler. - [intel.IntelLinux32CLinker, intel.IntelLinux64CLinker, intel.IntelLinux32Compiler, intel.IntelLinux64Compiler] added with names icpc and ecpc. - [LinkerEnum, CompilerEnum] added above linkers and compilers. - [intel.IntelLinux32CCompiler, intel.IntelLinux64CCompiler] links to IntelLinux32CLinker and IntelLinux64CLinker. - [intel.IntelLinux32Linker, intel.IntelLinux64Linker] changed linker name from icc to icpc and ecc to ecpc for version 8.1 of icc. - [sun.ForteCCompiler] Added (suncc) - [sun.ForteF77Compiler] Added (sunf77) - [CompilerEnum] Added the above (suncc, sunf77). - [compaq.CompaqVisualFortranCompiler] removed addition of quotes. - [gcc.GccCompatibleCCompiler, gcc.GccCCompiler] moved and modified -fno-rtti code - [gcc.GccCompatibleCCompiler] added missing code for -fno-exceptions - [gcc.GppLinker, compiler.LinkType] Set "callAddLibrarySets" flag, submitted as bug 1109917 in cpptasks of ant-contrib. - [compiler.CommandLineLinker] Check "callAddLibrarySets" flag. For CVS updates from the original CVS repository: - commit latest to svn - run cvs up - commit again to svn