import argparse from itertools import * import os.path import yaml from colors import color import ee.digikey as dk from ee.digikey import SearchResponseTypes, DigikeyProduct parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Download facts about parts from Digi-Key") parser.add_argument("parts", metavar="PART", nargs="+", help="The parts to download fact for") parser.add_argument("--out", required=True, metavar="OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", dest="out", action="store", help="A directory to store fact files") parser.add_argument("--force", dest="force", action="store", help="Always download fact even if there is a local file") args = parser.parse_args() digikey = dk.Digikey() client = dk.DigikeyClient(digikey, on_download=lambda s: print(color(s, 'grey'))) def mpn_to_path(mpn): return "{}/{}.yaml".format(args.out, mpn) def on_product(p: DigikeyProduct): y = p.to_yaml() with open(mpn_to_path(p.mpn), "w") as f: yaml.dump(y, f, encoding="utf-8", allow_unicode=True) for p in print(color("Searching for {}".format(p), "white")) path = mpn_to_path(p) if os.path.isfile(path) and not args.force: continue response = if response.response_type == SearchResponseTypes.SINGLE: p = response.products[0] print(color("Found {}".format(p.mpn), "white")) on_product(p) elif response.response_type == SearchResponseTypes.MANY: for k, g in groupby(sorted(response.products), lambda p: p.mpn): print(color("Found {}".format(k), "white")) on_product(list(g)[0]) elif response.response_type == SearchResponseTypes.TOO_MANY: print(color("Too many results ({}), select a category first".format(response.count), 'red')) elif response.response_type == SearchResponseTypes.NO_MATCHES: print(color("Part not found", "orange"))