/* * * Copyright 2002-2004 The Ant-Contrib project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.CommandLineCompilerConfiguration; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.Compiler; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.compiler.LinkType; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.devstudio.DevStudioCCompiler; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.gcc.GccCCompiler; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.types.CompilerArgument; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.types.ConditionalPath; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.types.DefineArgument; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.types.DefineSet; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.types.IncludePath; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.types.SystemIncludePath; import net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.types.UndefineArgument; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; /** * Tests for CompilerDef. */ public final class TestCompilerDef extends TestProcessorDef { /** * Constructor. * * @param name * test name */ public TestCompilerDef(final String name) { super(name); } /** * Creates a new processor. * * @return new processor */ protected ProcessorDef create() { return new CompilerDef(); } /** * This method tests CompilerDef.getActiveDefines. * * A CompilerDef is created similar to what would be created for * * * * Then getActiveDefines is called for a project without and with the * "debug" property defined. Return value from getActiveDefines should * contain one member */ public void testGetActiveDefines() { Project project = new org.apache.tools.ant.Project(); CompilerDef def = new CompilerDef(); def.setProject(project); DefineSet defset = new DefineSet(); DefineArgument arg1 = new DefineArgument(); arg1.setName("DEBUG"); arg1.setIf("debug"); defset.addDefine(arg1); DefineArgument arg2 = new DefineArgument(); arg2.setName("NDEBUG"); arg2.setUnless("debug"); defset.addDefine(arg2); def.addConfiguredDefineset(defset); // // Evaluate without "debug" set // UndefineArgument[] activeArgs = def.getActiveDefines(); assertEquals(1, activeArgs.length); assertEquals("NDEBUG", activeArgs[0].getName()); // // Set the "debug" property // project.setProperty("debug", ""); activeArgs = def.getActiveDefines(); assertEquals(1, activeArgs.length); assertEquals("DEBUG", activeArgs[0].getName()); } /** * This method tests CompilerDef.getActiveIncludePath. * * A CompilerDef is created similar to what would be created for * * * * and is evaluate for a project without and without "debug" set */ public void testGetActiveIncludePaths() { Project project = new org.apache.tools.ant.Project(); CompilerDef def = new CompilerDef(); def.setProject(project); ConditionalPath path = def.createIncludePath(); path.setLocation(new File("..")); path.setIf("debug"); // // Evaluate without "debug" set // String[] includePaths = def.getActiveIncludePaths(); assertEquals(0, includePaths.length); // // Set the "debug" property // project.setProperty("debug", ""); includePaths = def.getActiveIncludePaths(); assertEquals(1, includePaths.length); } /** * Tests that setting classname to the Gcc compiler is effective. */ public void testGetGcc() { CompilerDef compilerDef = (CompilerDef) create(); compilerDef.setClassname("net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.gcc.GccCCompiler"); Compiler comp = (Compiler) compilerDef.getProcessor(); assertNotNull(comp); assertSame(GccCCompiler.getInstance(), comp); } /** * Tests that setting classname to the MSVC compiler is effective. */ public void testGetMSVC() { CompilerDef compilerDef = (CompilerDef) create(); compilerDef .setClassname( "net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.devstudio.DevStudioCCompiler"); Compiler comp = (Compiler) compilerDef.getProcessor(); assertNotNull(comp); assertSame(DevStudioCCompiler.getInstance(), comp); } /** * Tests that setting classname to an bogus class name results in a * BuildException. */ public void testUnknownClass() { CompilerDef compilerDef = (CompilerDef) create(); try { compilerDef .setClassname("net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.bogus.BogusCompiler"); } catch (BuildException ex) { return; } fail("Exception not thrown"); } /** * Test that setting classname to a class that doesn't support Compiler * throws a BuildException. * */ public void testWrongType() { CompilerDef compilerDef = (CompilerDef) create(); try { compilerDef .setClassname("net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.devstudio.DevStudioLinker"); } catch (BuildException ex) { return; } fail("Exception not thrown"); } /** * Gets the command line arguments that precede filenames. * * @param processor * processor under test * @return command line arguments */ protected String[] getPreArguments(final ProcessorDef processor) { return ((CommandLineCompilerConfiguration) getConfiguration(processor)) .getPreArguments(); } /** * Tests if a fileset enclosed in the base compiler definition is effective. * * @throws IOException * if unable to create or delete a temporary file */ public void testExtendsFileSet() throws IOException { super.testExtendsFileSet(File.createTempFile("cpptaskstest", ".cpp")); } /** * Tests if the rebuild attribute of the base compiler definition is * effective. * */ public void testExtendsRebuild() { testExtendsRebuild(new CompilerDef()); } /** * Tests that compilerarg's contained in the base compiler definition are * effective. */ public void testExtendsCompilerArgs() { CompilerDef baseLinker = new CompilerDef(); CompilerArgument linkerArg = new CompilerArgument(); linkerArg.setValue("/base"); baseLinker.addConfiguredCompilerArg(linkerArg); CompilerDef extendedLinker = (CompilerDef) createExtendedProcessorDef( baseLinker); String[] preArgs = getPreArguments(extendedLinker); assertEquals(2, preArgs.length); assertEquals("/base", preArgs[0]); } /** * Tests that defineset's contained in the base compiler definition are * effective. */ public void testExtendsDefineSet() { CompilerDef baseCompiler = new CompilerDef(); DefineSet defSet = new DefineSet(); DefineArgument define = new DefineArgument(); define.setName("foo"); define.setValue("bar"); defSet.addDefine(define); baseCompiler.addConfiguredDefineset(defSet); CompilerDef extendedCompiler = (CompilerDef) createExtendedProcessorDef( baseCompiler); String[] preArgs = getPreArguments(extendedCompiler); assertEquals(2, preArgs.length); assertEquals("-Dfoo=bar", preArgs[1]); } /** * Tests that includepath's contained in the base compiler definition are * effective. */ public void testExtendsIncludePath() { CompilerDef baseCompiler = new CompilerDef(); CompilerDef extendedCompiler = (CompilerDef) createExtendedProcessorDef( baseCompiler); IncludePath path = baseCompiler.createIncludePath(); path.setPath("/tmp"); String[] preArgs = getPreArguments(extendedCompiler); assertEquals(2, preArgs.length); assertEquals("-I", preArgs[1].substring(0, 2)); } /** * Tests that sysincludepath's contained in the base compiler definition are * effective. */ public void testExtendsSysIncludePath() { CompilerDef baseCompiler = new CompilerDef(); CompilerDef extendedCompiler = (CompilerDef) createExtendedProcessorDef( baseCompiler); SystemIncludePath path = baseCompiler.createSysIncludePath(); path.setPath("/tmp"); String[] preArgs = getPreArguments(extendedCompiler); assertEquals(2, preArgs.length); assertEquals("-I", preArgs[1].substring(0, 2)); } /** * Sets the name attribute. * * @param compiler * compiler under test * @param name * compiler name */ private static void setCompilerName(final CompilerDef compiler, final String name) { CompilerEnum compilerName = new CompilerEnum(); compilerName.setValue(name); compiler.setName(compilerName); } /** * Tests that the extend attribute of the base compiler definition is * effective. */ public void testExtendsExceptions() { CompilerDef baseCompiler = new CompilerDef(); baseCompiler.setExceptions(true); CompilerDef extendedCompiler = (CompilerDef) createExtendedProcessorDef( baseCompiler); setCompilerName(extendedCompiler, "msvc"); String[] preArgs = getPreArguments(extendedCompiler); assertEquals("/GX", preArgs[2]); } /** * Tests that the multithread attribute of the base compiler definition is * effective. */ public void testExtendsMultithreaded() { CompilerDef baseCompiler = new CompilerDef(); baseCompiler.setMultithreaded(false); CompilerDef extendedCompiler = (CompilerDef) createExtendedProcessorDef( baseCompiler); setCompilerName(extendedCompiler, "msvc"); CCTask cctask = new CCTask(); LinkType linkType = new LinkType(); linkType.setStaticRuntime(true); CommandLineCompilerConfiguration config = (CommandLineCompilerConfiguration) extendedCompiler .createConfiguration(cctask, linkType, null, null, null); String[] preArgs = config.getPreArguments(); assertEquals("/ML", preArgs[3]); } /** * Tests that the name attribute in the base compiler is effective. */ public void testExtendsName() { CompilerDef baseCompiler = new CompilerDef(); setCompilerName(baseCompiler, "msvc"); CompilerDef extendedCompiler = (CompilerDef) createExtendedProcessorDef( baseCompiler); extendedCompiler.setExceptions(true); String[] preArgs = getPreArguments(extendedCompiler); assertEquals("/GX", preArgs[2]); } /** * Tests that the classname attribute in the base compiler is effective. */ public void testExtendsClassname() { CompilerDef baseCompiler = new CompilerDef(); baseCompiler .setClassname( "net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.devstudio.DevStudioCCompiler"); CompilerDef extendedCompiler = (CompilerDef) createExtendedProcessorDef( baseCompiler); extendedCompiler.setExceptions(true); String[] preArgs = getPreArguments(extendedCompiler); assertEquals("/GX", preArgs[2]); } }