Requests the creation of an IDE project file. Experimental. Implementation status: msdev5, msdev6 and cbuilderx generate reasonable project files for simple projects, xcode and msdev7 and msdev71 capture source file lists and a few settings.
Attribute Description Type
classname Class name for a user-supplied project writer. Use the "type" attribute to specify built-in project writer implementations. String
description String
failonerror Sets whether a failure to write the project file should cause the task to fail. Default is true. boolean
if Sets the property name for the 'if' condition. The configuration will be ignored unless the property is defined. The value of the property is insignificant, but values that would imply misinterpretation ("false", "no") will throw an exception when evaluated. String
name Set name. String
outfile Sets the name for the generated project file. File
overwrite Sets whether an existing project file should be overwritten, default is true. If false and the project file exists, the value of failonerror will determine if the task fails. boolean
refid Reference
type Set project type. Supported project formats
cbuilderx Borland C++BuilderX
msvc5 Microsoft Visual C++ 97
msvc6 Microsoft Visual C++ 6
msvc7 Microsoft Visual C++.NET
msvc71 Microsoft Visual C++.NET 2003
msvc8 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
msvc9 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
xcode Apple Xcode
unless Set the property name for the 'unless' condition. If named property is set, the configuration will be ignored. The value of the property is insignificant, but values that would imply misinterpretation ("false", "no") of the behavior will throw an exception when evaluated. String
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