#!/bin/bash PROJECT=kicad-utils set -e CMAKE=`which cmake 2>/dev/null` PREFIX=$HOME/opt/$PROJECT # TODO: find basedir from the current binary BASEDIR=`pwd` if [ ! -x "$CMAKE" ] then echo "cmake is not installed" exit 1 fi cd $BASEDIR NEW=`test -d build && echo 1 || true` mkdir -p build CMAKE_OPTS=() CMAKE_OPTS+=(-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX) #CMAKE_OPTS+=(-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=NO) #CMAKE_OPTS+=(-DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=NO) # These are required until Antlr C++ is installed by the system CMAKE_OPTS+=(-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=TRUE) CMAKE_OPTS+=(-DAntlr4_DIR=$HOME/opt/antlr4-cpp/lib/cmake/Antlr4) cd build echo "" echo "Generating build.." echo "" cmake "${CMAKE_OPTS[@]}" .. echo "" echo "" echo "" if [[ $NEW == 1 ]] then echo "Reusing existing build/ directory. You should probably run cd build && make clean" else echo "The build files are generated in build/. To build run: cd build && make install" echo "The binaries will be installed under $PREFIX" fi echo ""