import base64 import urllib.parse import zlib from pathlib import Path from typing import Mapping, MutableMapping from xml.dom import minidom from lxml import etree def decompress(input_stream, output_stream): doc = minidom.parse(input_stream) diagram_elem = doc.getElementsByTagName("diagram")[0] decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) bs = base64.b64decode(diagram_elem.firstChild.wholeText) inflated = decompressor.decompress(bs) inflated += decompressor.flush() xml = urllib.parse.unquote(bytes.decode(inflated, "ascii")) doc = minidom.parseString(xml) pretty_xml = doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ") print(pretty_xml, file=output_stream) class GraphObject(object): def __init__(self, id_: str, attrs, value): = id_ self.attrs = attrs self.value = value self.incoming: MutableMapping[str, "GraphEdge"] = {} self.outgoing: MutableMapping[str, "GraphEdge"] = {} def add_attr(self, key, value): self.attrs[key] = value def add_incoming(self, edge: "GraphEdge"): self.incoming[] = edge def add_outgoing(self, edge: "GraphEdge"): self.outgoing[] = edge class GraphEdge(object): def __init__(self, id_, attrs, source_id, target_id, value): = id_ self.attrs = attrs self.source_id = source_id self.target_id = target_id self.value = value self.source: GraphObject = None GraphObject = None def add_attr(self, key, value): self.attrs[key] = value class GraphModel(object): def __init__(self, objects: Mapping[str, GraphObject], edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdge]): self.objects = objects self.edges = edges @staticmethod def create(objects: Mapping[str, GraphObject], edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdge]) -> "GraphModel": for id_, edge in edges.items(): source = objects[edge.source_id] target = objects[edge.target_id] source.add_outgoing(edge) target.add_incoming(edge) edge.source = source = target return GraphModel(objects, edges) def load_graph(doc) -> GraphModel: def parse_text(s: str): if s is None: return None return s.replace("
", "\n").strip() root = doc.getroot() objects = {} edges = {} root = root.find("root") for child in root: try: a = child.attrib id_ = child.attrib["id"] value = None attrs = {} if child.tag == "mxCell": value = a.get("value") bad_keys = ("id", "edge", "parent", "vertex", "style", "source", "target", "value") cell = child elif child.tag == "object": value = a.get("label") cell = child.find("mxCell") a = cell.attrib bad_keys = ("id", "label", "placeholders") else: raise KeyError("Unknown tag: {}".format(child.tag)) attrs = {key: value for key, value in child.attrib.items() if key not in bad_keys} value = parse_text(value) vertex = "vertex" in a and a["vertex"] == "1" edge = "edge" in a and a["edge"] == "1" if (edge and vertex) or (not edge and not vertex): continue # don't know what these really are # raise ValueError("node is neither edge nor vertex: {}".format(a["id"])) if vertex: objects[id_] = GraphObject(id_, attrs, value) else: source_id = a["source"] target_id = a["target"] edges[id_] = GraphEdge(id_, attrs, source_id, target_id, value) except KeyError as e: id_ = child.attrib["id"] if "id" in child.attrib else "unknown" raise KeyError("Error while processing {}: {}, id={}".format(child, str(e), id_)) return GraphModel.create(objects, edges) def to_parts(in_path: Path, out_path: Path): doc = etree.parse(str(in_path)) graph = load_graph(doc) def to_dot(in_path: Path, out_path: Path): def to_id(s: str): return s.replace("-", "_") def quote(s: str): return s.replace("\"", "\\\"") doc = etree.parse(str(in_path)) graph = load_graph(doc) print("digraph parts {") for id_, obj in graph.objects.items(): if len(obj.attrs): attr_str = "\\n".join(["{}={}".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in obj.attrs.items()]) print(" {}_attrs [shape=plaintext, label=\"{}\"]".format(to_id(, quote(attr_str))) print(" {}_attrs -> {} [arrowhead=none,style=dotted]".format(to_id(, to_id( attrs = {} if obj.value: attrs["label"] = obj.value attr_str = ",".join(["{}=\"{}\"".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in attrs.items()]) print(" {} [{}];".format(to_id(, attr_str)) for id_, edge in graph.edges.items(): source_id = target_id = if len(edge.attrs): print(" // source={}, target={}".format(source_id, target_id)) attr_str = "\\n".join(["{}={}".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in edge.attrs.items()]) print(" {}_fake [shape=plaintext, label=\"{}\"]".format(to_id(, attr_str)) print(" {}_fake -> {}".format(to_id(, to_id( # source_id = "{}_fake".format(to_id( target_id = "{}_fake".format(to_id( arrowhead="none" else: arrowhead="normal" attrs = {} # if edge.value: # attrs["label"] = edge.value # attr_str = ",".join(["{}=\"{}\"".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in attrs.items()]) print(" {} -> {} [arrowhead={}];".format(to_id(source_id), to_id(target_id), arrowhead)) for k, v in edge.attrs.items(): print(" // {}={}".format(k, v)) print("}")