# IoT Workshop @ NDC Oslo 2018 This is the materials for a 1 hour workshop on IoT. > *Connect your Arduino to the internet.* > > In this workshop we will use a production quality device in a > developer friendly package and connect it to the internet. We will > cover the Arduino APIs for wifi and MQTT and use these to get the > device to send and react on messages. > > Basic programming knowledge and some Arduino experience is assumed. > We will not focus much on the electronics aspects of the board, but > that will be covered in the "Getting Started With Arduino" workshop. > > Requirements: > You will need an Arduino-kit to attend this workshop. The kit can be > purchased for 300NOK at the Bitraf stand. > > There are some software that you should have installed, check with > the person at the Bitraf stand. # Preparations * Install Arduino IDE * Install the "ESP8266 core" for Arduino, follow the guide on https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino#installing-with-boards-manager. * Install PubSubClient library with Library manager from within the Arduino IDE. # Documents * [Assignment: Blink a LED](https://cdn.rawgit.com/trygvis/iot-workshop-ndc-2018/master/assignments/blink-a-led/blink-a-led.pdf) * [Assignment: MQTT with button](https://cdn.rawgit.com/trygvis/iot-workshop-ndc-2018/master/assignments/mqtt-with-button/mqtt-with-button.pdf) * [Slides](https://cdn.rawgit.com/trygvis/iot-workshop-ndc-2018/master/slides/connected-arduino-slides.pdf) # Credits * Some TikZ diagrams where taken from: https://github.com/tabascoeye/TikZ-diagrams/tree/master/networking (Beerware licensed) * NodeMCU picture from: https://i2.wp.com/electronilab.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/NodeMCU-%E2%80%93-Board-de-desarrollo-con-m%C3%B3dulo-ESP8266-WiFi-y-Lua-4.jpg * Fritzing model of NodeMCU: https://github.com/roman-minyaylov/fritzing-parts/tree/master/esp8266-nodemcu-v3 * Arduino ESP8266 documentation: https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/arduino-esp8266/latest/arduino-esp8266.pdf * DHT11/DHT22 documentation: https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/dht.pdf