Class TestLinkerDef

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.framework.TestCase
          extended by net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.TestProcessorDef
              extended by net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.TestLinkerDef
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class TestLinkerDef
extends TestProcessorDef

Tests for LinkerDef class.

Constructor Summary
TestLinkerDef(java.lang.String name)
Method Summary
protected  net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.ProcessorDef create()
          Creates a processor.
protected  java.lang.String[] getPreArguments(net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.ProcessorDef processor)
          Gets the command line arguments that appear before the filenames.
 void testExtendsBase()
          Tests that the base attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsClassname()
          Tests that the classname attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsEntry()
          Tests that the entry attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsFileSet()
          Tests that fileset's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsFixed()
          Tests that the fixed attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsIncremental()
          Tests that the incremental attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsLibSet()
          Tests that libset's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsLinkerArgs()
          Tests that linkerarg's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsLinkerArgsViaReference()
          Verify linkerarg's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it, even if the linker is brought in through a reference.
 void testExtendsMap()
          Tests that the map attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsName()
          Tests that the name attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsRebuild()
          Tests that the rebuild attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsStack()
          Tests that the stack attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testExtendsSysLibSet()
          Tests that syslibset's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.
 void testGetGcc()
          Test if setting the classname attribute to the name of the GCC linker results in the singleton GCC linker.
 void testGetMSVC()
          Test if setting the classname attribute to the name of the MSVC linker results in the singleton MSVC linker.
 void testUnknownClass()
          Tests if setting the classname attribute to an bogus classname results in a BuildException.
 void testWrongType()
          Tests if setting the classname to the name of a class that doesn't support Linker throws a BuildException.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.TestProcessorDef
createExtendedProcessorDef, getConfiguration, testExtendsDebug, testExtendsFileSet, testExtendsIf, testExtendsRebuild, testExtendsUnless, testIsActive2, testIsActive3, testIsActive4, testIsActive5, testIsActive6, testIsActive7, testIsActive8
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase
countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, run, runBare, runTest, setName, setUp, tearDown, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TestLinkerDef(java.lang.String name)

name - test name
Method Detail


protected net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.ProcessorDef create()
Creates a processor.

Specified by:
create in class TestProcessorDef
new linker


public void testGetGcc()
Test if setting the classname attribute to the name of the GCC linker results in the singleton GCC linker.


public void testGetMSVC()
Test if setting the classname attribute to the name of the MSVC linker results in the singleton MSVC linker.


public void testUnknownClass()
Tests if setting the classname attribute to an bogus classname results in a BuildException.


public void testWrongType()
Tests if setting the classname to the name of a class that doesn't support Linker throws a BuildException.


protected java.lang.String[] getPreArguments(net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.ProcessorDef processor)
Gets the command line arguments that appear before the filenames.

Specified by:
getPreArguments in class TestProcessorDef
processor - processor under test
command line arguments


public void testExtendsLinkerArgs()
Tests that linkerarg's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsLinkerArgsViaReference()
Verify linkerarg's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it, even if the linker is brought in through a reference.


public void testExtendsFileSet()
Tests that fileset's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.

Throws: - if unable to create or delete temporary file


public void testExtendsLibSet()
Tests that libset's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsSysLibSet()
Tests that syslibset's that appear in the base linker are effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsBase()
Tests that the base attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsStack()
Tests that the stack attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsEntry()
Tests that the entry attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsFixed()
Tests that the fixed attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsIncremental()
Tests that the incremental attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsMap()
Tests that the map attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsRebuild()
Tests that the rebuild attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsName()
Tests that the name attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.


public void testExtendsClassname()
Tests that the classname attribute in the base linker is effective when creating the command line for a linker that extends it.

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