A set of library names. Libraries can also be added to a link by specifying them in a fileset. For most Unix-like compilers, libset will result in a series of -l and -L linker arguments. For Windows compilers, the library names will be used to locate the appropriate library files which will be added to the linkers input file list as if they had been specified in a fileset.
Attribute Description Type
casesensitive Sets case sensitivity of the file system. If not set, will default to the linker's case sensitivity. boolean
dataset Sets the dataset. Used on OS390 if the libs are in a dataset. String
description String
dir Library directory. File
if Sets the property name for the 'if' condition. The library set will be ignored unless the property is defined. The value of the property is insignificant, but values that would imply misinterpretation ("false", "no") will throw an exception when evaluated. String
libs Comma-separated list of library names without leading prefixes, such as "lib", or extensions, such as ".so" or ".a". StringArrayBuilder
refid Reference
type Sets the preferred library type. Supported values "shared", "static", and "framework". "framework" is equivalent to "shared" on non-Darwin platforms. LibraryTypeEnum
unless Set the property name for the 'unless' condition. If named property is set, the library set will be ignored. The value of the property is insignificant, but values that would imply misinterpretation ("false", "no") of the behavior will throw an exception when evaluated. String