package io.trygvis.jz14.db; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Supplier; import static io.trygvis.jz14.db.RobustTimerTask.robustTimerTask; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; public class DbListener implements Closeable { private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass()); private final DbListenerConfig config; private final Timer timer; private final Listener listener; @FunctionalInterface public static interface NewItemCallback { void newItem(boolean wasNotified, Iterable parameters) throws Exception; } public static final class PostgresConnection implements Closeable { public final Connection sqlConnection; public final T underlying; public PostgresConnection(Connection sqlConnection, T underlying) { this.sqlConnection = sqlConnection; this.underlying = underlying; } @Override public final void close() { try { sqlConnection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } public abstract static class DbListenerConfig { /** * Default scanner delay; 1 minute; */ public static final long DEFAULT_SCANNER_DELAY = ms(1, MINUTES); /** * Default scanner period; 1 hour. */ public static final long DEFAULT_SCANNER_PERIOD = ms(1, HOURS); /** * Default connection life check interval; 1 hour; */ public static final long DEFAULT_LISTENER_CONNECTION_LIVE_CHECK_INTERVAL = ms(1, HOURS); /** * Default sleep time after failure; 1 second; */ public static final long DEFAULT_LISTENER_SLEEP_INTERVAL = ms(200, MILLISECONDS); /** * Default sleep time after failure; 1 minute; */ public static final long DEFAULT_LISTENER_FAILURE_SLEEP_INTERVAL = ms(1, MINUTES); /** * The name of the channel to listen on. */ public final String name; /** * Should the scanner thread be started? */ public final boolean runScanner; /** * Should the listener thread be started? */ public final boolean runListener; /** * How long should the scanner wait after start before starting to scan. */ public final long scannerDelay; /** * How often should the scanner wait between scans. */ public long scannerPeriod; /** * How long should the listener sleep after each poll. */ public long listenerSleepInterval; /** * How often should the listener do a live check of the connection. */ public long listenerConnectionLiveCheckInterval; /** * How long should the listener sleep after a failure. */ public long listenerFailureSleepInterval; /** * Configures a listener with the default parameters, */ public DbListenerConfig(String name) { this(name, true, true, DEFAULT_SCANNER_DELAY, DEFAULT_SCANNER_PERIOD, DEFAULT_LISTENER_SLEEP_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_LISTENER_CONNECTION_LIVE_CHECK_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_LISTENER_FAILURE_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } public DbListenerConfig(String name, boolean runScanner, boolean runListener, long scannerDelay, long scannerPeriod, long listenerSleepInterval, long listenerConnectionLiveCheckInterval, long listenerFailureSleepInterval) { = name; this.runScanner = runScanner; this.runListener = runListener; this.scannerDelay = scannerDelay; this.scannerPeriod = scannerPeriod; this.listenerSleepInterval = listenerSleepInterval; this.listenerConnectionLiveCheckInterval = listenerConnectionLiveCheckInterval; this.listenerFailureSleepInterval = listenerFailureSleepInterval; } public static long ms(long count, TimeUnit unit) { return MILLISECONDS.convert(count, unit); } } public static DbListener nativeDbListener(DbListenerConfig config, NewItemCallback callable, Supplier> connectionSupplier) throws SQLException { return new DbListener(config, callable, connectionSupplier, null); } public static DbListener ngDbListener(DbListenerConfig config, NewItemCallback callable, Supplier> connectionSupplier) throws SQLException { return new DbListener(config, callable, null, connectionSupplier); } private DbListener(DbListenerConfig config, NewItemCallback callable, Supplier> nativeSup, Supplier> ngSup) throws SQLException { this.config = config;"DB Listener: {}",;" Run scanner: {}", config.runScanner);" Run listener: {}", config.runListener); if (config.runScanner) { timer = new Timer("Timer \"" + + "\"", true); timer.schedule(robustTimerTask(new NewItemCallbackCallable<>(callable)), config.scannerDelay, config.scannerPeriod); } else { timer = null; } if (config.runListener) { try (PostgresConnection pg = (nativeSup != null ? nativeSup : ngSup).get()) { Connection c = pg.sqlConnection; if (c.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase().contains("postgresql")) { if (nativeSup != null) { listener = new NativeListener(config, nativeSup, callable); } else { listener = new NgListener(config, ngSup, callable); } Thread thread = new Thread(listener, "LISTEN \"" + + "\""); thread.start(); } else {"Mail listener is configured to run, but the database isn't a PostgreSQL database"); listener = null; } } } else { listener = null; } } public void close() {"Stopping DB listener {}",; if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); } if (listener != null) { try { listener.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Exception while closing listener.", e); } } } private class NewItemCallbackCallable implements Callable { private final NewItemCallback callback; private NewItemCallbackCallable(NewItemCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; } @Override public A call() throws Exception { callback.newItem(false, Collections.emptyList()); return null; } } }