var _ = require('lodash'); function DillerDao(tx) { var deviceColumns = 'id, key, created_timestamp'; var propertyColumns = 'id, device, key, created_timestamp'; var valueColumns = 'property, timestamp, value_text, value_numeric'; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Device // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function devices() { return tx.manyOrNone("SELECT " + deviceColumns + " FROM device"); } function deviceById(id) { return"SELECT " + deviceColumns + " FROM device WHERE id=$1", id); } function deviceByKey(key) { return tx.oneOrNone("SELECT " + deviceColumns + " FROM device WHERE key=$1", key); } function insertDevice(key) { return"INSERT INTO device(id, key, created_timestamp) VALUES(DEFAULT, $1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) RETURNING " + deviceColumns, key); } function updateDevice(id, attributes) { var values = [id]; var i = 2; var fields =, function (value, name) { console.log('name', name, 'value', value, 'i', i); if (name == 'name') { values.push(value); return 'name = $' + i++; } }); if (fields.length == 0) { return; // TODO: return an empty promise; } fields = _.collect(fields); var x = 'UPDATE device SET ' + fields.join(', ') + ' WHERE id = $1'; console.log('x', x); console.log('values', values); return tx.none(x, values); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Device Property // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function devicePropertyById(id) { return'SELECT ' + propertyColumns + ' FROM device_property WHERE id=$1', [id]); } function devicePropertyByDeviceIdAndKey(deviceId, key) { return tx.oneOrNone('SELECT ' + propertyColumns + ' FROM device_property WHERE device=$1 AND key=$2', [deviceId, key]); } function devicePropertiesByDeviceId(deviceId) { return tx.manyOrNone('SELECT ' + propertyColumns + ' FROM device_property WHERE device=$1', [deviceId]); } function insertDeviceProperty(deviceId, key) { return'INSERT INTO device_property(id, device, key, created_timestamp) VALUES(DEFAULT, $1, $2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) RETURNING ' + propertyColumns, [deviceId, key]); } function updatePropertyName(id, name) { return tx.none('UPDATE device_property SET name=$1 WHERE id=$2', [name, id]); } function updatePropertyDescription(id, description) { return tx.none('UPDATE device_property SET description=$1 WHERE id=$2', description, id); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Value // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function valuesByPropertyId(propertyId, limit) { limit = limit || 10; return tx.manyOrNone('SELECT timestamp, coalesce(value_numeric::text, value_text) AS value FROM value WHERE property=$1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $2', [propertyId, limit]); } function insertValue(propertyId, value) { var value_numeric = parseFloat(value) || undefined, value_text = value_numeric ? null : value; return'INSERT INTO value(property, timestamp, value_text, value_numeric) VALUES($1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, $2, $3::NUMERIC) RETURNING timestamp', [propertyId, value_text, value_numeric]); } function updateHourAggregatesForProperty(propertyId, timestamp) { return tx.none('DELETE FROM value_by_hour WHERE property=$1 AND timestamp=DATE_TRUNC(\'hour\', $2::TIMESTAMPTZ)', [propertyId, timestamp]) .then(function () { return tx.oneOrNone('INSERT INTO value_by_hour(property, timestamp, count, max, min, avg) ' + 'SELECT property, DATE_TRUNC(\'hour\', timestamp) AS timestamp, COUNT(value_numeric) AS count, MAX(value_numeric) AS max, MIN(value_numeric) AS min, AVG(value_numeric) AS avg ' + 'FROM value WHERE property=$1 AND DATE_TRUNC(\'hour\', timestamp)=DATE_TRUNC(\'hour\', $2::TIMESTAMPTZ) AND value_numeric IS NOT NULL ' + 'GROUP BY property, DATE_TRUNC(\'hour\', timestamp) ' + 'RETURNING *;', [propertyId, timestamp]); }); } function updateMinuteAggregatesForProperty(propertyId, timestamp) { return tx.none('DELETE FROM value_by_minute WHERE property=$1 AND timestamp=DATE_TRUNC(\'minute\', $2::TIMESTAMPTZ)', [propertyId, timestamp]) .then(function () { return tx.oneOrNone('INSERT INTO value_by_minute(property, timestamp, count, max, min, avg) ' + 'SELECT property, DATE_TRUNC(\'minute\', timestamp) AS timestamp, COUNT(value_numeric) AS count, MAX(value_numeric) AS max, MIN(value_numeric) AS min, AVG(value_numeric) AS avg ' + 'FROM value ' + 'WHERE property=$1 AND DATE_TRUNC(\'minute\', timestamp)=DATE_TRUNC(\'minute\', $2::TIMESTAMPTZ) AND value_numeric IS NOT NULL ' + 'GROUP BY property, DATE_TRUNC(\'minute\', timestamp) ' + 'RETURNING *;', [propertyId, timestamp]); }); } return { devices: devices, deviceById: deviceById, deviceByKey: deviceByKey, insertDevice: insertDevice, updateDevice: updateDevice, devicePropertyById: devicePropertyById, devicePropertyByDeviceIdAndKey: devicePropertyByDeviceIdAndKey, devicePropertiesByDeviceId: devicePropertiesByDeviceId, insertDeviceProperty: insertDeviceProperty, updatePropertyName: updatePropertyName, updatePropertyDescription: updatePropertyDescription, valuesByPropertyId: valuesByPropertyId, insertValue: insertValue, updateHourAggregatesForProperty: updateHourAggregatesForProperty, updateMinuteAggregatesForProperty: updateMinuteAggregatesForProperty } } module.exports = DillerDao;