From ff7ff9a9a939d377bb9bf150e83099eab0f1e588 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Trygve Laugstøl Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 08:57:35 +0200 Subject: wip --- slides/what-is-iot-slides.tex | 1424 ----------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1424 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 slides/what-is-iot-slides.tex (limited to 'slides/what-is-iot-slides.tex') diff --git a/slides/what-is-iot-slides.tex b/slides/what-is-iot-slides.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 1b65fc0..0000000 --- a/slides/what-is-iot-slides.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1424 +0,0 @@ -\hypertarget{nodemcu}{% -\section{NodeMCU}\label{nodemcu}} - -\begin{frame}{NodeMCU hardware} -\protect\hypertarget{nodemcu-hardware}{} - -\includegraphics{images/NodeMCU-–-Board-de-desarrollo-con-módulo-ESP8266-WiFi-y-Lua-4.jpg} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{NodeMCU hardware} -\protect\hypertarget{nodemcu-hardware-1}{} - -\begin{center} -\begin{tikzpicture} - -\path - (0, 0) node(flash)[draw, rectangle, - minimum height=1cm, minimum width=2cm] {Flash} - - (0, 1.5) node(esp8266)[draw, rectangle, - minimum height=1cm, minimum width=2cm] {ESP8266} - - (3.5, 1.5) node(cp201x)[draw, rectangle, - minimum height=0.75cm, minimum width=1cm] - {CP201x} - - (5.5, 1.5) node(usb)[] - {USB} -; - -\draw[-] (esp8266) -- node[node font=\footnotesize, right]{QSPI} (flash); -\draw[-] (esp8266) -- node[node font=\footnotesize, above]{UART} (cp201x) -- (usb); - -\node[rectangle, draw, fit=(esp8266) (flash), inner sep=2 mm, - label={[name=esp12_label,anchor=south]ESP-12}] - (esp12){}; - -\node[rectangle, draw, thick, fit=(esp12_label) (esp12) (cp201x), inner sep=3 mm, - label={[anchor=north]south:NodeMCU}] - (nodemcu){}; - -\end{tikzpicture} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{ESP8266 software layers} -\protect\hypertarget{esp8266-software-layers}{} - -\begin{center} -\begin{tikzpicture} - -\node (rect_hw) [rectangle, draw, anchor=south west, - minimum width=6 cm, minimum height=1 cm, - label={[anchor=south]center:ESP8266 Hardware}] at (0, 0) {}; - -\draw[thick] (-0.5, 1.25) -- (6.5, 1.25) ; - -\node [rectangle, draw, anchor=south west, - minimum width=4 cm, minimum height=1 cm, - label={[anchor=south]center:ESP SDK}] at (0, 1.5) {}; - -\node [rectangle, draw, anchor=south west, - minimum width=2 cm, minimum height=1 cm, - label={[align=center, text width=1cm]center:GCC libc}] at (4, 1.5) {}; - -\node [rectangle, draw, anchor=south west, - minimum width=6 cm, minimum height=1 cm, - label={[anchor=south]center:ESP interface}] at (0, 2.5) {}; - -\node [rectangle, draw, anchor=south west, - minimum width=2 cm, minimum height=1 cm, - label={[align=center, text width= 2cm]center:Generic Arduino}] at (0, 3.5) {}; - -\node [rectangle, draw, anchor=south west, - minimum width=2 cm, minimum height=1 cm, - label={[align=center, text width= 2cm]center:Ethernet}] at (2, 3.5) {}; - -\node [rectangle, draw, anchor=south west, - minimum width=2 cm, minimum height=1 cm, - label={[align=center, text width= 2cm]center:ESP APIs}] at (4, 3.5) {}; - -\draw [decorate, decoration={brace,amplitude=5pt, raise=-4pt}] (-0.5,2.5) -- (-0.5,4.5) node [black,midway,rotate=90, above] {Arduino}; - - -\end{tikzpicture} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{ESP8266 + Arduino} -\protect\hypertarget{esp8266-arduino}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Standard Arduino IDE -\item - ESP8266 Arduino core - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Arduino IDE} -\protect\hypertarget{arduino-ide}{} - -\includegraphics{images/arduino-ide.png} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{Arduino code structure} -\protect\hypertarget{arduino-code-structure}{} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] -\DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ setup() \{} - \CommentTok{// Called once} -\NormalTok{\}} - -\DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ loop() \{} - \CommentTok{// Called repeatedly} -\NormalTok{\}} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\note{MCU programming is often structured into: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Configure - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - CPU - \item - GPIO ports - \item - MCU’s peripherals - \item - The rest of the board - \item - Configure application and callbacks. - \end{itemize} -\item - Sleep -\end{itemize} - -Arduino chooses to run the cpu at 100\% instead of the sleep step..} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{Arduino file structure} -\protect\hypertarget{arduino-file-structure}{} - -\begin{verbatim} -foo/ - foo.ino - config.h -\end{verbatim} - -\note{\texttt{foo.ino} must always be in a \texttt{foo} directory. - -config.h is created by “new tab”.} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{Generic Arduino APIs} -\protect\hypertarget{generic-arduino-apis}{} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] -\CommentTok{// Pin: D0, D1, etc.} -\CommentTok{// Mode: OUTPUT, INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP} -\DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ pinMode(}\DataTypeTok{uint8_t}\NormalTok{ pin, }\DataTypeTok{uint8_t}\NormalTok{ mode);} - -\CommentTok{// State: HIGH, LOW, true/false, 1/0} -\DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ digitalWrite(}\DataTypeTok{uint8_t}\NormalTok{ pin, }\DataTypeTok{uint8_t}\NormalTok{ state);} -\DataTypeTok{int}\NormalTok{ digitalRead(}\DataTypeTok{uint8_t}\NormalTok{ pin);} - -\DataTypeTok{unsigned} \DataTypeTok{long}\NormalTok{ now millis();} -\DataTypeTok{unsigned} \DataTypeTok{long}\NormalTok{ now micros();} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{ESP Arduino APIs} -\protect\hypertarget{esp-arduino-apis}{} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] -\KeywordTok{class}\NormalTok{ \{} - \DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ restart();} - \DataTypeTok{uint32_t}\NormalTok{ getFreeHeap();} - \DataTypeTok{uint32_t}\NormalTok{ getChipId();} - -\NormalTok{ ...} -\NormalTok{\} ESP;} - -\CommentTok{// Usage} -\NormalTok{ESP.restart();} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{ESP Arduino APIs} -\protect\hypertarget{esp-arduino-apis-1}{} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] -\KeywordTok{class}\NormalTok{ \{} -\NormalTok{ String macAddress();} - - \DataTypeTok{wl_status_t}\NormalTok{ status();} - \DataTypeTok{int32_t}\NormalTok{ RSSI();} - -\NormalTok{ IPAddress localIP();} -\NormalTok{ IPAddress subnetMask();} -\NormalTok{ IPAddress gatewayIP();} -\NormalTok{ IPAddress dnsIP(}\DataTypeTok{uint8_t}\NormalTok{ dns_no = }\DecValTok{0}\NormalTok{);} - -\NormalTok{ ...} -\NormalTok{\} WiFi;} - -\CommentTok{// Usage:} - -\NormalTok{Serial.println(WiFi.localIP().toString());} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\note{} - -\end{frame} - -\hypertarget{what-is-iot}{% -\section{What is IoT}\label{what-is-iot}} - -\begin{frame}{What is IoT} -\protect\hypertarget{what-is-iot-1}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Not “a computer connected to the internet” - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Then it is really just another computer connected to the internet - \end{itemize} -\item - Must be something else - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - It is simply devices that are resource constrained - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Usually in more than one way - \end{itemize} - \end{itemize} -\item - Autonomous operation, the connection might not be permanent -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{IoT is just a concept} -\protect\hypertarget{iot-is-just-a-concept}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \emph{The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, - vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, - software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these - objects to connect and exchange data.}\footnote<.->{Wikipedia - “Internet of Things”} -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{What is an IoT Device?} -\protect\hypertarget{what-is-an-iot-device}{} - -\note{As for their definition. - -What differentiates a computer from an IoT device?} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{What is an IoT Device?} -\protect\hypertarget{what-is-an-iot-device-1}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Constrained in (one or more of): - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Memory - \item - CPU - \item - Network bandwidth and/or latency - \item - Storage - \end{itemize} -\item - Has connectivity - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Bluetooth - \item - Wi-Fi - \item - NB-IoT - \item - LTE Cat-M - \item - LoRA - \item - Proprietary radio - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\note{Might not have: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - RTC -\end{itemize} - -Extra features: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - IR -\item - UART -\item - CAN -\end{itemize} - -Sparkfun and Adafruit etc sell modules with all of these technologies.} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{IoT Devices - Bluetooth 4/5 chips} -\protect\hypertarget{iot-devices---bluetooth-45-chips}{} - -\begin{longtable}[]{@{}llllll@{}} -\toprule -Chip & CPU & Freq & RAM & Flash & Price\tabularnewline -\midrule -\endhead -nRF52810 & Cortex-M4 & 64 MHz & 24k & 192k & \$1.88\tabularnewline -nRF52832 & Cortex-M4F & & 32k & 256k & \$2.54\tabularnewline -& & & 64k & 512k & \$2.59\tabularnewline -nRF52840 & Cortex-M4F & & 256k & 1024k & \$3.85\tabularnewline -\bottomrule -\end{longtable} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - nRF52810: High performance, entry-level Bluetooth 4/ANT/2.4GHz SoC -\item - nRF52832: High performance Bluetooth 4/ANT/2.4GHz SoC -\item - nRF52840: Advanced multi-protocol System-on-Chip Supporting: Bluetooth - 5, ANT/ANT+, 802.15.4 and 2.4GHz proprietary -\end{itemize} - -\note{All quantities are 1000 pieces - -nRF51: - - -nRF52832: these have different packagings, not only difference price - -\%2Cffe0036f\&quantity=3000\&ColumnSort=1000011\&page=1\&k=nrf52832\&pageSize=500\&pkeyword=nrf52810 - -nRF52810: High performance, entry-level Bluetooth 4/ANT/2.4GHz SoC -nRF52832: High performance Bluetooth 4/ANT/2.4GHz SoC nRF52840: Advanced -multi-protocol System-on-Chip Supporting: Bluetooth 5, ANT/ANT+, -802.15.4 and 2.4GHz proprietary} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{IoT Devices - LoRA} -\protect\hypertarget{iot-devices---lora}{} - -\begin{block}{Modules} - -\begin{longtable}[]{@{}lll@{}} -\toprule -Module & Data Rate & Price\tabularnewline -\midrule -\endhead -RN2483A-I/RM104 & & \$12.05 @ 250\tabularnewline -CMWX1ZZABZ-078 & SX1276 & \$10.74 @ 1000\tabularnewline -RF-LORA-868-SO & SX1272 & \$16.55 @ 1000\tabularnewline -\bottomrule -\end{longtable} - -\end{block} - -\begin{block}{Chips} - -\begin{longtable}[]{@{}ll@{}} -\toprule -Chip & Price\tabularnewline -\midrule -\endhead -SX1281 & \$3.23\tabularnewline -SX1272 & \$4.25\tabularnewline -SX1276 & \$4.25\tabularnewline -SX1279 & \$4.74\tabularnewline -\bottomrule -\end{longtable} - -\note{These modules require an external MCU, so does the chips.} - -\end{block} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{IoT Devices - NB-IoT} -\protect\hypertarget{iot-devices---nb-iot}{} - -\begin{longtable}[]{@{}ll@{}} -\toprule -Module & Price\tabularnewline -\midrule -\endhead -uBlox SARA-N210 & \textasciitilde{}\$10 @ 100\tabularnewline -Sierra Wireless HL7800\_1103933 & \$15.72\tabularnewline -\bottomrule -\end{longtable} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{IoT Devices - Wi-Fi} -\protect\hypertarget{iot-devices---wi-fi}{} - -\begin{longtable}[]{@{}llllll@{}} -\toprule -Chip & CPU & Freq & ROM & RAM & Price\tabularnewline -\midrule -\endhead -ESP8266 & Tensilica L106 & 160 MHz & N/A & \textasciitilde{}50 kB & -\textless{} \$1\tabularnewline -\bottomrule -\end{longtable} - -ESP32 - dual cpu, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4 ESP32-D0WDQ6 2x Xtensa @ 160MHz \$ -4.53 @ 10 - -\note{The ESP8266’s RAM depends on which firmware stack is used. -Physical is probably 128k or most likely 64k.} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{ESP8266 details - Power usage} -\protect\hypertarget{esp8266-details---power-usage}{} - -\begin{longtable}[]{@{}lr@{}} -\toprule -\begin{minipage}[b]{0.35\columnwidth}\raggedright -State\strut -\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[b]{0.22\columnwidth}\raggedleft -Current usage\strut -\end{minipage}\tabularnewline -\midrule -\endhead -\begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\columnwidth}\raggedright -Off\strut -\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.22\columnwidth}\raggedleft -0.5 µA\strut -\end{minipage}\tabularnewline -\begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\columnwidth}\raggedright -Deep sleep with RTC\strut -\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.22\columnwidth}\raggedleft -20 µA\strut -\end{minipage}\tabularnewline -\begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\columnwidth}\raggedright -Light sleep (with Wi-Fi)\strut -\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.22\columnwidth}\raggedleft -1 mA\strut -\end{minipage}\tabularnewline -\begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\columnwidth}\raggedright -Sleep with peripherials\strut -\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.22\columnwidth}\raggedleft -15 mA\strut -\end{minipage}\tabularnewline -\begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\columnwidth}\raggedright -TX\strut -\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.22\columnwidth}\raggedleft -170 mA\strut -\end{minipage}\tabularnewline -\bottomrule -\end{longtable} - -\note{Datasheet page 18} - -\end{frame} - -\hypertarget{going-back-to-basics}{% -\section{Going back to basics}\label{going-back-to-basics}} - -\begin{frame}{What is the internet again?} -\protect\hypertarget{what-is-the-internet-again}{} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{TCP/IP Layers} -\protect\hypertarget{tcpip-layers}{} - -\begin{center} -\begin{tikzpicture}[ -mybox/.style={draw, rectangle, minimum width=4cm, minimum height=1 cm,font=\bfseries} -] - -%\draw (0,0) rectangle (3cm, 1cm) {wat}; - -\node at (0, -0) [mybox] {Application}; -\node at (0, -1) [mybox] {Transport}; -\node at (0, -2) [mybox] {Internet}; -\node at (0, -3)[mybox] {Network interface}; - -\end{tikzpicture} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Packet encapsulation} -\protect\hypertarget{packet-encapsulation}{} - -\begin{center} -\begin{tikzpicture}[ -mybox/.style={ - draw, - rectangle, - minimum height=1 cm, - anchor=west, - align=center, - font=\bfseries} -] - -%\draw (0,0) rectangle (3cm, 1cm) {wat}; - -\node at (0 cm, 0 cm) [mybox, minimum width=2cm, text width=1.7cm] {Frame header}; -\node at (2 cm, 0 cm) [mybox, minimum width=6cm] {Frame data}; -\node at (8 cm, 0 cm) [mybox, minimum width=2cm, text width=1.7cm] {Frame footer}; - -\node at (2 cm, 1.1 cm) [mybox, minimum width=2cm] {IP header}; -\node at (4 cm, 1.1 cm) [mybox, minimum width=4cm] {IP Data}; - -\node at (4 cm, 2.2 cm) [mybox, minimum width=2cm, text width=1.7 cm] {UDP header}; -\node at (6 cm, 2.2 cm) [mybox, minimum width=2cm, text width=1.7 cm] {UDP Data}; - -\node at (6 cm, 3.3 cm) [mybox, minimum width=2cm, text width=1.7 cm] {Data}; - -\end{tikzpicture} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Network interface} -\protect\hypertarget{network-interface}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Ethernet - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - 10BASE5, 10BASE2, 10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX / 1000BASE-TX - \end{itemize} -\item - Wi-Fi - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - 802.11a/b/g/n - \end{itemize} -\item - RS-232 -\end{itemize} - -\note{Ethernet: Hubs and switches (that act on this level) is not on -it’s own layer. It is more of a implementation detail in the -architecture diagram. - -RS-232 signaling is used in \emph{all} MCUs, many have several ports -available. It is extremely flexible, both used for implementing -applications and debugging. Frequently an easy way to hack embedded -devices. “USB dongles”, “USB TTL” all use RS-232 signaling. - -Note that this only applies to its logical signals, not voltage levels. -The signaling does not specify any max data rate, very high rates -(\textgreater{}= 1Mbps) is often supported.} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Internet} -\protect\hypertarget{internet}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - IP -\item - ICMP -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Transport} -\protect\hypertarget{transport}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - TCP -\item - UDP -\item - SCTP -\item - QUIC -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Layer 7: Application Layer} -\protect\hypertarget{layer-7-application-layer}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - HTTP -\item - DNS -\item - MQTT -\item - CoAP -\item - (everything else..) -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Details: IP Header} -\protect\hypertarget{details-ip-header}{} - -\begin{center} -\scalebox{0.5}{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[ -every node/.style={font=\bfseries}, -basebox/.style={anchor=north west, minimum height=2em, draw, rectangle}, -bitbox/.style={basebox, minimum width=2em}, -bytebox/.style={basebox, minimum width=16em}, -wordbox/.style={basebox, minimum width=32em}, -qwordbox/.style={basebox, minimum width=64em}, -] - -\path -(-9em, 2em) node[basebox, minimum width=5em] {Offsets} -(-9em, 0em) node[basebox, minimum width=5em] {Octet} -(-4em, 2em) node[basebox, minimum width=4em] {Octet} -(-4em, 0em) node[basebox, minimum width=4em] {Bit} -; - -\foreach \x in {0,...,3} - \node[bytebox] at (\x * 16em, 2em) {\scriptsize \x}; -\foreach \x in {0,...,31} - \node[bitbox] at (\x * 2em, 0em) {\scriptsize \x}; - -\foreach \x in {0,32,...,160} - \node[basebox, minimum width=4em] at (-4em, \x * -1/16*1em - 2em) {\scriptsize \x}; - -\foreach \x in {0,4,...,20} - \node[basebox, minimum width=5em] at (-9em, \x * -0.5em - 2em) {\scriptsize \x}; - -\path -(0em, -1 * 2em) node[basebox, minimum width=8em] {Version} -(8em, -1 * 2em) node[basebox, minimum width=8em] {IHL} -(16em, -1 * 2em) node[basebox, minimum width=16em] {TOS} -(32em, -1 * 2em) node[wordbox] {Packet length} - -(0em, -2 * 2em) node[wordbox] {Identification} -(32em, -2 * 2em) node[bitbox] {X} -(34em, -2 * 2em) node[bitbox] {D} -(36em, -2 * 2em) node[bitbox] {M} -(38em, -2 * 2em) node[basebox, minimum width=26em] {Fragement offset} - -(0em, -3 * 2em) node[bytebox] {TTL} -(16em, -3 * 2em) node[bytebox] {Protocol} -(32em, -3 * 2em) node[wordbox] {Header checksum} - -(0em, -4 * 2em) node[qwordbox] {Source ip address} -(0em, -5 * 2em) node[qwordbox] {Destination ip address} -(0em, -6 * 2em) node[qwordbox] {Options (variable length)} - -%(0em, -7 * 2em) node[qwordbox, minimum height=4 em] {Payload} -; - -\end{tikzpicture} -} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Details: UDP Header} -\protect\hypertarget{details-udp-header}{} - -\begin{center} -\scalebox{0.5}{ -\begin{tikzpicture}[ -every node/.style={font=\bfseries}, -basebox/.style={anchor=west, minimum height=2em, draw, rectangle}, -bitbox/.style={basebox, minimum width=2em}, -bytebox/.style={basebox, minimum width=16em}, -wordbox/.style={basebox, minimum width=32em}, -qwordbox/.style={basebox, minimum width=64em}, -] - -\path -(-9em, 2em) node[basebox, minimum width=5em] {Offsets} -(-9em, 0em) node[basebox, minimum width=5em] {Octet} -(-4em, 2em) node[basebox, minimum width=4em] {Octet} -(-4em, 0em) node[basebox, minimum width=4em] {Bit} -; - -\foreach \x in {0,...,3} - \node[bytebox] at (\x * 16em, 2em) {\scriptsize \x}; -\foreach \x in {0,...,31} - \node[bitbox] at (\x * 2em, 0em) {\scriptsize \x}; - -\node[basebox, minimum width=4em] at (-4em, -2em) {\scriptsize 0}; -\node[basebox, minimum width=4em] at (-4em, -4em) {\scriptsize 32}; - -\node[basebox, minimum width=5em] at (-9em, -2em) {\scriptsize 0}; -\node[basebox, minimum width=5em] at (-9em, -4em) {\scriptsize 4}; - -\path -( 0 * 2em, -1 * 2em) node[wordbox] {source port} -(16 * 2em, -1 * 2em) node[wordbox] {destination port} -( 0 * 2em, -2 * 2em) node[wordbox] {length} -(16 * 2em, -2 * 2em) node[wordbox] {checksum} -; - -\end{tikzpicture} -} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\hypertarget{lecture-mqtt}{% -\section{Lecture: MQTT}\label{lecture-mqtt}} - -\begin{frame}{MQTT} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \emph{Message Queuing Telemetry Transport} -\item - \href{}{Wikipedia: MQTT} -\end{itemize} - -\note{MQTT is \emph{the} standard for IoT applications (and lots of -other useful stuff to). Using HTTP is just silly. - -Supports SSL, and requires TCP. - -Has UDP-like semantics with “fire and forget” but on a higher level (the -message always have to be delivered and ACKed by the broker, not it’s -final recipient. - -Version 3.1.1 er den som gjelder, V 3.1 er rar, de andre finnes ikke -(før standardisering).} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{Device and application architecture with MQTT} -\protect\hypertarget{device-and-application-architecture-with-mqtt}{} - -\begin{center} -\begin{tikzpicture} - -\path - (-3 cm, 0) node (c1_label) {Device \#1} - ( 0 cm, 0) node (c2_label) {Device \#2} - ( 3 cm, 0) node (c3_label) {Device \#3} - - (0, -3 cm) node (broker_label) {Broker} - (0, -6 cm) node (central_label) {Central} -; - -\node (c1)[draw, circle, fit=(c1_label)] {}; -\node (c2)[draw, circle, fit=(c2_label)] {}; -\node (c3)[draw, circle, fit=(c3_label)] {}; -\node (broker)[draw, rectangle, thick, inner ysep=5 mm, inner xsep=10 mm, fit=(broker_label)] {}; -\node (central) at (central_label) [draw, circle, text width=2 cm] {}; - -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c1) to [bend right] (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c2) -- (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c3) to [bend left] (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (central) -- (broker); - -\end{tikzpicture} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{MQTT - Implementations} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt---implementations}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Mosquitto -\item - Eclipse Paho -\item - RabbitMQ -\item - ActiveMQ -\end{itemize} - -\note{RabbitMQ has a separate connector that must be installed Not sure -about ActiveMQ but it is at least a part of the project so it is -releases at the same time.} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{MQTT Cloud Connectors} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt-cloud-connectors}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Cloud - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Amazon IoT - \item - Google Cloud IoT - \item - Microsoft Azure IoT - \item - CloudMQTT (at Heroku) - \end{itemize} -\item - DIY - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - ThingMQ - \item - HiveMQ - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\note{In between are: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - self hosted -\item - Generic bridges -\end{itemize}} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{MQTT - The protocol} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt---the-protocol}{} - -Agents have one of two roles: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \emph{Client} - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Publishes \emph{messages} - \item - Subscribes / unsubscribes to \emph{topics} - \end{itemize} -\item - \emph{Broker} (aka Server) - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Handles network connections - \item - Keeps subscriptions - \item - Manages client - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Disconnects - \item - \emph{(last) will} - \end{itemize} - \item - Persistence of retained messages - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\note{network connections: this includes removing closed sockets, -client’s that doesn’t respons to timeouts and duplicate clients. - - - -Subscriptions are not permanent. The connection is (unlike HTTP) -stateful. - -Some messages may be persistent, but only one per topic. You will often -end up with a “proper” mq on the backend if queuing is needed. - -Push vs pull, central applications can push to clients} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{MQTT - The protocol - MQTT Packet} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt---the-protocol---mqtt-packet}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Size oriented -\item - Flags indicate type of remaining bytes - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - Packet type - \item - Topic name - \item - Payload - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\note{Only packet type + flags (1 byte) is required, everything else is -optional. - -The size field is variable length encoded, 0-127 bytes is 1 byte, -128-16383 use 2 bytes etc, up to 4 bytes for 256MB payload.} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{MQTT Connect} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt-connect}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \texttt{CONNECT} - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{clientId} - \item - \texttt{username} - \item - \texttt{password} - \item - \texttt{keepAlive} - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Keep alive - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{PINGREQ} - \item - \texttt{PINGRESP} - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{MQTT - The protocol - MQTT Topic} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt---the-protocol---mqtt-topic}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Topic name: \texttt{foo/bar/baz} -\item - Topic filter - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{foo/bar/?} - \item - \texttt{foo/\#} - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{MQTT - The protocol - Retained message} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt---the-protocol---retained-message}{} - -Message is kept by the server even after disconnect - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \texttt{CONNECT} -\item - \texttt{PUBLISH} - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{RETAIN} - \item - \texttt{\$app/\$device/temperature} - \item - \texttt{22.3} - \end{itemize} -\item - \texttt{DISCONNECT} -\end{itemize} - -Later on: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \texttt{SUBSCRIBE} - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{\$app/\#/temperature} - \end{itemize} -\item - \texttt{PUBLISH} - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{\$app/\$device/temperature} - \item - \texttt{22.3} - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\note{The last PUBLISH is an incoming message} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{MQTT - The protocol - Will message} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt---the-protocol---will-message}{} - -Message sent when you disconnect - -Client \#1: - -\begin{enumerate} -[1.] -\tightlist -\item - \texttt{CONNECT} - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{WILL\ TOPIC:\ \$app/\$device/online} - \item - \texttt{WILL\ PAYLOAD:\ 0} - \end{itemize} -\item - \texttt{PUBLISH} - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{\$app/\$device/online} - \item - \texttt{1} - \end{itemize} -\item - \texttt{DISCONNECT} -\end{enumerate} - -Broker - -\begin{enumerate} -[1.] -\tightlist -\item - \emph{To all subscribers} \texttt{PUBLISH} - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{\$app/\$device/online} - \item - \texttt{0} - \end{itemize} -\end{enumerate} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{MQTT Topic} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt-topic}{} - -The temperature sensor: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Publishes on: - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{myapp/\$device-id/temperature} - \item - \texttt{myapp/\$device-id/humidity} - \item - \texttt{myapp/\$device-id/altert} - \end{itemize} -\item - Subscribes to: - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{myapp/\$device-id/command} - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -The central application: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Subscribes to: - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{myapp/\#/temperature} - \item - \texttt{myapp/\#/humidity} - \end{itemize} -\item - Publishes on: - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{myapp/\$device-id/command} - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\note{Typical first round of implementation. - -Commands can be: * load new firmware (maybe an URL and firmware -signature). * Set new calibration values * Change reading interval, -altert levels (autonomous operation)} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{MQTT on Arduino} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt-on-arduino}{} - -PubSubClient is our MQTT client implementation. - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] -\NormalTok{WiFiClient wifiClient;} -\NormalTok{PubSubClient mqtt(wifiClient);} - -\DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ callback(}\DataTypeTok{char}\NormalTok{* topic,} -\NormalTok{ byte* payload,} - \DataTypeTok{unsigned} \DataTypeTok{int}\NormalTok{ length);} - -\DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ setup() \{} - \CommentTok{// Configure WiFi} -\NormalTok{ mqtt.setServer(mqtt_server, }\DecValTok{1883}\NormalTok{);} -\NormalTok{ mqtt.setCallback(callback);} -\NormalTok{\}} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{MQTT on Arduino} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt-on-arduino-1}{} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] -\DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ loop() \{} - \ControlFlowTok{if}\NormalTok{ (!mqtt.connected())} -\NormalTok{ reconnect();} - \ControlFlowTok{else} -\NormalTok{ mqtt.loop();} - \CommentTok{// Do work} -\NormalTok{\}} - -\DataTypeTok{void}\NormalTok{ reconnect() \{} - \ControlFlowTok{while}\NormalTok{ (!mqtt.}\FunctionTok{connect}\NormalTok{(client_id));} - -\NormalTok{ mqtt.subscribe(topic_pattern);} -\NormalTok{\}} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\note{This is blocking!} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{Assignment} -\protect\hypertarget{assignment}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \texttt{mqtt} -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{MQTT topic architecture} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt-topic-architecture}{} - -The central application is split: - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - An aggregating agent: - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{myapp/\#/temperature} - \item - \texttt{myapp/\#/humidity} - \end{itemize} -\item - Emailing agent - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{myapp/\$device-id/altert} - \end{itemize} -\item - Publishes on: - - \begin{itemize} - \tightlist - \item - \texttt{myapp/\$device-id/command} - \end{itemize} -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{MQTT topic architecture} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt-topic-architecture-1}{} - -\begin{center} -\begin{tikzpicture} - -\path - (-3 cm, 0) node (c1_label) {Device \#1} - ( 0 cm, 0) node (c2_label) {Device \#2} - ( 3 cm, 0) node (c3_label) {Device \#3} - - (0, -3 cm) node (broker_label) {Broker} - (0, -6 cm) node (central_label) {Central} -; - -\node (c1)[draw, circle, fit=(c1_label)] {}; -\node (c2)[draw, circle, fit=(c2_label)] {}; -\node (c3)[draw, circle, fit=(c3_label)] {}; -\node (broker)[draw, rectangle, thick, inner ysep=5 mm, inner xsep=10 mm, fit=(broker_label)] {}; -\node (central) at (central_label) [draw, circle, text width=2 cm] {}; - -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c1) to [bend right] (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c2) -- (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c3) to [bend left] (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (central) -- (broker); - -\end{tikzpicture} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{MQTT topic architecture} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt-topic-architecture-2}{} - -\begin{center} -\begin{tikzpicture} - -\path - (-3 cm, 0) node (c1_label) {Device \#1} - ( 0 cm, 0) node (c2_label) {Device \#2} - ( 3 cm, 0) node (c3_label) {Device \#3} - - (0, -3 cm) node (broker_label) {Broker} - - (-2 cm, -6 cm) node (agg_label) {Aggregator} - ( 2 cm, -6 cm) node (email_label) {Email} -; - -\node (c1)[draw, circle, fit=(c1_label)] {}; -\node (c2)[draw, circle, fit=(c2_label)] {}; -\node (c3)[draw, circle, fit=(c3_label)] {}; -\node (broker)[draw, rectangle, thick, inner ysep=5 mm, inner xsep=10 mm, fit=(broker_label)] {}; -\node (agg) at (agg_label) [draw, circle, text width=2 cm] {}; -\node (email) at (email_label) [draw, circle, text width=2 cm] {}; - -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c1) to [bend right] (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c2) -- (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (c3) to [bend left] (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (agg) -- (broker); -\draw[{Latex[length=4mm, round]}-{Latex[length=4mm, round]}] (email) -- (broker); - -\end{tikzpicture} - -\end{center} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}{MQTT - Patterns} -\protect\hypertarget{mqtt---patterns}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - Combining MQTT and HTTP -\item - Using web sockets transport -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{Assignment} -\protect\hypertarget{assignment-1}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \texttt{mqtt2} -\end{itemize} - -\end{frame} - -\begin{frame}[fragile]{Assignment} -\protect\hypertarget{assignment-2}{} - -\begin{itemize} -\tightlist -\item - \texttt{mqtt3} -\end{itemize} - -\note{discussion: how to connect these two devices?} - -\end{frame} -- cgit v1.2.3