--- Maven NAR Plugin --- --- Mark Donszelmann --- HelloWorld Examples These example contain a simple C method "sayHello". This method can be called from a C program, a Java program, put into a static library, put into a shared library, use a third party library, ... There are also some unit test which are run and call the same method. The following examples are available: [executable] A C routine. [helloworldstaticexe] A C routine statically linked with the C-runtime library. [] [helloworldjni] A C routine called from Java and a Java unit test. [helloworldjnilibjava] A java project which depends on helloworldjni. [helloworldstaticjni] A C routine called from Java statically linked with the C-runtime library and a Java unit test. [hellothirdpartyjni] A third party JNI library called from Java. The third party library is "helloworldjni" and is added as resource to the project in the form of a JNI library and a corresponding jar file. A Java unit test is provided. [] [helloworldsharedlib] A C routine which gets archived into a shared library. A C test executable is created and run. [helloworldsharedlibexe] A C executable which depends on "helloworldsharedlib" and links dynamically with it. The executable is created and run. [helloworldsharedlibjni] A C routine called from Java, which depends on "helloworldsharedlib" and links dynamically with it. A Java unit test is provided. [] [helloworldstaticlib] A C routine which gets archived into a static library. A C test executable is created and run. [helloworldstaticlibexe] A C executable which depends on "helloworldstaticlib" and links statically with it. The executabe is created and run. [helloworldstaticlibjni] A C routine called from Java, which depends on "helloworldstaticlib" and links statically with it. A Java unit test is provided. [] These examples are now all run as integration tests when you try to run maven on the maven-nar-plugin from its top-level directory with the profile "run-its".