path: root/src/site/apt/intro.apt
diff options
authorMark Donszelmann <>2009-10-12 14:13:02 +0200
committerMark Donszelmann <>2009-10-12 14:13:02 +0200
commitfb8d039ebe7801921fd315d6ce93b3c2384761f5 (patch)
treebab4b13c0fad4f7b6fb06073ca0052d9e52c8942 /src/site/apt/intro.apt
parente9064cb4be974a3021fe3856e4193ce98d39c1b4 (diff)
Fixed NAR-7
Diffstat (limited to 'src/site/apt/intro.apt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/src/site/apt/intro.apt b/src/site/apt/intro.apt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c62bd9..0000000
--- a/src/site/apt/intro.apt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
- ---
-Maven NAR Plugin
- ---
- ---
-Mark Donszelmann
- ---
- NOTE: <<bold>> print is <<NOT implemented yet>>.
- This plugin for Maven 2 allows you to compile native code (c++, c and fortran) on
-a number of different architectures (Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, ...) and with
-a number of different compilers/linkers (g++, Microsoft Visual C++, CC, ...)
-The output produced is wrapped up in Native ARchive files (.nar) some of which
-are machine independent (-noarch), while others are machine specific and thus depend
-on a combination of machine architecture(A), operating-system(O) and linker(L) identified
-as AOL.
-These nar files can be installed in the local maven repository and deployed to a
-standard maven (web) server, using the standard maven-install-plugin and maven-deploy-plugin.
- Other maven projects may specify dependencies on these nar files using the standard
-maven dependency declaration. Nar files get downloaded, unpacked and
-installed in the local maven repository, just like jar files are (apart from the
- The NAR plugin executes the following goals, in the order below, to create and deploy nar files.
-The goals are part of the
-<<<nar>>> packaging/{{{lifecycle.html}lifecycle}}, which inserts the nar goals into the standard lifecyle. Using nar packaging
-allows you to build a jar file as well as nar files. The list below shows the sequence of the NAR goals:
- [[1]] {{{#nar-download}nar-download}}
- [[2]] {{{#nar-system-generate}nar-system-generate}}
- [[3]] {{{#nar-unpack}nar-unpack}}
- [[4]] {{{#nar-resources}nar-resources}}
- [[5]] {{{#nar-javah}nar-javah}}
- [[6]] {{{#nar-compile}nar-compile}}
- [[7]] {{{#nar-testCompile}nar-testCompile}}
- [[8]] {{{#nar-test}nar-test}}
- [[9]] {{{#nar-package}nar-package}}
- [[10]] {{{#nar-integration-test}nar-integration-test}}
- [[11]] {{{#install}install (standard maven goal)}}
- [[12]] {{{#deploy}deploy (standard maven goal)}}
- []
-* Initialization
- The NAR Plugin starts off by setting and deducing all kinds of property values for usage
-in the goals below. The configuration section of the NAR plugin allows one to override
-most of the default settings. The default settings come from the AOL properties file
-which allows us to specify different defaults depending on the architecture-os-linker
-combination, see {{{aol.html}AOL Properties}}.
- The NAR Plugin tries to deduce the "Operating System"
-and the "Architecture" of the machine. Both can be overridden by setting <<<os>>>
-and <<<arch>>> in the {{{configuration.html}configuration}}.
- The name of the linker is looked up in a architecture-os specific way, but can be overridden
-by setting <<<>>> (this means the subtag \<name\> of the \<linker\> tag in the
-configuration section). Now that the linker name is known
-all other properties are looked up with a prefix of <<<[arch.[os.[linker.]]]>>> from the AOL Properties
-file, but can be overridden in the configuration section (which can be made AOL specific by
-putting it inside a profile.
-* {nar-download}
- Your NAR artifact(s) may be dependent on other nar artifacts. The standard maven dependency
-declaration in the POM is used to describe such dependencies, see {{{nar-dependencies.html}
-nar-dependencies}}. By the time this goal is running maven will have already downloaded
-all dependent jar files some of which may include a file.
-This property file contains information on what other machine dependent and machine independent nar files to download.
-This goal will download any further necessary nar files into the local repository.
-* {nar-system-generate}
- This goal generates a NarSystem class if necessary. This class contains helper methods for your
-code to handle things at run-time. The static method "loadLibrary()" is currently the only method
-generated and will load your JNI library with name "artifactId-version". This goals only executed
-if you produce a JNI library and you specify a <packageName> as subtag of <library>. The NarSystem
-class will then end up in this package.
-* {nar-unpack}
- Since a nar file is of no use to any native compilation process the nar-unpack goal unpacks the nar into
-the "nar" subdirectory of the local repository. A flag is set not to download and unpack this nar file again,
-except if it is a SNAPSHOT artifact. <<TBD The actual nar file is deleted to preserve diskspace.>>
-* {nar-resources}
- This is an optional goal. It will take any resources in src/nar/resources and copy them into
-specific areas under target/nar. Resources may include pre-compiled/linked libraries and other
-shareable items. This goal can be used to create a nar library from a distribution that comes
-with compiled shareable libraries.
-* {nar-javah}
- This goal will run the javah tool on any class file in the <<<javah.classDirectory>>> directory
-that has native methods in it. The actual class files are inspected (rather than their sources).
-The javah tool is picked up from the java installation and is run with a classpath of the
-<<<javah.classDirectory>>> and all depencies' classpaths, unless you specify a list in <<<javah.classPaths>>>.
-You can also set a boot classpath using <<<javah.bootClassPaths>>>.
- This goal has no effect if there are no java sources, or if none of the java classes contain a native
-* {nar-compile}
- This goal will compile the native source code (c, c++ or fortran) and archive it into a shared library.
-You can also produce a jni or a static library by setting <<<library.type>>>.
-To handle the variety of compilers and linkers, the NAR plugin uses the cpptasks from the ant-contrib
-project, with some minor improvements and additions of compilers, see {{{cpptasks.html}cpptasks}}.
-Most of the settings for cpptasks, such as compiler, linker, options and include dirs are available
-through the NAR plugin, see {{{configuration.html}configuration}}.
- The NAR plugin searches the directory structure under COMPILER.sourceDirectory, which defaults to
-src/main. The standard way to separate your sources for different languages would be src/main/c, src/main/c++
-and src/main/fortran, but any file under src/main is searched for.
- The nar plugin will automatically select the correct compiler (c, c++ or fortran) based on the type of
-source, as specified in the patterns in <<<AOL.c.includes>>>,
-<<<AOL.cpp.includes>>> and <<<AOL.fortran.includes>>>, where AOL is a dotted qualifier of the architecture,
-os and linker (x86.Windows.msvc for example).
- Include paths are added in this order from:
- * any directories set in <<<COMPILER.includePaths>>>, where COMPILER is c, cpp or fortran.
- * the <<<javah.jniDirectory>>>.
- * only if <<<java.include>>> is true or if <<<javah.jniDirectory>>>
- exists we add one of the following, relative to the java home directory:
- * <<<java.includePaths>>> if set,
- * otherwise the <<<>>> property from the AOL properties.
- []
- * the header files of any of the nar type dependencies, unless it is a jni library.
- * any system directories set in <<<COMPILER.sysincludepath>>>, where COMPILER is c, cpp or fortran.
- []
- The static or dynamic library is linked against:
- * the list of libraries set in <<<linker.libs>>>. Using nar dependencies is preferred though.
- * the libraries of any of the nar type dependencies.
- * the java virtual machine if you set
- <<<>>> to true. The location of the runtime can be overridden in <<<java.runtimeDirectory>>>.
- []
- All include files from <<<COMPILER.includePaths>>> are copied to be included
-in the noarch nar file.
- << TBD If you set maven.nar.includefilesonly to true the compilation step will be
-skipped. This flag can be used if you want to distribute a library that only contains pure
-abstract classes in include files.>>
-* {nar-testCompile}
- This goal will compile the native test source code (c, c++ or fortran) and create executables from it.
-To handle the variety of compilers and linkers, the NAR plugin uses the cpptasks from the ant-contrib
-project, with some minor improvements and additions of compilers, see {{{cpptasks.html}cpptasks}}.
-Most of the settings for cpptasks, such as compiler, linker, options and include dirs are available
-through the NAR plugin, see {{{configuration.html}configuration}}.
- The NAR plugin searches the directory structure under COMPILER.sourceDirectory, which defaults to
-src/test. The standard way to separate your sources for different languages would be src/test/c, src/test/c++
-and src/test/fortran, but any file under src/test is searched for.
- The compiler will automatically select the correct compiler (c, c++ or fortran) based on the type of
-sources, as specified in the patterns in <<<AOL.c.includes>>>,
-<<<AOL.nar.src.includes>>> and <<<AOL.fortran.includes>>>, where AOL is a dotted qualifier of the architecture,
-os and linker (x86.Windows.msvc for example).
- <<TBD If you set maven.nar.includefilesonly to true the compile-tests goal will be
-* {nar-test}
- Runs any native tests as well as any executables that have been produced.
-* {nar-package}
- This goal creates the artifact jar/nar file(s). The jar file is created by the standard package goal.
-The following jar and nar files are created:
- * \<Artifact\>-\<version\>.jar, containing a property file describing the behaviour of the
- library and other nar files available. For a description see {{{nar-dependencies.html}
- nar-dependencies}}.
- * \<Artifact\>-\<version\>-noarch.nar, a compressed jar file containing non machine
- specific parts of the distribution, such as the include directories.
- * \<Artifact\>-\<version\>-\<aol\>-\<type\>.nar, a compressed jar file containing machine
- specific parts of the distribution, such as the libraries. This file is specific to a particular
- Architecture-OS-Linker (AOL) combination <<TBD and is not generated if maven.nar.includefilesonly
- is set>>. Type specifies if this nar is either of type shared, static or jni.
- []
-* {nar-integration-test}
- This goal runs tests against the packaged jar and nar files. Currently this is useful only to
-test a jni library. The jni library is added to the java.library.path and the tests are forked to
-pick up this path.
- To use this goal you need to put the test sources in the regular test directories but disable
-the running of the tests by the maven-surefire-plugin.
- <<TBD integration tests for other types of libraries than jni>>
-* {install}
- This goal installs the produced artifacts in your local repository. The unpacking is done in the
-unpack goal of a dependent artifact upon first usage.
-* {deploy}
- This goal deploys the produced artifacts on a maven (web) server. The jar and nar files only consists
-in their full form on the server and are never unpacked on the server.