
elfinfo - Extract info from ELF files

Elfinfo shows you some nice stats about your ELF file, useful for microcontroller binaries if you want to keep an eye on how much flash and data you're using.

Given this LD script (only significant parts shown, the rest is ignored):

    flash(r)    : ORIGIN = 0x00180000, LENGTH = 32K
    data(rw)    : ORIGIN = 0x00200000, LENGTH = 4K
    /* Place IDT at the bottom of SRAM, 52 gate wide */
    esram_idt (rw)  : ORIGIN = 0x00280000, LENGTH = 0x1A0
    esram(rw)   : ORIGIN = 0x002801A0, LENGTH = 8K - 1K - 0x1A0
    stack(rw)   : ORIGIN = 0x00281C00, LENGTH = 1K

this is a possible output:

Memory areas
Name       Flags Start    End       Size Used
flash      ---   00180000 00188000   32k  28%
data       ---   00200000 00201000    4k   0%
esram_idt  ---   00280000 002801a0   416   0%
esram      ---   002801a0 00281c00    6k   3%
stack      ---   00281c00 00282000    1k   0%


This code currently depend on experimental patches for Antlr4's C++ runtime which has to be build first. This should more or less do it:

git clone https://github.com/trygvis/antlr4
cd antlr4/runtime/Cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/opt/antlr-cpp ..
make install

This will build and install Antlr4 into $HOME/opt/antlr-cpp.

To build this code follow a similar approach:

mkdir build
cmake -DAntlr4_DIR=$HOME/opt/antlr-cpp/lib/cmake/Antlr4 \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/opt/elfinfo \
make install