Information on the execution platforms for the generated code. (Non-functional prototype)
Attribute Description Type
arch Sets cpu architecture, compiler may use cpu specific instructions. ArchEnum
cpu Sets preferred cpu, but does not use cpu specific instructions. CPUEnum
description Sets a description of the current data type. String
id Sets an id that can be used to reference this element. String
if Sets the property name for the 'if' condition. The define will be ignored unless the property is defined. The value of the property is insignificant, but values that would imply misinterpretation ("false", "no") will throw an exception when evaluated. String
osfamily Sets operating system family. OSFamilyEnum
refid Specifies that this element should behave as if the content of the element with the matching id attribute was inserted at this location. If specified, no other attributes should be specified. Reference
unless Set the property name for the 'unless' condition. If named property is set, the define will be ignored. The value of the property is insignificant, but values that would imply misinterpretation ("false", "no") of the behavior will throw an exception when evaluated. String