/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32l152d_eval_audio_codec.h * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.0.1 * @date 09-March-2012 * @brief This file contains all the functions prototypes for the * stm32l152d_eval_audio_codec.c driver. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© COPYRIGHT 2012 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __STM32L152D_EVAL_AUDIOCODEC_H #define __STM32L152D_EVAL_AUDIOCODEC_H /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32l1xx.h" /** @addtogroup Utilities * @{ */ /** @addtogroup STM32_EVAL * @{ */ /** @addtogroup STM32L152D_EVAL * @{ */ /** @addtogroup STM32L152D_EVAL_AUDIO_CODEC * @{ */ /** @defgroup STM32L152D_EVAL_AUDIO_CODEC_Exported_Constants * @{ */ /*------------------------------------ CONFIGURATION: Audio Codec Driver Configuration parameters ----------------------------------------*/ #define I2S_INTERRUPT /* Comment this line to enable the DMA Handler */ /* Audio Transfer mode (DMA, Interrupt or Polling) */ #define AUDIO_MAL_MODE_NORMAL /* Uncomment this line to enable the audio Transfer using DMA with normal mode */ /* #define AUDIO_MAL_MODE_CIRCULAR */ /* Uncomment this line to enable the audio Transfer using DMA with circular mode */ /* For the DMA modes select the interrupt that will be used */ #define AUDIO_MAL_DMA_IT_TC_EN /* Uncomment this line to enable DMA Transfer Complete interrupt */ /* #define AUDIO_MAL_DMA_IT_HT_EN */ /* Uncomment this line to enable DMA Half Transfer Complete interrupt */ /* #define AUDIO_MAL_DMA_IT_TE_EN */ /* Uncomment this line to enable DMA Transfer Error interrupt */ /* Select the interrupt preemption priority and subpriority for the DMA interrupt */ #define EVAL_AUDIO_IRQ_PREPRIO 0 /* Select the preemption priority level(0 is the highest) */ #define EVAL_AUDIO_IRQ_SUBRIO 0 /* Select the sub-priority level (0 is the highest) */ /* Uncomment the following line to use the default Codec_TIMEOUT_UserCallback() function implemented in stm32l152d_eval_audio_codec.c file. Codec_TIMEOUT_UserCallback() function is called whenever a timeout condition occurs during communication (waiting on an event that doesn't occur, bus errors, busy devices ...). */ /* #define USE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------ OPTIONAL Configuration defines parameters ----------------------------------------*/ /* I2C clock speed configuration (in Hz) WARNING: Make sure that this define is not already declared in other files (ie. stm32l152d_eval.h file). It can be used in parallel by other modules. */ #ifndef I2C_SPEED #define I2C_SPEED 100000 #endif /* I2C_SPEED */ /* Uncomment defines below to select standard for audio communication between Codec and I2S peripheral */ #define I2S_STANDARD_PHILLIPS /* #define I2S_STANDARD_MSB */ /* #define I2S_STANDARD_LSB */ /* Uncomment the defines below to select if the Master clock mode should be enabled or not */ #define CODEC_MCLK_ENABLED /* #define CODEC_MCLK_DISABLED */ /* Uncomment this line to enable verifying data sent to codec after each write operation */ #define VERIFY_WRITTENDATA /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------- Hardware Configuration defines parameters -----------------------------------------*/ /* Audio Reset Pin definition */ #define AUDIO_RESET_GPIO_CLK RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOB #define AUDIO_RESET_PIN GPIO_Pin_1 #define AUDIO_RESET_GPIO GPIOB /* I2S peripheral configuration defines */ #define CODEC_I2S SPI2 #define CODEC_I2S_CLK RCC_APB1Periph_SPI2 #define CODEC_I2S_ADDRESS 0x4000380C #define CODEC_I2S_GPIO_AF GPIO_AF_SPI2 #define CODEC_I2S_IRQ SPI2_IRQn #define CODEC_I2S_GPIO_CLOCK (RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOC | RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOB) #define CODEC_I2S_WS_PIN GPIO_Pin_12 #define CODEC_I2S_SCK_PIN GPIO_Pin_13 #define CODEC_I2S_SD_PIN GPIO_Pin_15 #define CODEC_I2S_MCK_PIN GPIO_Pin_6 #define CODEC_I2S_WS_PINSRC GPIO_PinSource12 #define CODEC_I2S_SCK_PINSRC GPIO_PinSource13 #define CODEC_I2S_SD_PINSRC GPIO_PinSource15 #define CODEC_I2S_MCK_PINSRC GPIO_PinSource6 #define CODEC_I2S_GPIO GPIOB #define CODEC_I2S_MCK_GPIO GPIOC #define Audio_I2S_IRQHandler SPI2_IRQHandler #define AUDIO_MAL_DMA_PERIPH_DATA_SIZE DMA_PeripheralDataSize_HalfWord #define AUDIO_MAL_DMA_MEM_DATA_SIZE DMA_MemoryDataSize_HalfWord #define DMA_MAX_SZE 0xFFFF /* I2S DMA Channel definitions */ #define AUDIO_I2S_DMA_CLOCK RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1 #define AUDIO_I2S_DMA_DREG CODEC_I2S_ADDRESS #define AUDIO_I2S_DMA_CHANNEL DMA1_Channel5 #define AUDIO_I2S_DMA_IRQ DMA1_Channel5_IRQn #define AUDIO_I2S_DMA_FLAG_TC DMA1_FLAG_TC5 #define AUDIO_I2S_DMA_FLAG_HT DMA1_FLAG_HT5 #define AUDIO_I2S_DMA_FLAG_TE DMA1_FLAG_TE5 #define Audio_MAL_I2S_IRQHandler DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler /* I2C peripheral configuration defines (control interface of the audio codec) */ #define CODEC_I2C I2C1 #define CODEC_I2C_CLK RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1 #define CODEC_I2C_GPIO_CLOCK RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOB #define CODEC_I2C_GPIO_AF GPIO_AF_I2C1 #define CODEC_I2C_GPIO GPIOB #define CODEC_I2C_SCL_PIN GPIO_Pin_8 #define CODEC_I2C_SDA_PIN GPIO_Pin_9 #define CODEC_I2S_SCL_PINSRC GPIO_PinSource8 #define CODEC_I2S_SDA_PINSRC GPIO_PinSource9 /* Maximum Timeout values for flags and events waiting loops. These timeouts are not based on accurate values, they just guarantee that the application will not remain stuck if the I2C communication is corrupted. You may modify these timeout values depending on CPU frequency and application conditions (interrupts routines ...). */ #define CODEC_FLAG_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0x1000) #define CODEC_LONG_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)(300 * CODEC_FLAG_TIMEOUT)) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------- Audio Codec User defines -----------------------------------------*/ /* Audio interface : I2S */ #define AUDIO_INTERFACE_I2S 1 /* Codec output DEVICE */ #define OUTPUT_DEVICE_SPEAKER 1 #define OUTPUT_DEVICE_HEADPHONE 2 #define OUTPUT_DEVICE_BOTH 3 #define OUTPUT_DEVICE_AUTO 4 /* Volume Levels values */ #define DEFAULT_VOLMIN 0x00 #define DEFAULT_VOLMAX 0xFF #define DEFAULT_VOLSTEP 0x04 #define AUDIO_PAUSE 0 #define AUDIO_RESUME 1 /* Codec POWER DOWN modes */ #define CODEC_PDWN_HW 1 #define CODEC_PDWN_SW 2 /* MUTE commands */ #define AUDIO_MUTE_ON 1 #define AUDIO_MUTE_OFF 0 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup STM32L152D_EVAL_AUDIO_CODEC_Exported_Macros * @{ */ #define VOLUME_CONVERT(x) ((Volume > 100)? 100:((uint8_t)((Volume * 255) / 100))) #define DMA_MAX(x) (((x) <= DMA_MAX_SZE)? (x):DMA_MAX_SZE) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup STM32L152D_EVAL_AUDIO_CODEC_Exported_Functions * @{ */ void EVAL_AUDIO_SetAudioInterface(uint32_t Interface); uint32_t EVAL_AUDIO_Init(uint16_t OutputDevice, uint8_t Volume, uint32_t AudioFreq); uint32_t EVAL_AUDIO_DeInit(void); uint32_t EVAL_AUDIO_Play(uint16_t* pBuffer, uint32_t Size); uint32_t EVAL_AUDIO_PauseResume(uint32_t Cmd); uint32_t EVAL_AUDIO_Stop(uint32_t CodecPowerDown_Mode); uint32_t EVAL_AUDIO_VolumeCtl(uint8_t Volume); uint32_t EVAL_AUDIO_Mute(uint32_t Command); uint32_t Codec_SwitchOutput(uint8_t Output) ; /* User Callbacks: user has to implement these functions in his code if they are needed. -----------------------------------------------------------*/ extern uint16_t EVAL_AUDIO_GetSampleCallBack(void); /* User I2S IrqnHandler : user has to implement these functions in his code if they are needed. -----------------------------------------------------------*/ extern void EVAL_Audio_I2S_IRQHandler(void); /* This function is called when the requested data has been completely transferred. In Normal mode (when the define AUDIO_MAL_MODE_NORMAL is enabled) this function is called at the end of the whole audio file. In circular mode (when the define AUDIO_MAL_MODE_CIRCULAR is enabled) this function is called at the end of the current buffer transmission. */ void EVAL_AUDIO_TransferComplete_CallBack(uint32_t pBuffer, uint32_t Size); /* This function is called when half of the requested buffer has been transferred This callback is useful in Circular mode only (when AUDIO_MAL_MODE_CIRCULAR define is enabled)*/ void EVAL_AUDIO_HalfTransfer_CallBack(uint32_t pBuffer, uint32_t Size); /* This function is called when an Interrupt due to transfer error on or peripheral error occurs. */ void EVAL_AUDIO_Error_CallBack(void* pData); /* Codec_TIMEOUT_UserCallback() function is called whenever a timeout condition occurs during communication (waiting on an event that doesn't occur, bus errors, busy devices ...) on the Codec control interface (I2C). You can use the default timeout callback implementation by uncommenting the define USE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CALLBACK in stm32l152d_eval_audio_codec.h file. Typically the user implementation of this callback should reset I2C peripheral and re-initialize communication or in worst case reset all the application. */ uint32_t Codec_TIMEOUT_UserCallback(void); #endif /* __STM32L152D_EVAL_AUDIOCODEC_H */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/