import os.path import ee.kicad as kicad basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def dump_schema(sch): print("Libraries") for l in sch.libraries: print("name: {}".format( print("Components") for c in sch.components: if c.unit != 1: continue print("REF: {}, fields={}".format(c.ref if c.unit == 1 else "{}/{}".format(c.ref, c.unit), len(c.fields))) for f in c.fields: print(" {}={}".format(, f.value)) def dump_bom(sch): from xml.etree import ElementTree from xml.dom import minidom print("---") bom = kicad.to_bom_xml(sch) s = ElementTree.tostring(bom, encoding='unicode') print(s) xmlstr = minidom.parseString(s).toprettyxml(indent=" ") print(xmlstr) print("---") def load(path): p = basedir + "/parser/" + path print("p={}".format(p)) sch = kicad.read_schematics(p) return sch def test_demo_1(): sch = load("parser-demo-1.sch") dump_schema(sch) dump_bom(sch) r101 = sch.get_component("R101") assert r101 # KiCAD 4 assert == "R" # If this doesn't fail, you've upgraded the .sch files to KiCAD5+. Don't do that, make a new one. assert r101.symbol.library is None def test_sch(): sch = load("foo.sch") dump_schema(sch) dump_bom(sch) def test_hierarchical(): sch = load("hierarchical/hierarchical.sch") dump_schema(sch) dump_bom(sch) assert 3 == len(sch.components) assert 3 == len(sch.schematics) assert sch.get_component("R101") assert sch.get_component("C201") assert sch.get_component("L301")