/** * This software is subject to the ANT+ Shared Source License * www.thisisant.com/swlicenses * Copyright (c) Dynastream Innovations, Inc. 2012 * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3) Neither the name of Dynastream nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * The following actions are prohibited: * 1) Redistribution of source code containing the ANT+ Network * Key. The ANT+ Network Key is available to ANT+ Adopters. * Please refer to http://thisisant.com to become an ANT+ * Adopter and access the key. * * 2) Reverse engineering, decompilation, and/or disassembly of * software provided in binary form under this license. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; DAMAGE TO ANY DEVICE, LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW * THE EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE * ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. * */ /**@file * @defgroup ant_hrm_tx_main ANT HRM TX example * @{ * @ingroup nrf_ant_hrm * * @brief Example of ANT HRM TX profile. * * Before compiling this example for NRF52, complete the following steps: * - Download the S212 SoftDevice from thisisant.com. * - Extract the downloaded zip file and copy the S212 SoftDevice headers to \/components/softdevice/s212/headers. * If you are using Keil packs, copy the files into a @c headers folder in your example folder. * - Make sure that @ref ANT_LICENSE_KEY in @c nrf_sdm.h is uncommented. */ #include #include "nrf.h" #include "bsp.h" #include "hardfault.h" #include "app_error.h" #include "app_timer.h" #include "nrf_pwr_mgmt.h" #include "nrf_sdh.h" #include "nrf_sdh_ant.h" #include "ant_key_manager.h" #include "ant_hrm.h" #include "ant_hrm_simulator.h" #include "ant_state_indicator.h" #include "nrf_log.h" #include "nrf_log_ctrl.h" #include "nrf_log_default_backends.h" #define MODIFICATION_TYPE_BUTTON 0 /* predefined value, MUST REMAIN UNCHANGED */ #define MODIFICATION_TYPE_AUTO 1 /* predefined value, MUST REMAIN UNCHANGED */ #if (MODIFICATION_TYPE != MODIFICATION_TYPE_BUTTON) \ && (MODIFICATION_TYPE != MODIFICATION_TYPE_AUTO) #error Unsupported value of MODIFICATION_TYPE. #endif #define APP_TICK_EVENT_INTERVAL 2000 /**< 2 second's tick event interval in timer tick units. */ #define HRM_CHANNEL_NUMBER 0x00 /**< Channel number assigned to HRM profile. */ #define ANTPLUS_NETWORK_NUMBER 0 /**< Network number. */ /** @snippet [ANT HRM TX Instance] */ void ant_hrm_evt_handler(ant_hrm_profile_t * p_profile, ant_hrm_evt_t event); HRM_SENS_CHANNEL_CONFIG_DEF(m_ant_hrm, HRM_CHANNEL_NUM, CHAN_ID_TRANS_TYPE, CHAN_ID_DEV_NUM, ANTPLUS_NETWORK_NUM); HRM_SENS_PROFILE_CONFIG_DEF(m_ant_hrm, true, ANT_HRM_PAGE_0, ant_hrm_evt_handler); static ant_hrm_profile_t m_ant_hrm; /** @snippet [ANT HRM TX Instance] */ NRF_SDH_ANT_OBSERVER(m_ant_observer, ANT_HRM_ANT_OBSERVER_PRIO, ant_hrm_sens_evt_handler, &m_ant_hrm); static ant_hrm_simulator_t m_ant_hrm_simulator; /**< Simulator used to simulate pulse. */ APP_TIMER_DEF(m_tick_timer); /**< Timer used to update cumulative operating time. */ #if MODIFICATION_TYPE == MODIFICATION_TYPE_BUTTON /**@brief Function for handling bsp events. */ /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator button] */ void bsp_evt_handler(bsp_event_t evt) { switch (evt) { case BSP_EVENT_KEY_0: ant_hrm_simulator_increment(&m_ant_hrm_simulator); break; case BSP_EVENT_KEY_1: ant_hrm_simulator_decrement(&m_ant_hrm_simulator); break; default: return; // no implementation needed } } /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator button] */ #endif // MODIFICATION_TYPE == MODIFICATION_TYPE_BUTTON /** * @brief 2 seconds tick handler for updataing cumulative operating time. */ static void app_tick_handler(void * p_context) { // Only the first 3 bytes of this value are taken into account m_ant_hrm.HRM_PROFILE_operating_time++; } /** * @brief Function for setup all thinks not directly associated witch ANT stack/protocol. * @desc Initialization of: @n * - app_timer, presetup for bsp and ant pulse simulation. * - bsp for signaling leds and user buttons (if use button is enabled in example). * - ant pulse simulate for task of filling hrm profile data. */ static void utils_setup(void) { // Initialize and start a single continuous mode timer, which is used to update the event time // on the main data page. ret_code_t err_code = app_timer_init(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); err_code = nrf_pwr_mgmt_init(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); #if (MODIFICATION_TYPE == MODIFICATION_TYPE_BUTTON) /** @snippet [ANT Pulse simulator button init] */ err_code = bsp_init(BSP_INIT_LEDS | BSP_INIT_BUTTONS, bsp_evt_handler); /** @snippet [ANT Pulse simulator button init] */ #else err_code = bsp_init(BSP_INIT_LEDS, NULL); #endif APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); err_code = ant_state_indicator_init(m_ant_hrm.channel_number, HRM_SENS_CHANNEL_TYPE); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); err_code = app_timer_create(&m_tick_timer, APP_TIMER_MODE_REPEATED, app_tick_handler); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Schedule a timeout event every 2 seconds err_code = app_timer_start(m_tick_timer, APP_TICK_EVENT_INTERVAL, NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for the HRM simulator initialization. */ static void simulator_setup(void) { /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator init] */ const ant_hrm_simulator_cfg_t simulator_cfg = DEFAULT_ANT_HRM_SIMULATOR_CFG(&m_ant_hrm, SIMULATOR_MIN, SIMULATOR_MAX, SIMULATOR_INCR); /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator init] */ #if MODIFICATION_TYPE == MODIFICATION_TYPE_AUTO /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator auto init] */ ant_hrm_simulator_init(&m_ant_hrm_simulator, &simulator_cfg, true); /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator auto init] */ #else /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator button init] */ ant_hrm_simulator_init(&m_ant_hrm_simulator, &simulator_cfg, false); /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator button init] */ #endif } /** * @brief Function for ANT stack initialization. * * @details Initializes the SoftDevice and the ANT event interrupt. */ static void softdevice_setup(void) { ret_code_t err_code = nrf_sdh_enable_request(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); ASSERT(nrf_sdh_is_enabled()); err_code = nrf_sdh_ant_enable(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); err_code = ant_plus_key_set(ANTPLUS_NETWORK_NUM); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for handling ANT HRM events. */ /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator call] */ void ant_hrm_evt_handler(ant_hrm_profile_t * p_profile, ant_hrm_evt_t event) { nrf_pwr_mgmt_feed(); switch (event) { case ANT_HRM_PAGE_0_UPDATED: /* fall through */ case ANT_HRM_PAGE_1_UPDATED: /* fall through */ case ANT_HRM_PAGE_2_UPDATED: /* fall through */ case ANT_HRM_PAGE_3_UPDATED: /* fall through */ case ANT_HRM_PAGE_4_UPDATED: ant_hrm_simulator_one_iteration(&m_ant_hrm_simulator); break; default: break; } } /** @snippet [ANT HRM simulator call] */ /** * @brief Function for HRM profile initialization. * * @details Initializes the HRM profile and open ANT channel. */ static void profile_setup(void) { /** @snippet [ANT HRM TX Profile Setup] */ ret_code_t err_code; err_code = ant_hrm_sens_init(&m_ant_hrm, HRM_SENS_CHANNEL_CONFIG(m_ant_hrm), HRM_SENS_PROFILE_CONFIG(m_ant_hrm)); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); m_ant_hrm.HRM_PROFILE_manuf_id = HRM_MFG_ID; m_ant_hrm.HRM_PROFILE_serial_num = HRM_SERIAL_NUMBER; m_ant_hrm.HRM_PROFILE_hw_version = HRM_HW_VERSION; m_ant_hrm.HRM_PROFILE_sw_version = HRM_SW_VERSION; m_ant_hrm.HRM_PROFILE_model_num = HRM_MODEL_NUMBER; err_code = ant_hrm_sens_open(&m_ant_hrm); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); err_code = ant_state_indicator_channel_opened(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); /** @snippet [ANT HRM TX Profile Setup] */ } /** *@brief Function for initializing logging. */ static void log_init(void) { ret_code_t err_code = NRF_LOG_INIT(NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); NRF_LOG_DEFAULT_BACKENDS_INIT(); } /**@brief Function for application main entry, does not return. */ int main(void) { log_init(); utils_setup(); softdevice_setup(); simulator_setup(); profile_setup(); NRF_LOG_INFO("ANT+ Heart Rate TX example started."); for (;;) { NRF_LOG_FLUSH(); nrf_pwr_mgmt_run(); } } /** *@} **/