#include "BluetoothImpl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Got to love magic constants. Taken from bluez.git/tools/btgatt-client.c #define ATT_CID 4 #define MAX_MTU 256 namespace trygvis { namespace bluetooth { namespace linux { typedef boost::uuids::uuid uuid_t; using namespace uuids; class LinuxBluetoothDevice; class LinuxBluetoothAdapter; class LinuxBluetoothManager; class LinuxBluetoothAdapter : public BluetoothAdapter { public: LinuxBluetoothAdapter(int hciDeviceId); ~LinuxBluetoothAdapter(); void runScan(void (*callback)(BluetoothDevice &device)) override; BluetoothDevice &getDevice(Mac &mac) override; private: void startScan() override; void stopScan() override; int hciDeviceId; int hciSocket; struct hci_filter hciFilter; bool scanning; map devices; }; class LinuxBluetoothDevice : public DefaultBluetoothDevice { public: LinuxBluetoothDevice(LinuxBluetoothAdapter &adapter, Mac mac); Mac const &mac() override; LinuxBluetoothAdapter &adapter() override; void connect() override; void disconnect() override; void discoverServices() override; private: vector discoverServices(uint16_t startHandle); vector discoverCharacteristics(uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle); ByteBuffer writeAndRead(ByteBuffer &out, shared_ptr buffer, size_t size); LinuxBluetoothAdapter &_adapter; Mac _mac; int l2cap; }; // Utilities string errnoAsString() { return string(strerror(errno)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mac // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mac parseMac(bdaddr_t &a) { return Mac(a.b[0], a.b[1], a.b[2], a.b[3], a.b[4], a.b[5]); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Device // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LinuxBluetoothDevice::LinuxBluetoothDevice(LinuxBluetoothAdapter &adapter, Mac mac) : DefaultBluetoothDevice(), _adapter(adapter), _mac(mac) { } Mac const &LinuxBluetoothDevice::mac() { return _mac; } LinuxBluetoothAdapter &LinuxBluetoothDevice::adapter() { return _adapter; } void LinuxBluetoothDevice::connect() { struct sockaddr_l2 addr; D << "connect: mac=" << _mac.str(); l2cap = socket(PF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_SEQPACKET, BTPROTO_L2CAP); if (l2cap < 0) { throw BluetoothException(this, "LinuxBluetoothDevice::connect(): socket(): " + errnoAsString()); } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; addr.l2_bdaddr = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; addr.l2_cid = htobs(ATT_CID); addr.l2_bdaddr_type = BDADDR_LE_PUBLIC; if (bind(l2cap, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { close(l2cap); throw BluetoothException(this, "LinuxBluetoothDevice::connect(): bind(): " + errnoAsString()); } struct bt_security btsec; memset(&btsec, 0, sizeof(btsec)); btsec.level = BT_SECURITY_LOW; if (setsockopt(l2cap, SOL_BLUETOOTH, BT_SECURITY, &btsec, sizeof(btsec)) != 0) { close(l2cap); throw BluetoothException(this, "LinuxBluetoothDevice::connect(): setsockopt(): " + errnoAsString()); } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; addr.l2_cid = htobs(ATT_CID); addr.l2_bdaddr_type = BDADDR_LE_RANDOM; _mac.copy(addr.l2_bdaddr.b[5], addr.l2_bdaddr.b[4], addr.l2_bdaddr.b[3], addr.l2_bdaddr.b[2], addr.l2_bdaddr.b[1], addr.l2_bdaddr.b[0]); if (::connect(l2cap, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { close(l2cap); throw BluetoothException(this, "LinuxBluetoothDevice::connect(): connect(): " + errnoAsString()); } } void LinuxBluetoothDevice::disconnect() { DF << "mac=" << _mac.str(); close(l2cap); } uuid_t readUuid(ByteBuffer &bytes) { size_t s = data.value.getBytesLeft(); if (s == 2) { uint8_t bs[16] = BLUETOOTH_UUID_INITIALIZER; bs[2] = data.value.get8(1); bs[3] = data.value.get8(0); memcpy(&u, bs, 16); } else if (s == 16) { uint8_t bs[16]; bs[15] = data.value.get8(0); bs[14] = data.value.get8(1); bs[13] = data.value.get8(2); bs[12] = data.value.get8(3); bs[11] = data.value.get8(4); bs[10] = data.value.get8(5); bs[9] = data.value.get8(6); bs[8] = data.value.get8(7); bs[7] = data.value.get8(8); bs[6] = data.value.get8(9); bs[5] = data.value.get8(10); bs[4] = data.value.get8(11); bs[3] = data.value.get8(12); bs[2] = data.value.get8(13); bs[1] = data.value.get8(14); bs[0] = data.value.get8(15); memcpy(&u, bs, 16); } else { throw BluetoothException(this, "Unexpected size: " + to_string(data.value.getSize())); } } void LinuxBluetoothDevice::discoverServices() { uint16_t startHandle = 0x0001; do { vector values = discoverServices(startHandle); // Shouldn't happen, but you never know. if (values.size() == 0) { break; } for (auto &data: values) { D << "handle: 0x" << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << data.handle << ", endGroupHandle: 0x" << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << data.endGroupHandle << ", value: " << data.value.toString(); uuid_t u = readUuid(data.value); services.push_back(new DefaultBluetoothGattService(*this, u, data.handle, data.endGroupHandle)); } auto last = values.back(); startHandle = last.endGroupHandle; } while (startHandle != 0xffff); for (auto &s : services) { D << "service: " << to_string(s->getUuid()) << ", handle: " << s->getHandle() << ", end group handle: " << s->getEndGroupHandle(); } auto it = services.begin(), end = services.end(); startHandle = 0x0001; do { vector values = discoverCharacteristics(startHandle, 0xffff); if (values.size() == 0) { break; } for (auto c : values) { uint8_t properties = c.data.read8(); uint16_t valueHandle = c.data.read16le(); if (values.data.getBytesLeft() == 2) { uint16_t uuid = values.data.read16le(); } else { } } auto last = values.back(); startHandle = last.endGroupHandle; } while (startHandle != 0xffff); /* if (it != end) { auto &service = *it; for (auto &s : services) { vector values = discoverCharacteristics(s->getHandle(), 0xffff); // service = accumulate(services.begin(), services.end(), [](a&, b&){}); } } */ } ByteBuffer LinuxBluetoothDevice::writeAndRead(ByteBuffer &out, shared_ptr buffer, size_t size) { D << "pdu size=" << out.getCursor(); ssize_t written = write(l2cap, buffer.get(), out.getCursor()); D << "written=" << written; ssize_t r = read(l2cap, buffer.get(), size); if (r == -1) { throw BluetoothException(this, "read(): " + errnoAsString()); } auto in = ByteBuffer(buffer, (size_t) r); D << "read: " << r << " bytes: " << in.toString(); return in; } vector LinuxBluetoothDevice::discoverServices(uint16_t startHandle) { DF; shared_ptr buffer(new uint8_t[MAX_MTU]); ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer(buffer, MAX_MTU); AttPdu::makeReadByGroupType(out, startHandle, 0xffff, uuids::PRIMARY_SERVICE); ByteBuffer in = writeAndRead(out, buffer, MAX_MTU); vector values = AttPdu::parseReadByGroupType(in); D << "READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE response has " + to_string(values.size()) + " values"; return values; } vector LinuxBluetoothDevice::discoverCharacteristics(uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle) { DF; shared_ptr buffer(new uint8_t[MAX_MTU]); ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer(buffer, MAX_MTU); AttPdu::makeReadByType(out, startHandle, endHandle, uuids::CHARACTERISTIC); ByteBuffer in = writeAndRead(out, buffer, MAX_MTU); vector values = AttPdu::parseReadByType(in); D << "READ_BY_TYPE response has " + to_string(values.size()) + " values"; return values; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adapter // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LinuxBluetoothAdapter::LinuxBluetoothAdapter(int hciDeviceId) : scanning(false) { DF << "hciDeviceId=" << hciDeviceId; this->hciDeviceId = hciDeviceId; hciSocket = ::hci_open_dev(hciDeviceId); D << "HCI socket: " << hciSocket; if (hciSocket == -1) { throw BluetoothException(this, "Could not open HCI device " + to_string(hciDeviceId)); } hci_filter_clear(&hciFilter); hci_filter_set_ptype(HCI_EVENT_PKT, &hciFilter); hci_filter_set_event(EVT_LE_META_EVENT, &hciFilter); hci_filter_set_event(EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT, &hciFilter); setsockopt(hciSocket, SOL_HCI, HCI_FILTER, &hciFilter, sizeof(hciFilter)); } LinuxBluetoothAdapter::~LinuxBluetoothAdapter() { DF; stopScan(); close(hciSocket); D << "Depeting " << devices.size() << " devices"; for (auto &pair : devices) { delete pair.second; } } void LinuxBluetoothAdapter::startScan() { DF; struct hci_dev_info di; if (hci_devinfo(hciDeviceId, &di) < 0) { throw BluetoothException(this, "HCI adapter is not up: " + to_string(hciDeviceId)); } D << "hciDeviceId.dev_id=" << di.dev_id; D << "hciDeviceId.bdaddr=" << parseMac(di.bdaddr).str(); D << "hciDeviceId.flags=" << setw(8) << setfill('0') << hex << di.flags; D << "hciDeviceId.flags RUNNING = " << hci_test_bit(HCI_RUNNING, &di.flags); D << "hciDeviceId.flags UP = " << hci_test_bit(HCI_UP, &di.flags); D << "hciDeviceId.flags PSCAN = " << hci_test_bit(HCI_PSCAN, &di.flags); D << "hciDeviceId.flags ISCAN = " << hci_test_bit(HCI_ISCAN, &di.flags); D << "hciDeviceId.name=" << di.name; int up = hci_test_bit(HCI_UP, &di.flags); if (!up) { throw BluetoothException(this, "HCI adapter is not up: " + to_string(hciDeviceId)); } if (hci_le_set_scan_parameters(hciSocket, 0x01, htobs(0x0010), htobs(0x0010), 0x00, 0, 1000) < 0) { throw BluetoothException(this, "hci_le_set_scan_parameters: " + errnoAsString()); } if (hci_le_set_scan_enable(hciSocket, 1, 0, 1000)) { throw BluetoothException(this, "Could not start scanning: other" + errnoAsString()); } scanning = true; } void LinuxBluetoothAdapter::stopScan() { DF; if (!scanning) { return; } scanning = false; if (hci_le_set_scan_enable(hciSocket, 0, 0, 1000) < 0) { W << "stopScan: hci_le_set_scan_enable: " << errnoAsString(); } } BluetoothDevice &LinuxBluetoothAdapter::getDevice(Mac &mac) { map::iterator it = devices.find(mac); if (it == devices.end()) { LinuxBluetoothDevice *device = new LinuxBluetoothDevice(*this, mac); devices[mac] = device; return *device; } return *it->second; } void LinuxBluetoothAdapter::runScan(void (*callback)(BluetoothDevice &device)) { fd_set rfds; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(hciSocket, &rfds); startScan(); while (scanning) { // Linux can change tv, so it has to be reinitialized struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; int selected = select(hciSocket + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (selected == -1) { throw BluetoothException(this, "select() failed"); } if (selected == 0) { D << "timeout"; // Timeout, just continue continue; } unsigned char hciEventBuf[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE]; ssize_t len = read(hciSocket, hciEventBuf, sizeof(hciEventBuf)); evt_le_meta_event *metaEvent = (evt_le_meta_event *) (hciEventBuf + (1 + HCI_EVENT_HDR_SIZE)); len -= (1 + HCI_EVENT_HDR_SIZE); D << "metaEvent->subevent = " << std::hex << (int) metaEvent->subevent; if (metaEvent->subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { le_advertising_info *advertisingInfo = (le_advertising_info *) (metaEvent->data + 1); Mac mac = parseMac(advertisingInfo->bdaddr); BluetoothDevice &device = getDevice(mac); callback(device); } } } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of platform-specific method. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace trygvis { namespace bluetooth { using namespace trygvis::bluetooth::linux; map adapters; BluetoothAdapter &getAdapterImpl(int hciDevice) { map::iterator it = adapters.find(hciDevice); if (it == adapters.end()) { LinuxBluetoothAdapter *adapter = new LinuxBluetoothAdapter(hciDevice); adapters[hciDevice] = adapter; return *adapter; } return *it->second; } void shutdownImpl() { for (auto &pair: adapters) { delete pair.second; } } } }