* What is IoT * What is IoT * IoT is just a concept * What is an IoT Device? * What is an IoT Device? * Typical IoT chips - Bluetooth 4/5 * Typical IoT chips - Wi-Fi * ESP8266 details - Power usage * ESP8266 details - Arduino * Going back to basics * What is the internet again? * OSI model * Layer 1: Physical Layer * Layer 2: Data Link Layer * Layer 3: Network Layer * Layer 4: Transport Layer * Layer 5: Session Layer * Layer 6: Presentation Layer * Layer 7: Application Layer * Details: IP * Details: IP * Lecture: ESP8266 aka NodeMCU aka ESP-12 * ESP8266 software layers * Lecture: MQTT * MQTT * MQTT - The protocol * MQTT - The protocol - MQTT Topic * MQTT - The protocol - MQTT Topic * MQTT - The protocol - MQTT Packet * MQTT - The protocol - MQTT Topic - more * MQTT - The protocol * MQTT - Patterns * MQTT - Implementations * MQTT Cloud Connectors * Notes * Assignments * Assignment 1: Blink a led * Assignment 2: Connect to Wi-Fi * Assignment 3: Connect to MQTT broker * Assignment 4: Network play time