# Assignment: MQTT with button and LED ## Goals * Get aquainted with MQTT. * Publish a message when a button is pressed. * Subscribe to a topic to control the LED ## Step 1 Wire up this schematic on the bread board: ![](schematic/mqtt-with-button_schem.pdf) ![](schematic/mqtt-with-button_bb.pdf) # Step 2 * Read button, print message on terminal # Step 3 * Connect to the Wi-Fi network * Use `WiFi.localIP()` * Connect to MQTT broker # Step 4 * Publish a message on button press on the topic `ndc/$device-id/button` # Step 5 * Subscribe to the topic `ndc/$device-id/led` and turn the LED on/off based on the contents of the message. ## Tips To generate a client id make something with `ESP.getChipId()`{.cpp} Creating a `String` from a number: * `String(123) => "123"`{.cpp} * Hex formatted: `String(0x123abc, HEX) => "123abc"`{.cpp} Some APIs require "plain C strings" aka a `char *`{.cpp}. They can be converted with `String::c_str()`: ~~~.c++ char *cStr = myString.c_str(); ~~~