import base64 import urllib.parse import zlib from pathlib import Path from typing import Mapping, MutableMapping, List, Optional from xml.dom import minidom from lxml import etree from ee.db import ObjDb from ee.part import PartDb, save_db, load_db, Part, AssemblyPart def decompress(input_stream, output_stream): doc = minidom.parse(input_stream) diagram_elem = doc.getElementsByTagName("diagram")[0] decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) bs = base64.b64decode(diagram_elem.firstChild.wholeText) inflated = decompressor.decompress(bs) inflated += decompressor.flush() xml = urllib.parse.unquote(bytes.decode(inflated, "ascii")) doc = minidom.parseString(xml) pretty_xml = doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ") print(pretty_xml, file=output_stream) class GraphObject(object): def __init__(self, id_: str, attrs, value): = id_ self.attrs = attrs self.value = value self.incoming: MutableMapping[str, "GraphEdge"] = {} self.outgoing: MutableMapping[str, "GraphEdge"] = {} def add_attr(self, key, value): self.attrs[key] = value def add_incoming(self, edge: "GraphEdge"): self.incoming[] = edge def add_outgoing(self, edge: "GraphEdge"): self.outgoing[] = edge class GraphEdge(object): def __init__(self, id_, attrs, source_id, target_id, value): = id_ self.attrs = attrs self.source_id = source_id self.target_id = target_id self.value = value self.source: Optional[GraphObject] = None Optional[GraphObject] = None def add_attr(self, key, value): self.attrs[key] = value class GraphModel(object): def __init__(self, objects: Mapping[str, GraphObject], edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdge]): self.objects = objects self.edges = edges @property def roots(self): return [o for o in self.objects.values() if len(o.incoming) == 0] @staticmethod def create(objects: Mapping[str, GraphObject], edges: Mapping[str, GraphEdge]) -> "GraphModel": for id_, edge in edges.items(): source = objects[edge.source_id] target = objects[edge.target_id] source.add_outgoing(edge) target.add_incoming(edge) edge.source = source = target return GraphModel(objects, edges) def load_graph(doc) -> GraphModel: def parse_text(s: str): if s is None: return None return s.replace("<br>", "\n").strip() root = doc.getroot() objects = {} edges = {} root = root.find("root") for child in root: try: a = child.attrib id_ = child.attrib["id"] value = None attrs = {} if child.tag == "mxCell": value = a.get("value") bad_keys = ("id", "edge", "parent", "vertex", "style", "source", "target", "value") cell = child elif child.tag == "object": value = a.get("label") cell = child.find("mxCell") a = cell.attrib bad_keys = ("id", "label", "placeholders") else: raise KeyError("Unknown tag: {}".format(child.tag)) attrs = {key: value for key, value in child.attrib.items() if key not in bad_keys} value = parse_text(value) vertex = "vertex" in a and a["vertex"] == "1" edge = "edge" in a and a["edge"] == "1" if (edge and vertex) or (not edge and not vertex): continue # don't know what these really are # raise ValueError("node is neither edge nor vertex: {}".format(a["id"])) if vertex: objects[id_] = GraphObject(id_, attrs, value) else: source_id = a["source"] target_id = a["target"] edges[id_] = GraphEdge(id_, attrs, source_id, target_id, value) except KeyError as e: id_ = child.attrib["id"] if "id" in child.attrib else "unknown" raise KeyError("Error while processing {}: {}, id={}".format(child, str(e), id_)) return GraphModel.create(objects, edges) def to_parts(in_path: Path, out_path: Path, part_dbs: List[Path]): parts: ObjDb[Part] = ObjDb[Part]() description_idx = parts.add_index("description", lambda p: p.underlying.descriptionProp) def find_part(o: GraphObject): if "part" in o.attrs: d = o.attrs["part"] else: d = o.value hits = description_idx.get(d) if len(hits) == 0: # print("No part with description found in database: '{}'".format(d)) return elif len(hits) == 1: found = hits[0] return found else: # print("Found multiple parts with description '{}'".format(d)) return def add_part(o: GraphObject): p = find_part(o) uri = p.uri if p else None ap = AssemblyPart(uri) if uri: ap.references.add_part_reference(uri) ap.references.add_description_reference(o.value) for out in o.outgoing.values(): sub_part = add_part( ap.add_sub_part(sub_part) return ap for part_db in part_dbs: for xml in load_db(part_db).iterparts(): parts.add(Part(xml)) doc = etree.parse(str(in_path)) graph = load_graph(doc) db = PartDb() a = db.assembly for root in graph.roots: save_db(out_path, db) def to_dot(in_path: Path, out_path: Path): def to_id(s: str): return s.replace("-", "_") def quote(s: str): return s.replace("\"", "\\\"") doc = etree.parse(str(in_path)) graph = load_graph(doc) with open(str(out_path), "w") as f: print("digraph parts {", file=f) for id_, obj in graph.objects.items(): if len(obj.attrs): attr_str = "\\n".join(["{}={}".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in obj.attrs.items()]) print(" {}_attrs [shape=plaintext, label=\"{}\"]".format(to_id(, quote(attr_str)), file=f) print(" {}_attrs -> {} [arrowhead=none,style=dotted]".format(to_id(, to_id(, file=f) attrs = {} if obj.value: attrs["label"] = obj.value attr_str = ",".join(["{}=\"{}\"".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in attrs.items()]) print(" {} [{}];".format(to_id(, attr_str), file=f) for id_, edge in graph.edges.items(): source_id = target_id = if len(edge.attrs): print(" // source={}, target={}".format(source_id, target_id), file=f) attr_str = "\\n".join(["{}={}".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in edge.attrs.items()]) print(" {}_fake [shape=plaintext, label=\"{}\"]".format(to_id(, attr_str), file=f) print(" {}_fake -> {}".format(to_id(, to_id(, file=f) # source_id = "{}_fake".format(to_id( target_id = "{}_fake".format(to_id( arrowhead = "none" else: arrowhead = "normal" attrs = {} # if edge.value: # attrs["label"] = edge.value # attr_str = ",".join(["{}=\"{}\"".format(k, quote(v)) for k, v in attrs.items()]) print(" {} -> {} [arrowhead={}];".format(to_id(source_id), to_id(target_id), arrowhead), file=f) for k, v in edge.attrs.items(): print(" // {}={}".format(k, v)) print("}")