Maven NAR Plugin
Mark Donszelmann
Frequently Asked Questions

	[Why does the nar-package goal run before the (general) jar goal]
The nar-package goal generates the nar.properties file which needs to 
be included in the general jar artifact.

	[Why does the nar plugin produce both a jar artifact and an 
	attached -noarch.nar artifact. Could these two not be combined?]
The jar artifact contains only java classes and gets added to the classpath.
It needs no further processing. The -noarch.nar artifact contains include
files and needs to be unpacked to be useful for the native compilers. 
It does not need to be added to the classpath. Combining the two artifacts
would complicate matters.

	[I use the nar-plugin to create a JNI type library. How do I load this library
	from my code?]
The JNI library is strictly connected to the corresponding java code in the
main artifact (jar file). Since the main artifact has a version number, we decided
that the JNI library should have the same version number. If you add the subtag
<packageName> to the <library> tag, the nar-plugin will generate a NarSystem
class for you which will load the library. Assuming you specified com.mycompany.mypackage
as packageName, then you need to add the following code to the class with the native

import com.mycompany.mypackage.NarSystem

public class ... {


	static {