Nordic Semiconductor Nordic nrf51 nrf51 522 nRF51 reference description for radio MCU with ARM 32-bit Cortex-M0 Microcontroller at 16MHz CPU clock Copyright (c) 2010 - 2018, Nordic Semiconductor ASA\n \n All rights reserved.\n \n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,\n are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n \n 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n \n 2. Redistributions in binary form, except as embedded into a Nordic\n Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for\n such product, must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of\n conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other\n materials provided with the distribution.\n \n 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this\n software without specific prior written permission.\n \n 4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a\n Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit.\n \n 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse\n engineered, decompiled, modified and/or disassembled.\n \n THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS\n OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES\n OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\n LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\n CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE\n GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)\n HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT\n LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT\n OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n 8 32 32 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF CM0 r3p1 little 0 0 2 0 system_nrf51 NRF_ 2048 2048 32 POWER 522 Power Control. POWER 0x40000000 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers POWER_CLOCK 0 TASKS_CONSTLAT Enable constant latency mode. 0x078 write-only TASKS_LOWPWR Enable low power mode (variable latency). 0x07C write-only EVENTS_POFWARN Power failure warning. 0x108 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 POFWARN Enable interrupt on POFWARN event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 POFWARN Disable interrupt on POFWARN event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 RESETREAS Reset reason. 0x400 RESETPIN Reset from pin-reset detected. 0 0 NotDetected Reset not detected. 0 Detected Reset detected. 1 DOG Reset from watchdog detected. 1 1 NotDetected Reset not detected. 0 Detected Reset detected. 1 SREQ Reset from AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ detected. 2 2 NotDetected Reset not detected. 0 Detected Reset detected. 1 LOCKUP Reset from CPU lock-up detected. 3 3 NotDetected Reset not detected. 0 Detected Reset detected. 1 OFF Reset from wake-up from OFF mode detected by the use of DETECT signal from GPIO. 16 16 NotDetected Reset not detected. 0 Detected Reset detected. 1 LPCOMP Reset from wake-up from OFF mode detected by the use of ANADETECT signal from LPCOMP. 17 17 NotDetected Reset not detected. 0 Detected Reset detected. 1 DIF Reset from wake-up from OFF mode detected by entering into debug interface mode. 18 18 NotDetected Reset not detected. 0 Detected Reset detected. 1 RAMSTATUS Ram status register. 0x428 read-only RAMBLOCK0 RAM block 0 status. 0 0 Off RAM block 0 is off or powering up. 0 On RAM block 0 is on. 1 RAMBLOCK1 RAM block 1 status. 1 1 Off RAM block 1 is off or powering up. 0 On RAM block 1 is on. 1 RAMBLOCK2 RAM block 2 status. 2 2 Off RAM block 2 is off or powering up. 0 On RAM block 2 is on. 1 RAMBLOCK3 RAM block 3 status. 3 3 Off RAM block 3 is off or powering up. 0 On RAM block 3 is on. 1 SYSTEMOFF System off register. 0x500 write-only SYSTEMOFF Enter system off mode. 0 0 Enter Enter system off mode. 1 POFCON Power failure configuration. 0x510 POF Power failure comparator enable. 0 0 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 THRESHOLD Set threshold level. 1 2 V21 Set threshold to 2.1Volts. 0x00 V23 Set threshold to 2.3Volts. 0x01 V25 Set threshold to 2.5Volts. 0x02 V27 Set threshold to 2.7Volts. 0x03 GPREGRET General purpose retention register. This register is a retained register. 0x51C GPREGRET General purpose retention register. 0 7 RAMON Ram on/off. 0x524 0x00000003 ONRAM0 RAM block 0 behaviour in ON mode. 0 0 RAM0Off RAM block 0 OFF in ON mode. 0 RAM0On RAM block 0 ON in ON mode. 1 ONRAM1 RAM block 1 behaviour in ON mode. 1 1 RAM1Off RAM block 1 OFF in ON mode. 0 RAM1On RAM block 1 ON in ON mode. 1 OFFRAM0 RAM block 0 behaviour in OFF mode. 16 16 RAM0Off RAM block 0 OFF in OFF mode. 0 RAM0On RAM block 0 ON in OFF mode. 1 OFFRAM1 RAM block 1 behaviour in OFF mode. 17 17 RAM1Off RAM block 1 OFF in OFF mode. 0 RAM1On RAM block 1 ON in OFF mode. 1 RESET Pin reset functionality configuration register. This register is a retained register. 0x544 RESET Enable or disable pin reset in debug interface mode. 0 0 Disabled Pin reset in debug interface mode disabled. 0 Enabled Pin reset in debug interface mode enabled. 1 RAMONB Ram on/off. 0x554 0x00000003 ONRAM2 RAM block 2 behaviour in ON mode. 0 0 RAM2Off RAM block 2 OFF in ON mode. 0 RAM2On RAM block 2 ON in ON mode. 1 ONRAM3 RAM block 3 behaviour in ON mode. 1 1 RAM3Off RAM block 33 OFF in ON mode. 0 RAM3On RAM block 3 ON in ON mode. 1 OFFRAM2 RAM block 2 behaviour in OFF mode. 16 16 RAM2Off RAM block 2 OFF in OFF mode. 0 RAM2On RAM block 2 ON in OFF mode. 1 OFFRAM3 RAM block 3 behaviour in OFF mode. 17 17 RAM3Off RAM block 3 OFF in OFF mode. 0 RAM3On RAM block 3 ON in OFF mode. 1 DCDCEN DCDC converter enable configuration register. 0x578 DCDCEN Enable DCDC converter. 0 0 Disabled DCDC converter disabled. 0 Enabled DCDC converter enabled. 1 DCDCFORCE DCDC power-up force register. 0xA08 FORCEOFF DCDC power-up force off. 0 0 NoForce No force. 0 Force Force. 1 FORCEON DCDC power-up force on. 1 1 NoForce No force. 0 Force Force. 1 CLOCK 522 Clock control. CLOCK 0x40000000 32 read-write POWER 0 0x1000 registers POWER_CLOCK 0 TASKS_HFCLKSTART Start HFCLK clock source. 0x000 write-only TASKS_HFCLKSTOP Stop HFCLK clock source. 0x004 write-only TASKS_LFCLKSTART Start LFCLK clock source. 0x008 write-only TASKS_LFCLKSTOP Stop LFCLK clock source. 0x00C write-only TASKS_CAL Start calibration of LFCLK RC oscillator. 0x010 write-only TASKS_CTSTART Start calibration timer. 0x014 write-only TASKS_CTSTOP Stop calibration timer. 0x018 write-only EVENTS_HFCLKSTARTED HFCLK oscillator started. 0x100 EVENTS_LFCLKSTARTED LFCLK oscillator started. 0x104 EVENTS_DONE Calibration of LFCLK RC oscillator completed. 0x10C EVENTS_CTTO Calibration timer timeout. 0x110 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 HFCLKSTARTED Enable interrupt on HFCLKSTARTED event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 LFCLKSTARTED Enable interrupt on LFCLKSTARTED event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 DONE Enable interrupt on DONE event. 3 3 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 CTTO Enable interrupt on CTTO event. 4 4 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 HFCLKSTARTED Disable interrupt on HFCLKSTARTED event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 LFCLKSTARTED Disable interrupt on LFCLKSTARTED event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 DONE Disable interrupt on DONE event. 3 3 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 CTTO Disable interrupt on CTTO event. 4 4 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 HFCLKRUN Task HFCLKSTART trigger status. 0x408 read-only STATUS Task HFCLKSTART trigger status. 0 0 NotTriggered Task HFCLKSTART has not been triggered. 0 Triggered Task HFCLKSTART has been triggered. 1 HFCLKSTAT High frequency clock status. 0x40C read-only SRC Active clock source for the HF clock. 0 0 RC Internal 16MHz RC oscillator running and generating the HFCLK clock. 0 Xtal External 16MHz/32MHz crystal oscillator running and generating the HFCLK clock. 1 STATE State for the HFCLK. 16 16 NotRunning HFCLK clock not running. 0 Running HFCLK clock running. 1 LFCLKRUN Task LFCLKSTART triggered status. 0x414 read-only STATUS Task LFCLKSTART triggered status. 0 0 NotTriggered Task LFCLKSTART has not been triggered. 0 Triggered Task LFCLKSTART has been triggered. 1 LFCLKSTAT Low frequency clock status. 0x418 read-only SRC Active clock source for the LF clock. 0 1 RC Internal 32KiHz RC oscillator running and generating the LFCLK clock. 0 Xtal External 32KiHz crystal oscillator running and generating the LFCLK clock. 1 Synth Internal 32KiHz synthesizer from the HFCLK running and generating the LFCLK clock. 2 STATE State for the LF clock. 16 16 NotRunning LFCLK clock not running. 0 Running LFCLK clock running. 1 LFCLKSRCCOPY Clock source for the LFCLK clock, set when task LKCLKSTART is triggered. 0x41C read-only SRC Clock source for the LFCLK clock, set when task LKCLKSTART is triggered. 0 1 RC Internal 32KiHz RC oscillator. 0 Xtal External 32KiHz crystal. 1 Synth Internal 32KiHz synthesizer from HFCLK system clock. 2 LFCLKSRC Clock source for the LFCLK clock. 0x518 SRC Clock source. 0 1 RC Internal 32KiHz RC oscillator. 0 Xtal External 32KiHz crystal. 1 Synth Internal 32KiHz synthesizer from HFCLK system clock. 2 CTIV Calibration timer interval. 0x538 CTIV Calibration timer interval in 0.25s resolution. 0 6 XTALFREQ Crystal frequency. 0x550 0xFFFFFFFF XTALFREQ External Xtal frequency selection. 0 7 16MHz 16MHz xtal is used as source for the HFCLK oscillator. 0xFF 32MHz 32MHz xtal is used as source for the HFCLK oscillator. 0x00 MPU 522 Memory Protection Unit. MPU 0x40000000 32 read-write POWER 0 0x1000 registers PERR0 Configuration of peripherals in mpu regions. 0x528 POWER_CLOCK POWER_CLOCK region configuration. 0 0 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 RADIO RADIO region configuration. 1 1 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 UART0 UART0 region configuration. 2 2 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 SPI0_TWI0 SPI0 and TWI0 region configuration. 3 3 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 SPI1_TWI1 SPI1 and TWI1 region configuration. 4 4 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 GPIOTE GPIOTE region configuration. 6 6 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 ADC ADC region configuration. 7 7 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 TIMER0 TIMER0 region configuration. 8 8 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 TIMER1 TIMER1 region configuration. 9 9 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 TIMER2 TIMER2 region configuration. 10 10 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 RTC0 RTC0 region configuration. 11 11 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 TEMP TEMP region configuration. 12 12 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 RNG RNG region configuration. 13 13 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 ECB ECB region configuration. 14 14 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 CCM_AAR CCM and AAR region configuration. 15 15 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 WDT WDT region configuration. 16 16 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 RTC1 RTC1 region configuration. 17 17 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 QDEC QDEC region configuration. 18 18 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 LPCOMP LPCOMP region configuration. 19 19 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 NVMC NVMC region configuration. 30 30 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 PPI PPI region configuration. 31 31 InRegion0 Peripheral configured in region 0. 1 InRegion1 Peripheral configured in region 1. 0 RLENR0 Length of RAM region 0. 0x52C PROTENSET0 Erase and write protection bit enable set register. 0x600 PROTREG0 Protection enable for region 0. 0 0 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG1 Protection enable for region 1. 1 1 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG2 Protection enable for region 2. 2 2 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG3 Protection enable for region 3. 3 3 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG4 Protection enable for region 4. 4 4 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG5 Protection enable for region 5. 5 5 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG6 Protection enable for region 6. 6 6 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG7 Protection enable for region 7. 7 7 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG8 Protection enable for region 8. 8 8 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG9 Protection enable for region 9. 9 9 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG10 Protection enable for region 10. 10 10 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG11 Protection enable for region 11. 11 11 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG12 Protection enable for region 12. 12 12 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG13 Protection enable for region 13. 13 13 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG14 Protection enable for region 14. 14 14 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG15 Protection enable for region 15. 15 15 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG16 Protection enable for region 16. 16 16 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG17 Protection enable for region 17. 17 17 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG18 Protection enable for region 18. 18 18 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG19 Protection enable for region 19. 19 19 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG20 Protection enable for region 20. 20 20 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG21 Protection enable for region 21. 21 21 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG22 Protection enable for region 22. 22 22 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG23 Protection enable for region 23. 23 23 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG24 Protection enable for region 24. 24 24 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG25 Protection enable for region 25. 25 25 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG26 Protection enable for region 26. 26 26 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG27 Protection enable for region 27. 27 27 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG28 Protection enable for region 28. 28 28 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG29 Protection enable for region 29. 29 29 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG30 Protection enable for region 30. 30 30 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG31 Protection enable for region 31. 31 31 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTENSET1 Erase and write protection bit enable set register. 0x604 PROTREG32 Protection enable for region 32. 0 0 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG33 Protection enable for region 33. 1 1 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG34 Protection enable for region 34. 2 2 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG35 Protection enable for region 35. 3 3 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG36 Protection enable for region 36. 4 4 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG37 Protection enable for region 37. 5 5 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG38 Protection enable for region 38. 6 6 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG39 Protection enable for region 39. 7 7 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG40 Protection enable for region 40. 8 8 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG41 Protection enable for region 41. 9 9 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG42 Protection enable for region 42. 10 10 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG43 Protection enable for region 43. 11 11 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG44 Protection enable for region 44. 12 12 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG45 Protection enable for region 45. 13 13 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG46 Protection enable for region 46. 14 14 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG47 Protection enable for region 47. 15 15 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG48 Protection enable for region 48. 16 16 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG49 Protection enable for region 49. 17 17 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG50 Protection enable for region 50. 18 18 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG51 Protection enable for region 51. 19 19 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG52 Protection enable for region 52. 20 20 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG53 Protection enable for region 53. 21 21 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG54 Protection enable for region 54. 22 22 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG55 Protection enable for region 55. 23 23 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG56 Protection enable for region 56. 24 24 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG57 Protection enable for region 57. 25 25 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG58 Protection enable for region 58. 26 26 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG59 Protection enable for region 59. 27 27 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG60 Protection enable for region 60. 28 28 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG61 Protection enable for region 61. 29 29 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG62 Protection enable for region 62. 30 30 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 PROTREG63 Protection enable for region 63. 31 31 read Disabled Protection disabled. 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 1 write Set Enable protection on write. 1 DISABLEINDEBUG Disable erase and write protection mechanism in debug mode. 0x608 0x00000001 DISABLEINDEBUG Disable protection mechanism in debug mode. 0 0 Enabled Protection enabled. 0 Disabled Protection disabled. 1 PROTBLOCKSIZE Erase and write protection block size. 0x60C PROTBLOCKSIZE Erase and write protection block size. 0 1 4k Erase and write protection block size is 4k. 0 RADIO 522 The radio. 0x40001000 RADIO 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers RADIO 1 TASKS_TXEN Enable radio in TX mode. 0x000 write-only TASKS_RXEN Enable radio in RX mode. 0x004 write-only TASKS_START Start radio. 0x008 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop radio. 0x00C write-only TASKS_DISABLE Disable radio. 0x010 write-only TASKS_RSSISTART Start the RSSI and take one sample of the receive signal strength. 0x014 write-only TASKS_RSSISTOP Stop the RSSI measurement. 0x018 write-only TASKS_BCSTART Start the bit counter. 0x01C write-only TASKS_BCSTOP Stop the bit counter. 0x020 write-only EVENTS_READY Ready event. 0x100 EVENTS_ADDRESS Address event. 0x104 EVENTS_PAYLOAD Payload event. 0x108 EVENTS_END End event. 0x10C EVENTS_DISABLED Disable event. 0x110 EVENTS_DEVMATCH A device address match occurred on the last received packet. 0x114 EVENTS_DEVMISS No device address match occurred on the last received packet. 0x118 EVENTS_RSSIEND Sampling of the receive signal strength complete. A new RSSI sample is ready for readout at the RSSISAMPLE register. 0x11C EVENTS_BCMATCH Bit counter reached bit count value specified in BCC register. 0x128 SHORTS Shortcuts for the radio. 0x200 READY_START Shortcut between READY event and START task. 0 0 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 END_DISABLE Shortcut between END event and DISABLE task. 1 1 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 DISABLED_TXEN Shortcut between DISABLED event and TXEN task. 2 2 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 DISABLED_RXEN Shortcut between DISABLED event and RXEN task. 3 3 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 ADDRESS_RSSISTART Shortcut between ADDRESS event and RSSISTART task. 4 4 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 END_START Shortcut between END event and START task. 5 5 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 ADDRESS_BCSTART Shortcut between ADDRESS event and BCSTART task. 6 6 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 DISABLED_RSSISTOP Shortcut between DISABLED event and RSSISTOP task. 8 8 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 READY Enable interrupt on READY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ADDRESS Enable interrupt on ADDRESS event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 PAYLOAD Enable interrupt on PAYLOAD event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 END Enable interrupt on END event. 3 3 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 DISABLED Enable interrupt on DISABLED event. 4 4 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 DEVMATCH Enable interrupt on DEVMATCH event. 5 5 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 DEVMISS Enable interrupt on DEVMISS event. 6 6 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 RSSIEND Enable interrupt on RSSIEND event. 7 7 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 BCMATCH Enable interrupt on BCMATCH event. 10 10 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 READY Disable interrupt on READY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ADDRESS Disable interrupt on ADDRESS event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 PAYLOAD Disable interrupt on PAYLOAD event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 END Disable interrupt on END event. 3 3 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 DISABLED Disable interrupt on DISABLED event. 4 4 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 DEVMATCH Disable interrupt on DEVMATCH event. 5 5 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 DEVMISS Disable interrupt on DEVMISS event. 6 6 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 RSSIEND Disable interrupt on RSSIEND event. 7 7 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 BCMATCH Disable interrupt on BCMATCH event. 10 10 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 CRCSTATUS CRC status of received packet. 0x400 read-only CRCSTATUS CRC status of received packet. 0 0 CRCError Packet received with CRC error. 0 CRCOk Packet received with CRC ok. 1 RXMATCH Received address. 0x408 read-only RXMATCH Logical address in which previous packet was received. 0 2 RXCRC Received CRC. 0x40C read-only RXCRC CRC field of previously received packet. 0 23 DAI Device address match index. 0x410 read-only DAI Index (n) of device address (see DAB[n] and DAP[n]) that obtained an address match. 0 2 PACKETPTR Packet pointer. Decision point: START task. 0x504 FREQUENCY Frequency. 0x508 0x00000002 FREQUENCY Radio channel frequency offset in MHz: RF Frequency = 2400 + FREQUENCY (MHz). Decision point: TXEN or RXEN task. 0 6 TXPOWER Output power. 0x50C TXPOWER Radio output power. Decision point: TXEN task. 0 7 Pos4dBm +4dBm. 0x04 0dBm 0dBm. 0x00 Neg4dBm -4dBm. 0xFC Neg8dBm -8dBm. 0xF8 Neg12dBm -12dBm. 0xF4 Neg16dBm -16dBm. 0xF0 Neg20dBm -20dBm. 0xEC Neg30dBm -30dBm. 0xD8 MODE Data rate and modulation. 0x510 MODE Radio data rate and modulation setting. Decision point: TXEN or RXEN task. 0 1 Nrf_1Mbit 1Mbit/s Nordic propietary radio mode. 0x00 Nrf_2Mbit 2Mbit/s Nordic propietary radio mode. 0x01 Nrf_250Kbit 250kbit/s Nordic propietary radio mode. 0x02 Ble_1Mbit 1Mbit/s Bluetooth Low Energy 0x03 PCNF0 Packet configuration 0. 0x514 LFLEN Length of length field in number of bits. Decision point: START task. 0 3 S0LEN Length of S0 field in number of bytes. Decision point: START task. 8 8 S1LEN Length of S1 field in number of bits. Decision point: START task. 16 19 PCNF1 Packet configuration 1. 0x518 MAXLEN Maximum length of packet payload in number of bytes. 0 7 STATLEN Static length in number of bytes. Decision point: START task. 8 15 BALEN Base address length in number of bytes. Decision point: START task. 16 18 ENDIAN On air endianness of packet length field. Decision point: START task. 24 24 Little Least significant bit on air first 0 Big Most significant bit on air first 1 WHITEEN Packet whitening enable. 25 25 Disabled Whitening disabled. 0 Enabled Whitening enabled. 1 BASE0 Radio base address 0. Decision point: START task. 0x51C BASE1 Radio base address 1. Decision point: START task. 0x520 PREFIX0 Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 0 to 3. 0x524 AP0 Address prefix 0. Decision point: START task. 0 7 AP1 Address prefix 1. Decision point: START task. 8 15 AP2 Address prefix 2. Decision point: START task. 16 23 AP3 Address prefix 3. Decision point: START task. 24 31 PREFIX1 Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 4 to 7. 0x528 AP4 Address prefix 4. Decision point: START task. 0 7 AP5 Address prefix 5. Decision point: START task. 8 15 AP6 Address prefix 6. Decision point: START task. 16 23 AP7 Address prefix 7. Decision point: START task. 24 31 TXADDRESS Transmit address select. 0x52C TXADDRESS Logical address to be used when transmitting a packet. Decision point: START task. 0 2 RXADDRESSES Receive address select. 0x530 ADDR0 Enable reception on logical address 0. Decision point: START task. 0 0 Disabled Reception disabled. 0 Enabled Reception enabled. 1 ADDR1 Enable reception on logical address 1. Decision point: START task. 1 1 Disabled Reception disabled. 0 Enabled Reception enabled. 1 ADDR2 Enable reception on logical address 2. Decision point: START task. 2 2 Disabled Reception disabled. 0 Enabled Reception enabled. 1 ADDR3 Enable reception on logical address 3. Decision point: START task. 3 3 Disabled Reception disabled. 0 Enabled Reception enabled. 1 ADDR4 Enable reception on logical address 4. Decision point: START task. 4 4 Disabled Reception disabled. 0 Enabled Reception enabled. 1 ADDR5 Enable reception on logical address 5. Decision point: START task. 5 5 Disabled Reception disabled. 0 Enabled Reception enabled. 1 ADDR6 Enable reception on logical address 6. Decision point: START task. 6 6 Disabled Reception disabled. 0 Enabled Reception enabled. 1 ADDR7 Enable reception on logical address 7. Decision point: START task. 7 7 Disabled Reception disabled. 0 Enabled Reception enabled. 1 CRCCNF CRC configuration. 0x534 LEN CRC length. Decision point: START task. 0 1 Disabled CRC calculation disabled. 0 One One byte long CRC. 1 Two Two bytes long CRC. 2 Three Three bytes long CRC. 3 SKIPADDR Leave packet address field out of the CRC calculation. Decision point: START task. 8 8 Include Include packet address in CRC calculation. 0 Skip Packet address is skipped in CRC calculation. The CRC calculation will start at the first byte after the address. 1 CRCPOLY CRC polynomial. 0x538 CRCPOLY CRC polynomial. Decision point: START task. 0 23 CRCINIT CRC initial value. 0x53C CRCINIT Initial value for CRC calculation. Decision point: START task. 0 23 TEST Test features enable register. 0x540 CONSTCARRIER Constant carrier. Decision point: TXEN task. 0 0 Disabled Constant carrier disabled. 0 Enabled Constant carrier enabled. 1 PLLLOCK PLL lock. Decision point: TXEN or RXEN task. 1 1 Disabled PLL lock disabled. 0 Enabled PLL lock enabled. 1 TIFS Inter Frame Spacing in microseconds. 0x544 TIFS Inter frame spacing in microseconds. Decision point: START rask 0 7 RSSISAMPLE RSSI sample. 0x548 read-only RSSISAMPLE RSSI sample result. The result is read as a positive value so that ReceivedSignalStrength = -RSSISAMPLE dBm 0 6 STATE Current radio state. 0x550 read-only STATE Current radio state. 0 3 Disabled Radio is in the Disabled state. 0x00 RxRu Radio is in the Rx Ramp Up state. 0x01 RxIdle Radio is in the Rx Idle state. 0x02 Rx Radio is in the Rx state. 0x03 RxDisable Radio is in the Rx Disable state. 0x04 TxRu Radio is in the Tx Ramp Up state. 0x09 TxIdle Radio is in the Tx Idle state. 0x0A Tx Radio is in the Tx state. 0x0B TxDisable Radio is in the Tx Disable state. 0x0C DATAWHITEIV Data whitening initial value. 0x554 0x00000040 DATAWHITEIV Data whitening initial value. Bit 0 corresponds to Position 0 of the LSFR, Bit 1 to position 5... Decision point: TXEN or RXEN task. 0 6 BCC Bit counter compare. 0x560 8 0x04 DAB[%s] Device address base segment. 0x600 8 0x04 DAP[%s] Device address prefix. 0x620 DAP Device address prefix. 0 15 DACNF Device address match configuration. 0x640 ENA0 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 0. 0 0 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 ENA1 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 1. 1 1 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 ENA2 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 2. 2 2 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 ENA3 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 3. 3 3 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 ENA4 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 4. 4 4 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 ENA5 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 5. 5 5 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 ENA6 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 6. 6 6 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 ENA7 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 7. 7 7 Disabled Disabled. 0 Enabled Enabled. 1 TXADD0 TxAdd for device address 0. 8 8 TXADD1 TxAdd for device address 1. 9 9 TXADD2 TxAdd for device address 2. 10 10 TXADD3 TxAdd for device address 3. 11 11 TXADD4 TxAdd for device address 4. 12 12 TXADD5 TxAdd for device address 5. 13 13 TXADD6 TxAdd for device address 6. 14 14 TXADD7 TxAdd for device address 7. 15 15 OVERRIDE0 Trim value override register 0. 0x724 OVERRIDE0 Trim value override 0. 0 31 OVERRIDE1 Trim value override register 1. 0x728 OVERRIDE1 Trim value override 1. 0 31 OVERRIDE2 Trim value override register 2. 0x72C OVERRIDE2 Trim value override 2. 0 31 OVERRIDE3 Trim value override register 3. 0x730 OVERRIDE3 Trim value override 3. 0 31 OVERRIDE4 Trim value override register 4. 0x734 OVERRIDE4 Trim value override 4. 0 27 ENABLE Enable or disable override of default trim values. 31 31 Disabled Override trim values disabled. 0 Enabled Override trim values enabled. 1 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 UART0 522 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. 0x40002000 UART 32 read-write UART 0 0x1000 registers UART0 2 TASKS_STARTRX Start UART receiver. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOPRX Stop UART receiver. 0x004 write-only TASKS_STARTTX Start UART transmitter. 0x008 write-only TASKS_STOPTX Stop UART transmitter. 0x00C write-only TASKS_SUSPEND Suspend UART. 0x01C write-only EVENTS_CTS CTS activated. 0x100 EVENTS_NCTS CTS deactivated. 0x104 EVENTS_RXDRDY Data received in RXD. 0x108 EVENTS_TXDRDY Data sent from TXD. 0x11C EVENTS_ERROR Error detected. 0x124 EVENTS_RXTO Receiver timeout. 0x144 SHORTS Shortcuts for UART. 0x200 CTS_STARTRX Shortcut between CTS event and STARTRX task. 3 3 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 NCTS_STOPRX Shortcut between NCTS event and STOPRX task. 4 4 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 CTS Enable interrupt on CTS event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 NCTS Enable interrupt on NCTS event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 RXDRDY Enable interrupt on RXRDY event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 TXDRDY Enable interrupt on TXRDY event. 7 7 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ERROR Enable interrupt on ERROR event. 9 9 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 RXTO Enable interrupt on RXTO event. 17 17 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 CTS Disable interrupt on CTS event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 NCTS Disable interrupt on NCTS event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 RXDRDY Disable interrupt on RXRDY event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 TXDRDY Disable interrupt on TXRDY event. 7 7 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ERROR Disable interrupt on ERROR event. 9 9 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 RXTO Disable interrupt on RXTO event. 17 17 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ERRORSRC Error source. Write error field to 1 to clear error. 0x480 OVERRUN A start bit is received while the previous data still lies in RXD. (Data loss). 0 0 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear error on write. 1 PARITY A character with bad parity is received. Only checked if HW parity control is enabled. 1 1 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear error on write. 1 FRAMING A valid stop bit is not detected on the serial data input after all bits in a character have been received. 2 2 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear error on write. 1 BREAK The serial data input is '0' for longer than the length of a data frame. 3 3 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear error on write. 1 ENABLE Enable UART and acquire IOs. 0x500 ENABLE Enable or disable UART and acquire IOs. 0 2 Disabled UART disabled. 0x00 Enabled UART enabled. 0x04 PSELRTS Pin select for RTS. 0x508 0xFFFFFFFF PSELTXD Pin select for TXD. 0x50C 0xFFFFFFFF PSELCTS Pin select for CTS. 0x510 0xFFFFFFFF PSELRXD Pin select for RXD. 0x514 0xFFFFFFFF RXD RXD register. On read action the buffer pointer is displaced. Once read the character is consumed. If read when no character available, the UART will stop working. 0x518 read-only modifyExternal RXD RX data from previous transfer. Double buffered. 0 7 TXD TXD register. 0x51C write-only TXD TX data for transfer. 0 7 BAUDRATE UART Baudrate. 0x524 BAUDRATE UART baudrate. 0 31 Baud1200 1200 baud. 0x0004F000 Baud2400 2400 baud. 0x0009D000 Baud4800 4800 baud. 0x0013B000 Baud9600 9600 baud. 0x00275000 Baud14400 14400 baud. 0x003B0000 Baud19200 19200 baud. 0x004EA000 Baud28800 28800 baud. 0x0075F000 Baud31250 31250 baud. 0x00800000 Baud38400 38400 baud. 0x009D5000 Baud56000 56000 baud. 0x00E50000 Baud57600 57600 baud. 0x00EBF000 Baud76800 76800 baud. 0x013A9000 Baud115200 115200 baud. 0x01D7E000 Baud230400 230400 baud. 0x03AFB000 Baud250000 250000 baud. 0x04000000 Baud460800 460800 baud. 0x075F7000 Baud921600 921600 baud. 0x0EBED000 Baud1M 1M baud. 0x10000000 CONFIG Configuration of parity and hardware flow control register. 0x56C HWFC Hardware flow control. 0 0 Disabled Hardware flow control disabled. 0 Enabled Hardware flow control enabled. 1 PARITY Include parity bit. 1 3 Excluded Parity bit excluded. 0 Included Parity bit included. 7 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 SPI0 522 SPI master 0. 0x40003000 SPI 32 read-write SPI 0 0x1000 registers SPI0_TWI0 3 EVENTS_READY TXD byte sent and RXD byte received. 0x108 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 READY Enable interrupt on READY event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 READY Disable interrupt on READY event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ENABLE Enable SPI. 0x500 ENABLE Enable or disable SPI. 0 2 Disabled Disabled SPI. 0x00 Enabled Enable SPI. 0x01 PSELSCK Pin select for SCK. 0x508 0xFFFFFFFF PSELMOSI Pin select for MOSI. 0x50C 0xFFFFFFFF PSELMISO Pin select for MISO. 0x510 0xFFFFFFFF RXD RX data. 0x518 read-only modifyExternal RXD RX data from last transfer. 0 7 TXD TX data. 0x51C TXD TX data for next transfer. 0 7 FREQUENCY SPI frequency 0x524 0x04000000 FREQUENCY SPI data rate. 0 31 K125 125kbps. 0x02000000 K250 250kbps. 0x04000000 K500 500kbps. 0x08000000 M1 1Mbps. 0x10000000 M2 2Mbps. 0x20000000 M4 4Mbps. 0x40000000 M8 8Mbps. 0x80000000 CONFIG Configuration register. 0x554 ORDER Bit order. 0 0 MsbFirst Most significant bit transmitted out first. 0 LsbFirst Least significant bit transmitted out first. 1 CPHA Serial clock (SCK) phase. 1 1 Leading Sample on leading edge of the clock. Shift serial data on trailing edge. 0 Trailing Sample on trailing edge of the clock. Shift serial data on leading edge. 1 CPOL Serial clock (SCK) polarity. 2 2 ActiveHigh Active high. 0 ActiveLow Active low. 1 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 TWI0 522 Two-wire interface master 0. 0x40003000 TWI 32 read-write TWI SPI0 0 0x1000 registers SPI0_TWI0 3 TASKS_STARTRX Start 2-Wire master receive sequence. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STARTTX Start 2-Wire master transmit sequence. 0x008 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop 2-Wire transaction. 0x014 write-only TASKS_SUSPEND Suspend 2-Wire transaction. 0x01C write-only TASKS_RESUME Resume 2-Wire transaction. 0x020 write-only EVENTS_STOPPED Two-wire stopped. 0x104 EVENTS_RXDREADY Two-wire ready to deliver new RXD byte received. 0x108 EVENTS_TXDSENT Two-wire finished sending last TXD byte. 0x11C EVENTS_ERROR Two-wire error detected. 0x124 EVENTS_BB Two-wire byte boundary. 0x138 EVENTS_SUSPENDED Two-wire suspended. 0x148 SHORTS Shortcuts for TWI. 0x200 BB_SUSPEND Shortcut between BB event and the SUSPEND task. 0 0 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 BB_STOP Shortcut between BB event and the STOP task. 1 1 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 STOPPED Enable interrupt on STOPPED event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 RXDREADY Enable interrupt on READY event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 TXDSENT Enable interrupt on TXDSENT event. 7 7 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ERROR Enable interrupt on ERROR event. 9 9 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 BB Enable interrupt on BB event. 14 14 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 SUSPENDED Enable interrupt on SUSPENDED event. 18 18 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 STOPPED Disable interrupt on STOPPED event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 RXDREADY Disable interrupt on RXDREADY event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 TXDSENT Disable interrupt on TXDSENT event. 7 7 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ERROR Disable interrupt on ERROR event. 9 9 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 BB Disable interrupt on BB event. 14 14 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 SUSPENDED Disable interrupt on SUSPENDED event. 18 18 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ERRORSRC Two-wire error source. Write error field to 1 to clear error. 0x4C4 OVERRUN Byte received in RXD register before read of the last received byte (data loss). 0 0 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear error on write. 1 ANACK NACK received after sending the address. 1 1 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear error on write. 1 DNACK NACK received after sending a data byte. 2 2 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear error on write. 1 ENABLE Enable two-wire master. 0x500 ENABLE Enable or disable W2M 0 2 Disabled Disabled. 0x00 Enabled Enabled. 0x05 PSELSCL Pin select for SCL. 0x508 0xFFFFFFFF PSELSDA Pin select for SDA. 0x50C 0xFFFFFFFF RXD RX data register. 0x518 read-only modifyExternal RXD RX data from last transfer. 0 7 TXD TX data register. 0x51C TXD TX data for next transfer. 0 7 FREQUENCY Two-wire frequency. 0x524 0x04000000 FREQUENCY Two-wire master clock frequency. 0 31 K100 100 kbps. 0x01980000 K250 250 kbps. 0x04000000 K400 400 kbps (actual rate 410.256 kbps). 0x06680000 ADDRESS Address used in the two-wire transfer. 0x588 ADDRESS Two-wire address. 0 6 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 SPI1 522 SPI master 1. 0x40004000 SPI 32 read-write SPI1_TWI1 4 TWI1 522 Two-wire interface master 1. 0x40004000 TWI 32 read-write SPI1 SPI1_TWI1 4 SPIS1 522 SPI slave 1. 0x40004000 SPIS 32 read-write SPI1 SPIS 0 0x1000 registers SPI1_TWI1 4 TASKS_ACQUIRE Acquire SPI semaphore. 0x024 write-only TASKS_RELEASE Release SPI semaphore. 0x028 write-only EVENTS_END Granted transaction completed. 0x104 EVENTS_ENDRX End of RXD buffer reached 0x110 read-write EVENTS_ACQUIRED Semaphore acquired. 0x128 SHORTS Shortcuts for SPIS. 0x200 END_ACQUIRE Shortcut between END event and the ACQUIRE task. 2 2 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 END Enable interrupt on END event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ENDRX enable interrupt on ENDRX event. 4 4 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ACQUIRED Enable interrupt on ACQUIRED event. 10 10 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 END Disable interrupt on END event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ENDRX Disable interrupt on ENDRX event. 4 4 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ACQUIRED Disable interrupt on ACQUIRED event. 10 10 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 SEMSTAT Semaphore status. 0x400 read-only 0x00000001 SEMSTAT Semaphore status. 0 1 Free Semaphore is free. 0x00 CPU Semaphore is assigned to the CPU. 0x01 SPIS Semaphore is assigned to the SPIS. 0x02 CPUPending Semaphore is assigned to the SPIS, but a handover to the CPU is pending. 0x03 STATUS Status from last transaction. 0x440 OVERREAD TX buffer overread detected, and prevented. 0 0 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear on write. 1 OVERFLOW RX buffer overflow detected, and prevented. 1 1 read NotPresent Error not present. 0 Present Error present. 1 write Clear Clear on write. 1 ENABLE Enable SPIS. 0x500 ENABLE Enable or disable SPIS. 0 2 Disabled Disabled SPIS. 0x00 Enabled Enable SPIS. 0x02 PSELSCK Pin select for SCK. 0x508 0xFFFFFFFF PSELMISO Pin select for MISO. 0x50C 0xFFFFFFFF PSELMOSI Pin select for MOSI. 0x510 0xFFFFFFFF PSELCSN Pin select for CSN. 0x514 0xFFFFFFFF RXDPTR RX data pointer. 0x534 MAXRX Maximum number of bytes in the receive buffer. 0x538 MAXRX Maximum number of bytes in the receive buffer. 0 7 AMOUNTRX Number of bytes received in last granted transaction. 0x53C read-only AMOUNTRX Number of bytes received in last granted transaction. 0 7 TXDPTR TX data pointer. 0x544 MAXTX Maximum number of bytes in the transmit buffer. 0x548 MAXTX Maximum number of bytes in the transmit buffer. 0 7 AMOUNTTX Number of bytes transmitted in last granted transaction. 0x54C read-only AMOUNTTX Number of bytes transmitted in last granted transaction. 0 7 CONFIG Configuration register. 0x554 ORDER Bit order. 0 0 MsbFirst Most significant bit transmitted out first. 0 LsbFirst Least significant bit transmitted out first. 1 CPHA Serial clock (SCK) phase. 1 1 Leading Sample on leading edge of the clock. Shift serial data on trailing edge. 0 Trailing Sample on trailing edge of the clock. Shift serial data on leading edge. 1 CPOL Serial clock (SCK) polarity. 2 2 ActiveHigh Active high. 0 ActiveLow Active low. 1 DEF Default character. 0x55C DEF Default character. 0 7 ORC Over-read character. 0x5C0 ORC Over-read character. 0 7 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 GPIOTE 522 GPIO tasks and events. 0x40006000 GPIOTE 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers GPIOTE 6 4 0x04 TASKS_OUT[%s] Tasks asssociated with GPIOTE channels. 0x000 write-only 4 0x04 EVENTS_IN[%s] Tasks asssociated with GPIOTE channels. 0x100 EVENTS_PORT Event generated from multiple pins. 0x17C INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 IN0 Enable interrupt on IN[0] event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 IN1 Enable interrupt on IN[1] event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 IN2 Enable interrupt on IN[2] event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 IN3 Enable interrupt on IN[3] event. 3 3 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 PORT Enable interrupt on PORT event. 31 31 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 IN0 Disable interrupt on IN[0] event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 IN1 Disable interrupt on IN[1] event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 IN2 Disable interrupt on IN[2] event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 IN3 Disable interrupt on IN[3] event. 3 3 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 PORT Disable interrupt on PORT event. 31 31 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 4 0x04 CONFIG[%s] Channel configuration registers. 0x510 MODE Mode 0 1 Disabled Disabled. 0x00 Event Channel configure in event mode. 0x01 Task Channel configure in task mode. 0x03 PSEL Pin select. 8 12 POLARITY Effects on output when in Task mode, or events on input that generates an event. 16 17 None No task or event. 0x00 LoToHi Low to high. 0x01 HiToLo High to low. 0x02 Toggle Toggle. 0x03 OUTINIT Initial value of the output when the GPIOTE channel is configured as a Task. 20 20 Low Initial low output when in task mode. 0 High Initial high output when in task mode. 1 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 ADC 522 Analog to digital converter. 0x40007000 ADC 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers ADC 7 TASKS_START Start an ADC conversion. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop ADC. 0x004 write-only EVENTS_END ADC conversion complete. 0x100 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 END Enable interrupt on END event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 END Disable interrupt on END event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 BUSY ADC busy register. 0x400 read-only BUSY ADC busy register. 0 0 Ready No ongoing ADC conversion is taking place. ADC is ready. 0 Busy An ADC conversion is taking place. ADC is busy. 1 ENABLE ADC enable. 0x500 ENABLE ADC enable. 0 1 Disabled ADC is disabled. 0x00 Enabled ADC is enabled. If an analog input pin is selected as source of the conversion, the selected pin is configured as an analog input. 0x01 CONFIG ADC configuration register. 0x504 0x00000018 RES ADC resolution. 0 1 8bit 8bit ADC resolution. 0x00 9bit 9bit ADC resolution. 0x01 10bit 10bit ADC resolution. 0x02 INPSEL ADC input selection. 2 4 AnalogInputNoPrescaling Analog input specified by PSEL with no prescaling used as input for the conversion. 0x00 AnalogInputTwoThirdsPrescaling Analog input specified by PSEL with 2/3 prescaling used as input for the conversion. 0x01 AnalogInputOneThirdPrescaling Analog input specified by PSEL with 1/3 prescaling used as input for the conversion. 0x02 SupplyTwoThirdsPrescaling Supply voltage with 2/3 prescaling used as input for the conversion. 0x05 SupplyOneThirdPrescaling Supply voltage with 1/3 prescaling used as input for the conversion. 0x06 REFSEL ADC reference selection. 5 6 VBG Use internal 1.2V bandgap voltage as reference for conversion. 0x00 External Use external source configured by EXTREFSEL as reference for conversion. 0x01 SupplyOneHalfPrescaling Use supply voltage with 1/2 prescaling as reference for conversion. Only usable when supply voltage is between 1.7V and 2.6V. 0x02 SupplyOneThirdPrescaling Use supply voltage with 1/3 prescaling as reference for conversion. Only usable when supply voltage is between 2.5V and 3.6V. 0x03 PSEL ADC analog pin selection. 8 15 Disabled Analog input pins disabled. 0 AnalogInput0 Use analog input 0 as analog input. 1 AnalogInput1 Use analog input 1 as analog input. 2 AnalogInput2 Use analog input 2 as analog input. 4 AnalogInput3 Use analog input 3 as analog input. 8 AnalogInput4 Use analog input 4 as analog input. 16 AnalogInput5 Use analog input 5 as analog input. 32 AnalogInput6 Use analog input 6 as analog input. 64 AnalogInput7 Use analog input 7 as analog input. 128 EXTREFSEL ADC external reference pin selection. 16 17 None Analog external reference inputs disabled. 0 AnalogReference0 Use analog reference 0 as reference. 1 AnalogReference1 Use analog reference 1 as reference. 2 RESULT Result of ADC conversion. 0x508 read-only RESULT Result of ADC conversion. 0 9 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 TIMER0 522 Timer 0. 0x40008000 TIMER 32 read-write TIMER 0 0x1000 registers TIMER0 8 TASKS_START Start Timer. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop Timer. 0x004 write-only TASKS_COUNT Increment Timer (In counter mode). 0x008 write-only TASKS_CLEAR Clear timer. 0x00C write-only TASKS_SHUTDOWN Shutdown timer. 0x010 write-only 4 0x04 TASKS_CAPTURE[%s] Capture Timer value to CC[n] registers. 0x040 write-only 4 0x04 EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] Compare event on CC[n] match. 0x140 SHORTS Shortcuts for Timer. 0x200 COMPARE0_CLEAR Shortcut between CC[0] event and the CLEAR task. 0 0 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 COMPARE1_CLEAR Shortcut between CC[1] event and the CLEAR task. 1 1 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 COMPARE2_CLEAR Shortcut between CC[2] event and the CLEAR task. 2 2 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 COMPARE3_CLEAR Shortcut between CC[3] event and the CLEAR task. 3 3 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 COMPARE0_STOP Shortcut between CC[0] event and the STOP task. 8 8 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 COMPARE1_STOP Shortcut between CC[1] event and the STOP task. 9 9 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 COMPARE2_STOP Shortcut between CC[2] event and the STOP task. 10 10 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 COMPARE3_STOP Shortcut between CC[3] event and the STOP task. 11 11 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 COMPARE0 Enable interrupt on COMPARE[0] 16 16 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE1 Enable interrupt on COMPARE[1] 17 17 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE2 Enable interrupt on COMPARE[2] 18 18 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE3 Enable interrupt on COMPARE[3] 19 19 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 COMPARE0 Disable interrupt on COMPARE[0] 16 16 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE1 Disable interrupt on COMPARE[1] 17 17 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE2 Disable interrupt on COMPARE[2] 18 18 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE3 Disable interrupt on COMPARE[3] 19 19 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 MODE Timer Mode selection. 0x504 MODE Select Normal or Counter mode. 0 0 Counter Timer in Counter mode. 1 Timer Timer in Normal mode. 0 BITMODE Sets timer behaviour. 0x508 BITMODE Sets timer behaviour ro be like the implementation of a timer with width as indicated. 0 1 16Bit 16-bit timer behaviour. 0x00 08Bit 8-bit timer behaviour. 0x01 24Bit 24-bit timer behaviour. 0x02 32Bit 32-bit timer behaviour. 0x03 PRESCALER 4-bit prescaler to source clock frequency (max value 9). Source clock frequency is divided by 2^SCALE. 0x510 0x00000004 PRESCALER Timer PRESCALER value. Max value is 9. 0 3 4 0x04 CC[%s] Capture/compare registers. 0x540 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 TIMER1 522 Timer 1. 0x40009000 TIMER 32 read-write TIMER1 9 TIMER2 522 Timer 2. 0x4000A000 TIMER 32 read-write TIMER2 10 RTC0 522 Real time counter 0. 0x4000B000 RTC 32 read-write RTC 0 0x1000 registers RTC0 11 TASKS_START Start RTC Counter. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop RTC Counter. 0x004 write-only TASKS_CLEAR Clear RTC Counter. 0x008 write-only TASKS_TRIGOVRFLW Set COUNTER to 0xFFFFFFF0. 0x00C write-only EVENTS_TICK Event on COUNTER increment. 0x100 EVENTS_OVRFLW Event on COUNTER overflow. 0x104 4 0x04 EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] Compare event on CC[n] match. 0x140 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 TICK Enable interrupt on TICK event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 OVRFLW Enable interrupt on OVRFLW event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE0 Enable interrupt on COMPARE[0] event. 16 16 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE1 Enable interrupt on COMPARE[1] event. 17 17 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE2 Enable interrupt on COMPARE[2] event. 18 18 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE3 Enable interrupt on COMPARE[3] event. 19 19 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 TICK Disable interrupt on TICK event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 OVRFLW Disable interrupt on OVRFLW event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE0 Disable interrupt on COMPARE[0] event. 16 16 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE1 Disable interrupt on COMPARE[1] event. 17 17 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE2 Disable interrupt on COMPARE[2] event. 18 18 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 COMPARE3 Disable interrupt on COMPARE[3] event. 19 19 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 EVTEN Configures event enable routing to PPI for each RTC event. 0x340 TICK TICK event enable. 0 0 Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 OVRFLW OVRFLW event enable. 1 1 Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 COMPARE0 COMPARE[0] event enable. 16 16 Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 COMPARE1 COMPARE[1] event enable. 17 17 Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 COMPARE2 COMPARE[2] event enable. 18 18 Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 COMPARE3 COMPARE[3] event enable. 19 19 Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 EVTENSET Enable events routing to PPI. The reading of this register gives the value of EVTEN. 0x344 TICK Enable routing to PPI of TICK event. 0 0 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Set Enable event on write. 1 OVRFLW Enable routing to PPI of OVRFLW event. 1 1 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Set Enable event on write. 1 COMPARE0 Enable routing to PPI of COMPARE[0] event. 16 16 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Set Enable event on write. 1 COMPARE1 Enable routing to PPI of COMPARE[1] event. 17 17 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Set Enable event on write. 1 COMPARE2 Enable routing to PPI of COMPARE[2] event. 18 18 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Set Enable event on write. 1 COMPARE3 Enable routing to PPI of COMPARE[3] event. 19 19 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Set Enable event on write. 1 EVTENCLR Disable events routing to PPI. The reading of this register gives the value of EVTEN. 0x348 TICK Disable routing to PPI of TICK event. 0 0 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Clear Disable event on write. 1 OVRFLW Disable routing to PPI of OVRFLW event. 1 1 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Clear Disable event on write. 1 COMPARE0 Disable routing to PPI of COMPARE[0] event. 16 16 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Clear Disable event on write. 1 COMPARE1 Disable routing to PPI of COMPARE[1] event. 17 17 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Clear Disable event on write. 1 COMPARE2 Disable routing to PPI of COMPARE[2] event. 18 18 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Clear Disable event on write. 1 COMPARE3 Disable routing to PPI of COMPARE[3] event. 19 19 read Disabled Event disabled. 0 Enabled Event enabled. 1 write Clear Disable event on write. 1 COUNTER Current COUNTER value. 0x504 read-only COUNTER Counter value. 0 23 PRESCALER 12-bit prescaler for COUNTER frequency (32768/(PRESCALER+1)). Must be written when RTC is STOPed. 0x508 PRESCALER RTC PRESCALER value. 0 11 4 0x04 CC[%s] Capture/compare registers. 0x540 COMPARE Compare value. 0 23 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 TEMP 522 Temperature Sensor. TEMP 0x4000C000 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers TEMP 12 TASKS_START Start temperature measurement. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop temperature measurement. 0x004 write-only EVENTS_DATARDY Temperature measurement complete, data ready event. 0x100 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 DATARDY Enable interrupt on DATARDY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 DATARDY Disable interrupt on DATARDY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 TEMP Die temperature in degC, 2's complement format, 0.25 degC pecision. 0x508 read-only int32_t POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 RNG 522 Random Number Generator. 0x4000D000 RNG 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers RNG 13 TASKS_START Start the random number generator. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop the random number generator. 0x004 write-only EVENTS_VALRDY New random number generated and written to VALUE register. 0x100 SHORTS Shortcuts for the RNG. 0x200 VALRDY_STOP Shortcut between VALRDY event and STOP task. 0 0 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register 0x304 VALRDY Enable interrupt on VALRDY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register 0x308 VALRDY Disable interrupt on VALRDY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 CONFIG Configuration register. 0x504 DERCEN Digital error correction enable. 0 0 Disabled Digital error correction disabled. 0 Enabled Digital error correction enabled. 1 VALUE RNG random number. 0x508 read-only VALUE Generated random number. 0 7 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 ECB 522 AES ECB Mode Encryption. 0x4000E000 ECB 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers ECB 14 TASKS_STARTECB Start ECB block encrypt. If a crypto operation is running, this will not initiate a new encryption and the ERRORECB event will be triggered. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOPECB Stop current ECB encryption. If a crypto operation is running, this will will trigger the ERRORECB event. 0x004 write-only EVENTS_ENDECB ECB block encrypt complete. 0x100 EVENTS_ERRORECB ECB block encrypt aborted due to a STOPECB task or due to an error. 0x104 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 ENDECB Enable interrupt on ENDECB event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ERRORECB Enable interrupt on ERRORECB event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 ENDECB Disable interrupt on ENDECB event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ERRORECB Disable interrupt on ERRORECB event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ECBDATAPTR ECB block encrypt memory pointer. 0x504 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 AAR 522 Accelerated Address Resolver. 0x4000F000 AAR 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers CCM_AAR 15 TASKS_START Start resolving addresses based on IRKs specified in the IRK data structure. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop resolving addresses. 0x008 write-only EVENTS_END Address resolution procedure completed. 0x100 EVENTS_RESOLVED Address resolved. 0x104 EVENTS_NOTRESOLVED Address not resolved. 0x108 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 END Enable interrupt on END event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 RESOLVED Enable interrupt on RESOLVED event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 NOTRESOLVED Enable interrupt on NOTRESOLVED event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 END Disable interrupt on ENDKSGEN event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 RESOLVED Disable interrupt on RESOLVED event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 NOTRESOLVED Disable interrupt on NOTRESOLVED event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 STATUS Resolution status. 0x400 read-only STATUS The IRK used last time an address was resolved. 0 3 ENABLE Enable AAR. 0x500 ENABLE Enable AAR. 0 1 Disabled Disabled AAR. 0x00 Enabled Enable AAR. 0x03 NIRK Number of Identity root Keys in the IRK data structure. 0x504 0x00000001 NIRK Number of Identity root Keys in the IRK data structure. 0 4 IRKPTR Pointer to the IRK data structure. 0x508 ADDRPTR Pointer to the resolvable address (6 bytes). 0x510 SCRATCHPTR Pointer to a scratch data area used for temporary storage during resolution. A minimum of 3 bytes must be reserved. 0x514 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 CCM 522 AES CCM Mode Encryption. 0x4000F000 CCM 32 read-write AAR 0 0x1000 registers CCM_AAR 15 TASKS_KSGEN Start generation of key-stream. This operation will stop by itself when completed. 0x000 write-only TASKS_CRYPT Start encrypt/decrypt. This operation will stop by itself when completed. 0x004 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop encrypt/decrypt. 0x008 write-only EVENTS_ENDKSGEN Keystream generation completed. 0x100 EVENTS_ENDCRYPT Encrypt/decrypt completed. 0x104 EVENTS_ERROR Error happened. 0x108 SHORTS Shortcuts for the CCM. 0x200 ENDKSGEN_CRYPT Shortcut between ENDKSGEN event and CRYPT task. 0 0 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 ENDKSGEN Enable interrupt on ENDKSGEN event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ENDCRYPT Enable interrupt on ENDCRYPT event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ERROR Enable interrupt on ERROR event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 ENDKSGEN Disable interrupt on ENDKSGEN event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ENDCRYPT Disable interrupt on ENDCRYPT event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ERROR Disable interrupt on ERROR event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 MICSTATUS CCM RX MIC check result. 0x400 read-only MICSTATUS Result of the MIC check performed during the previous CCM RX STARTCRYPT 0 0 CheckFailed MIC check failed. 0 CheckPassed MIC check passed. 1 ENABLE CCM enable. 0x500 ENABLE CCM enable. 0 1 Disabled CCM is disabled. 0x00 Enabled CCM is enabled. 0x02 MODE Operation mode. 0x504 0x00000001 MODE CCM mode operation. 0 0 Encryption CCM mode TX 0 Decryption CCM mode TX 1 CNFPTR Pointer to a data structure holding AES key and NONCE vector. 0x508 INPTR Pointer to the input packet. 0x50C OUTPTR Pointer to the output packet. 0x510 SCRATCHPTR Pointer to a scratch data area used for temporary storage during resolution. A minimum of 43 bytes must be reserved. 0x514 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 WDT 522 Watchdog Timer. WDT 0x40010000 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers WDT 16 TASKS_START Start the watchdog. 0x000 write-only EVENTS_TIMEOUT Watchdog timeout. 0x100 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 TIMEOUT Enable interrupt on TIMEOUT event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 TIMEOUT Disable interrupt on TIMEOUT event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 RUNSTATUS Watchdog running status. 0x400 read-only RUNSTATUS Watchdog running status. 0 0 NotRunning Watchdog timer is not running. 0 Running Watchdog timer is running. 1 REQSTATUS Request status. 0x404 0x00000001 read-only RR0 Request status for RR[0]. 0 0 DisabledOrRequested RR[0] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. 0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[0] register is enabled and has not jet requested. 1 RR1 Request status for RR[1]. 1 1 DisabledOrRequested RR[1] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. 0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[1] register is enabled and has not jet requested. 1 RR2 Request status for RR[2]. 2 2 DisabledOrRequested RR[2] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. 0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[2] register is enabled and has not jet requested. 1 RR3 Request status for RR[3]. 3 3 DisabledOrRequested RR[3] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. 0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[3] register is enabled and has not jet requested. 1 RR4 Request status for RR[4]. 4 4 DisabledOrRequested RR[4] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. 0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[4] register is enabled and has not jet requested. 1 RR5 Request status for RR[5]. 5 5 DisabledOrRequested RR[5] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. 0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[5] register is enabled and has not jet requested. 1 RR6 Request status for RR[6]. 6 6 DisabledOrRequested RR[6] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. 0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[6] register is enabled and has not jet requested. 1 RR7 Request status for RR[7]. 7 7 DisabledOrRequested RR[7] register is not enabled or has already requested reload. 0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[7] register is enabled and has not jet requested. 1 CRV Counter reload value in number of 32kiHz clock cycles. 0x504 0xFFFFFFFF RREN Reload request enable. 0x508 0x00000001 RR0 Enable or disable RR[0] register. 0 0 Disabled RR[0] register is disabled. 0 Enabled RR[0] register is enabled. 1 RR1 Enable or disable RR[1] register. 1 1 Disabled RR[1] register is disabled. 0 Enabled RR[1] register is enabled. 1 RR2 Enable or disable RR[2] register. 2 2 Disabled RR[2] register is disabled. 0 Enabled RR[2] register is enabled. 1 RR3 Enable or disable RR[3] register. 3 3 Disabled RR[3] register is disabled. 0 Enabled RR[3] register is enabled. 1 RR4 Enable or disable RR[4] register. 4 4 Disabled RR[4] register is disabled. 0 Enabled RR[4] register is enabled. 1 RR5 Enable or disable RR[5] register. 5 5 Disabled RR[5] register is disabled. 0 Enabled RR[5] register is enabled. 1 RR6 Enable or disable RR[6] register. 6 6 Disabled RR[6] register is disabled. 0 Enabled RR[6] register is enabled. 1 RR7 Enable or disable RR[7] register. 7 7 Disabled RR[7] register is disabled. 0 Enabled RR[7] register is enabled. 1 CONFIG Configuration register. 0x50C 0x00000001 SLEEP Configure the watchdog to pause or not while the CPU is sleeping. 0 0 Pause Pause watchdog while the CPU is asleep. 0 Run Do not pause watchdog while the CPU is asleep. 1 HALT Configure the watchdog to pause or not while the CPU is halted by the debugger. 3 3 Pause Pause watchdog while the CPU is halted by the debugger. 0 Run Do not pause watchdog while the CPU is halted by the debugger. 1 8 0x04 RR[%s] Reload requests registers. 0x600 write-only RR Reload register. 0 31 Reload Value to request a reload of the watchdog timer. 0x6E524635 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 RTC1 522 Real time counter 1. 0x40011000 RTC 32 read-write RTC1 17 QDEC 522 Rotary decoder. QDEC 0x40012000 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers QDEC 18 TASKS_START Start the quadrature decoder. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop the quadrature decoder. 0x004 write-only TASKS_READCLRACC Transfers the content from ACC registers to ACCREAD registers, and clears the ACC registers. 0x008 write-only EVENTS_SAMPLERDY A new sample is written to the sample register. 0x100 EVENTS_REPORTRDY REPORTPER number of samples accumulated in ACC register, and ACC register different than zero. 0x104 EVENTS_ACCOF ACC or ACCDBL register overflow. 0x108 SHORTS Shortcuts for the QDEC. 0x200 REPORTRDY_READCLRACC Shortcut between REPORTRDY event and READCLRACC task. 0 0 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 SAMPLERDY_STOP Shortcut between SAMPLERDY event and STOP task. 1 1 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 SAMPLERDY Enable interrupt on SAMPLERDY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 REPORTRDY Enable interrupt on REPORTRDY event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 ACCOF Enable interrupt on ACCOF event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 SAMPLERDY Disable interrupt on SAMPLERDY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 REPORTRDY Disable interrupt on REPORTRDY event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ACCOF Disable interrupt on ACCOF event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 ENABLE Enable the QDEC. 0x500 ENABLE Enable or disable QDEC. 0 0 Disabled Disabled QDEC. 0 Enabled Enable QDEC. 1 LEDPOL LED output pin polarity. 0x504 LEDPOL LED output pin polarity. 0 0 ActiveLow LED output is active low. 0 ActiveHigh LED output is active high. 1 SAMPLEPER Sample period. 0x508 SAMPLEPER Sample period. 0 2 128us 128us sample period. 0x00 256us 256us sample period. 0x01 512us 512us sample period. 0x02 1024us 1024us sample period. 0x03 2048us 2048us sample period. 0x04 4096us 4096us sample period. 0x05 8192us 8192us sample period. 0x06 16384us 16384us sample period. 0x07 SAMPLE Motion sample value. 0x50C read-only int32_t SAMPLE Last sample taken in compliment to 2. 0 31 REPORTPER Number of samples to generate an EVENT_REPORTRDY. 0x510 REPORTPER Number of samples to generate an EVENT_REPORTRDY. 0 2 10Smpl 10 samples per report. 0x00 40Smpl 40 samples per report. 0x01 80Smpl 80 samples per report. 0x02 120Smpl 120 samples per report. 0x03 160Smpl 160 samples per report. 0x04 200Smpl 200 samples per report. 0x05 240Smpl 240 samples per report. 0x06 280Smpl 280 samples per report. 0x07 ACC Accumulated valid transitions register. 0x514 read-only int32_t ACCREAD Snapshot of ACC register. Value generated by the TASKS_READCLEACC task. 0x518 read-only int32_t PSELLED Pin select for LED output. 0x51C 0xFFFFFFFF PSELA Pin select for phase A input. 0x520 0xFFFFFFFF PSELB Pin select for phase B input. 0x524 0xFFFFFFFF DBFEN Enable debouncer input filters. 0x528 DBFEN Enable debounce input filters. 0 0 Disabled Debounce input filters disabled. 0 Enabled Debounce input filters enabled. 1 LEDPRE Time LED is switched ON before the sample. 0x540 0x00000010 LEDPRE Period in us the LED in switched on prior to sampling. 0 8 ACCDBL Accumulated double (error) transitions register. 0x544 read-only ACCDBL Accumulated double (error) transitions. 0 3 ACCDBLREAD Snapshot of ACCDBL register. Value generated by the TASKS_READCLEACC task. 0x548 read-only ACCDBLREAD Snapshot of accumulated double (error) transitions. 0 3 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 LPCOMP 522 Low power comparator. LPCOMP 0x40013000 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers LPCOMP 19 TASKS_START Start the comparator. 0x000 write-only TASKS_STOP Stop the comparator. 0x004 write-only TASKS_SAMPLE Sample comparator value. 0x008 write-only EVENTS_READY LPCOMP is ready and output is valid. 0x100 EVENTS_DOWN Input voltage crossed the threshold going down. 0x104 EVENTS_UP Input voltage crossed the threshold going up. 0x108 EVENTS_CROSS Input voltage crossed the threshold in any direction. 0x10C SHORTS Shortcuts for the LPCOMP. 0x200 READY_SAMPLE Shortcut between READY event and SAMPLE task. 0 0 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 READY_STOP Shortcut between RADY event and STOP task. 1 1 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 DOWN_STOP Shortcut between DOWN event and STOP task. 2 2 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 UP_STOP Shortcut between UP event and STOP task. 3 3 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 CROSS_STOP Shortcut between CROSS event and STOP task. 4 4 Disabled Shortcut disabled. 0 Enabled Shortcut enabled. 1 INTENSET Interrupt enable set register. 0x304 READY Enable interrupt on READY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 DOWN Enable interrupt on DOWN event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 UP Enable interrupt on UP event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 CROSS Enable interrupt on CROSS event. 3 3 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Set Enable interrupt on write. 1 INTENCLR Interrupt enable clear register. 0x308 READY Disable interrupt on READY event. 0 0 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 DOWN Disable interrupt on DOWN event. 1 1 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 UP Disable interrupt on UP event. 2 2 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 CROSS Disable interrupt on CROSS event. 3 3 read Disabled Interrupt disabled. 0 Enabled Interrupt enabled. 1 write Clear Disable interrupt on write. 1 RESULT Result of last compare. 0x400 read-only RESULT Result of last compare. Decision point SAMPLE task. 0 0 Below Input voltage is bellow the reference threshold. 0 Above Input voltage is above the reference threshold. 1 ENABLE Enable the LPCOMP. 0x500 ENABLE Enable or disable LPCOMP. 0 1 Disabled Disabled LPCOMP. 0x00 Enabled Enable LPCOMP. 0x01 PSEL Input pin select. 0x504 PSEL Analog input pin select. 0 2 AnalogInput0 Use analog input 0 as analog input. 0 AnalogInput1 Use analog input 1 as analog input. 1 AnalogInput2 Use analog input 2 as analog input. 2 AnalogInput3 Use analog input 3 as analog input. 3 AnalogInput4 Use analog input 4 as analog input. 4 AnalogInput5 Use analog input 5 as analog input. 5 AnalogInput6 Use analog input 6 as analog input. 6 AnalogInput7 Use analog input 7 as analog input. 7 REFSEL Reference select. 0x508 REFSEL Reference select. 0 2 SupplyOneEighthPrescaling Use supply with a 1/8 prescaler as reference. 0 SupplyTwoEighthsPrescaling Use supply with a 2/8 prescaler as reference. 1 SupplyThreeEighthsPrescaling Use supply with a 3/8 prescaler as reference. 2 SupplyFourEighthsPrescaling Use supply with a 4/8 prescaler as reference. 3 SupplyFiveEighthsPrescaling Use supply with a 5/8 prescaler as reference. 4 SupplySixEighthsPrescaling Use supply with a 6/8 prescaler as reference. 5 SupplySevenEighthsPrescaling Use supply with a 7/8 prescaler as reference. 6 ARef Use external analog reference as reference. 7 EXTREFSEL External reference select. 0x50C EXTREFSEL External analog reference pin selection. 0 0 AnalogReference0 Use analog reference 0 as reference. 0 AnalogReference1 Use analog reference 1 as reference. 1 ANADETECT Analog detect configuration. 0x520 ANADETECT Analog detect configuration. 0 1 Cross Generate ANADETEC on crossing, both upwards and downwards crossing. 0 Up Generate ANADETEC on upwards crossing only. 1 Down Generate ANADETEC on downwards crossing only. 2 POWER Peripheral power control. 0xFFC POWER Peripheral power control. 0 0 Disabled Module power disabled. 0 Enabled Module power enabled. 1 SWI 522 SW Interrupts. SWI 0x40014000 32 0 0x6000 registers SWI0 20 SWI1 21 SWI2 22 SWI3 23 SWI4 24 SWI5 25 UNUSED Unused. 0x000 0x00000000 read-only NVMC 522 Non Volatile Memory Controller. NVMC 0x4001E000 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers READY Ready flag. 0x400 read-only READY NVMC ready. 0 0 Busy NVMC is busy (on-going write or erase operation). 0 Ready NVMC is ready. 1 CONFIG Configuration register. 0x504 WEN Program write enable. 0 1 Ren Read only access. 0x00 Wen Write enabled. 0x01 Een Erase enabled. 0x02 ERASEPAGE Register for erasing a non-protected non-volatile memory page. 0x508 ERASEPCR1 Register for erasing a non-protected non-volatile memory page. 0x508 ERASEPAGE ERASEALL Register for erasing all non-volatile user memory. 0x50C ERASEALL Starts the erasing of all user NVM (code region 0/1 and UICR registers). 0 0 NoOperation No operation. 0 Erase Start chip erase. 1 ERASEPCR0 Register for erasing a protected non-volatile memory page. 0x510 ERASEUICR Register for start erasing User Information Congfiguration Registers. 0x514 ERASEUICR It can only be used when all contents of code region 1 are erased. 0 0 NoOperation No operation. 0 Erase Start UICR erase. 1 PPI 522 PPI controller. 0x4001F000 PPI 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers 4 0x08 TASKS_CHG[%s] Channel group tasks. 0x000 EN Enable channel group. 0x000 write-only DIS Disable channel group. 0x004 write-only CHEN Channel enable. 0x500 CH0 Enable PPI channel 0. 0 0 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH1 Enable PPI channel 1. 1 1 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH2 Enable PPI channel 2. 2 2 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH3 Enable PPI channel 3. 3 3 Disabled Channel disabled 0 Enabled Channel enabled 1 CH4 Enable PPI channel 4. 4 4 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH5 Enable PPI channel 5. 5 5 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH6 Enable PPI channel 6. 6 6 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH7 Enable PPI channel 7. 7 7 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH8 Enable PPI channel 8. 8 8 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH9 Enable PPI channel 9. 9 9 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH10 Enable PPI channel 10. 10 10 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH11 Enable PPI channel 11. 11 11 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH12 Enable PPI channel 12. 12 12 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH13 Enable PPI channel 13. 13 13 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH14 Enable PPI channel 14. 14 14 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH15 Enable PPI channel 15. 15 15 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH20 Enable PPI channel 20. 20 20 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH21 Enable PPI channel 21. 21 21 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH22 Enable PPI channel 22. 22 22 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH23 Enable PPI channel 23. 23 23 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH24 Enable PPI channel 24. 24 24 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH25 Enable PPI channel 25. 25 25 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH26 Enable PPI channel 26. 26 26 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH27 Enable PPI channel 27. 27 27 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH28 Enable PPI channel 28. 28 28 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH29 Enable PPI channel 29. 29 29 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH30 Enable PPI channel 30. 30 30 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CH31 Enable PPI channel 31. 31 31 Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 CHENSET Channel enable set. 0x504 CH0 Enable PPI channel 0. 0 0 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH1 Enable PPI channel 1. 1 1 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH2 Enable PPI channel 2. 2 2 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH3 Enable PPI channel 3. 3 3 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH4 Enable PPI channel 4. 4 4 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH5 Enable PPI channel 5. 5 5 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH6 Enable PPI channel 6. 6 6 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH7 Enable PPI channel 7. 7 7 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH8 Enable PPI channel 8. 8 8 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH9 Enable PPI channel 9. 9 9 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH10 Enable PPI channel 10. 10 10 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH11 Enable PPI channel 11. 11 11 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH12 Enable PPI channel 12. 12 12 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH13 Enable PPI channel 13. 13 13 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH14 Enable PPI channel 14. 14 14 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH15 Enable PPI channel 15. 15 15 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH20 Enable PPI channel 20. 20 20 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH21 Enable PPI channel 21. 21 21 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH22 Enable PPI channel 22. 22 22 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH23 Enable PPI channel 23. 23 23 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH24 Enable PPI channel 24. 24 24 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH25 Enable PPI channel 25. 25 25 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH26 Enable PPI channel 26. 26 26 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH27 Enable PPI channel 27. 27 27 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH28 Enable PPI channel 28. 28 28 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH29 Enable PPI channel 29. 29 29 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH30 Enable PPI channel 30. 30 30 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CH31 Enable PPI channel 31. 31 31 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Set Enable channel on write. 1 CHENCLR Channel enable clear. 0x508 CH0 Disable PPI channel 0. 0 0 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH1 Disable PPI channel 1. 1 1 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH2 Disable PPI channel 2. 2 2 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH3 Disable PPI channel 3. 3 3 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH4 Disable PPI channel 4. 4 4 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH5 Disable PPI channel 5. 5 5 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH6 Disable PPI channel 6. 6 6 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH7 Disable PPI channel 7. 7 7 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH8 Disable PPI channel 8. 8 8 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH9 Disable PPI channel 9. 9 9 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH10 Disable PPI channel 10. 10 10 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH11 Disable PPI channel 11. 11 11 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH12 Disable PPI channel 12. 12 12 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH13 Disable PPI channel 13. 13 13 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH14 Disable PPI channel 14. 14 14 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH15 Disable PPI channel 15. 15 15 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH20 Disable PPI channel 20. 20 20 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH21 Disable PPI channel 21. 21 21 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH22 Disable PPI channel 22. 22 22 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH23 Disable PPI channel 23. 23 23 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH24 Disable PPI channel 24. 24 24 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH25 Disable PPI channel 25. 25 25 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH26 Disable PPI channel 26. 26 26 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH27 Disable PPI channel 27. 27 27 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH28 Disable PPI channel 28. 28 28 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH29 Disable PPI channel 29. 29 29 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH30 Disable PPI channel 30. 30 30 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 CH31 Disable PPI channel 31. 31 31 read Disabled Channel disabled. 0 Enabled Channel enabled. 1 write Clear Disable channel on write. 1 16 0x08 CH[%s] PPI Channel. 0x510 EEP Channel event end-point. 0x000 TEP Channel task end-point. 0x004 4 0x04 CHG[%s] Channel group configuration. 0x800 CH0 Include CH0 in channel group. 0 0 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH1 Include CH1 in channel group. 1 1 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH2 Include CH2 in channel group. 2 2 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH3 Include CH3 in channel group. 3 3 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH4 Include CH4 in channel group. 4 4 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH5 Include CH5 in channel group. 5 5 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH6 Include CH6 in channel group. 6 6 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH7 Include CH7 in channel group. 7 7 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH8 Include CH8 in channel group. 8 8 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH9 Include CH9 in channel group. 9 9 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH10 Include CH10 in channel group. 10 10 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH11 Include CH11 in channel group. 11 11 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH12 Include CH12 in channel group. 12 12 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH13 Include CH13 in channel group. 13 13 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH14 Include CH14 in channel group. 14 14 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH15 Include CH15 in channel group. 15 15 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH20 Include CH20 in channel group. 20 20 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH21 Include CH21 in channel group. 21 21 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH22 Include CH22 in channel group. 22 22 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH23 Include CH23 in channel group. 23 23 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH24 Include CH24 in channel group. 24 24 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH25 Include CH25 in channel group. 25 25 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH26 Include CH26 in channel group. 26 26 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH27 Include CH27 in channel group. 27 27 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH28 Include CH28 in channel group. 28 28 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH29 Include CH29 in channel group. 29 29 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH30 Include CH30 in channel group. 30 30 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 CH31 Include CH31 in channel group. 31 31 Excluded Channel excluded. 0 Included Channel included. 1 FICR 522 Factory Information Configuration. FICR 0x10000000 32 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0 0x1000 registers CODEPAGESIZE Code memory page size in bytes. 0x010 CODESIZE Code memory size in pages. 0x014 CLENR0 Length of code region 0 in bytes. 0x028 PPFC Pre-programmed factory code present. 0x02C PPFC Pre-programmed factory code present. 0 7 NotPresent Not present. 0xFF Present Present. 0x00 NUMRAMBLOCK Number of individualy controllable RAM blocks. 0x034 SIZERAMBLOCKS Size of RAM blocks in bytes. 0x038 4 0x04 SIZERAMBLOCK[%s] Deprecated array of size of RAM block in bytes. This name is kept for backward compatinility purposes. Use SIZERAMBLOCKS instead. 0x038 SIZERAMBLOCKS CONFIGID Configuration identifier. 0x05C HWID Hardware Identification Number. 0 15 FWID Firmware Identification Number pre-loaded into the flash. 16 31 2 0x04 DEVICEID[%s] Device identifier. 0x060 4 0x04 ER[%s] Encryption root. 0x080 4 0x04 IR[%s] Identity root. 0x090 DEVICEADDRTYPE Device address type. 0x0A0 DEVICEADDRTYPE Device address type. 0 0 Public Public address. 0 Random Random address. 1 2 0x04 DEVICEADDR[%s] Device address. 0x0A4 OVERRIDEEN Radio calibration override enable. 0x0AC NRF_1MBIT Override default values for NRF_1Mbit mode. 0 0 Override Override the default values for NRF_1Mbit mode. 0 NotOverride Do not override the default values for NRF_1Mbit mode. 1 BLE_1MBIT Override default values for BLE_1Mbit mode. 3 3 Override Override the default values for BLE_1Mbit mode. 0 NotOverride Do not override the default values for BLE_1Mbit mode. 1 5 0x04 NRF_1MBIT[%s] Override values for the OVERRIDEn registers in RADIO for NRF_1Mbit mode. 0x0B0 5 0x04 BLE_1MBIT[%s] Override values for the OVERRIDEn registers in RADIO for BLE_1Mbit mode. 0x0EC UICR 522 User Information Configuration. UICR 0x10001000 32 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0 0x1000 registers CLENR0 Length of code region 0. 0x000 RBPCONF Readback protection configuration. 0x004 PR0 Readback protect region 0. Will be ignored if pre-programmed factory code is present on the chip. 0 7 Disabled Disabled. 0xFF Enabled Enabled. 0x00 PALL Readback protect all code in the device. 8 15 Disabled Disabled. 0xFF Enabled Enabled. 0x00 XTALFREQ Reset value for CLOCK XTALFREQ register. 0x008 XTALFREQ Reset value for CLOCK XTALFREQ register. 0 7 16MHz 16MHz Xtal is used. 0xFF 32MHz 32MHz Xtal is used. 0x00 FWID Firmware ID. 0x010 read-only FWID Identification number for the firmware loaded into the chip. 0 15 BOOTLOADERADDR Bootloader start address. 0x014 15 0x04 NRFFW[%s] Reserved for Nordic firmware design. 0x014 BOOTLOADERADDR 12 0x04 NRFHW[%s] Reserved for Nordic hardware design. 0x050 32 0x04 CUSTOMER[%s] Reserved for customer. 0x080 GPIO 522 General purpose input and output. 0x50000000 GPIO 32 read-write 0 0x1000 registers OUT Write GPIO port. 0x504 PIN0 Pin 0. 0 0 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN1 Pin 1. 1 1 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN2 Pin 2. 2 2 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN3 Pin 3. 3 3 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN4 Pin 4. 4 4 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN5 Pin 5. 5 5 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN6 Pin 6. 6 6 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN7 Pin 7. 7 7 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN8 Pin 8. 8 8 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN9 Pin 9. 9 9 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN10 Pin 10. 10 10 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN11 Pin 11. 11 11 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN12 Pin 12. 12 12 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN13 Pin 13. 13 13 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN14 Pin 14. 14 14 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN15 Pin 15. 15 15 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN16 Pin 16. 16 16 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN17 Pin 17. 17 17 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN18 Pin 18. 18 18 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN19 Pin 19. 19 19 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN20 Pin 20. 20 20 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN21 Pin 21. 21 21 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN22 Pin 22. 22 22 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN23 Pin 23. 23 23 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN24 Pin 24. 24 24 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN25 Pin 25. 25 25 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN26 Pin 26. 26 26 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN27 Pin 27. 27 27 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN28 Pin 28. 28 28 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN29 Pin 29. 29 29 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN30 Pin 30. 30 30 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 PIN31 Pin 31. 31 31 Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 OUTSET Set individual bits in GPIO port. 0x508 PIN0 Pin 0. 0 0 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN1 Pin 1. 1 1 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN2 Pin 2. 2 2 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN3 Pin 3. 3 3 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN4 Pin 4. 4 4 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN5 Pin 5. 5 5 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN6 Pin 6. 6 6 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN7 Pin 7. 7 7 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN8 Pin 8. 8 8 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN9 Pin 9. 9 9 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN10 Pin 10. 10 10 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN11 Pin 11. 11 11 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN12 Pin 12. 12 12 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN13 Pin 13. 13 13 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN14 Pin 14. 14 14 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN15 Pin 15. 15 15 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN16 Pin 16. 16 16 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN17 Pin 17. 17 17 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN18 Pin 18. 18 18 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN19 Pin 19. 19 19 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN20 Pin 20. 20 20 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN21 Pin 21. 21 21 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN22 Pin 22. 22 22 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN23 Pin 23. 23 23 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN24 Pin 24. 24 24 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN25 Pin 25. 25 25 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN26 Pin 26. 26 26 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN27 Pin 27. 27 27 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN28 Pin 28. 28 28 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN29 Pin 29. 29 29 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN30 Pin 30. 30 30 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 PIN31 Pin 31. 31 31 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Set Set pin driver high. 1 OUTCLR Clear individual bits in GPIO port. 0x50C PIN0 Pin 0. 0 0 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN1 Pin 1. 1 1 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN2 Pin 2. 2 2 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN3 Pin 3. 3 3 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN4 Pin 4. 4 4 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN5 Pin 5. 5 5 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN6 Pin 6. 6 6 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN7 Pin 7. 7 7 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN8 Pin 8. 8 8 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN9 Pin 9. 9 9 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN10 Pin 10. 10 10 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN11 Pin 11. 11 11 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN12 Pin 12. 12 12 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN13 Pin 13. 13 13 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN14 Pin 14. 14 14 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN15 Pin 15. 15 15 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN16 Pin 16. 16 16 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN17 Pin 17. 17 17 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN18 Pin 18. 18 18 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN19 Pin 19. 19 19 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN20 Pin 20. 20 20 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN21 Pin 21. 21 21 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN22 Pin 22. 22 22 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN23 Pin 23. 23 23 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN24 Pin 24. 24 24 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN25 Pin 25. 25 25 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN26 Pin 26. 26 26 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN27 Pin 27. 27 27 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN28 Pin 28. 28 28 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN29 Pin 29. 29 29 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN30 Pin 30. 30 30 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 PIN31 Pin 31. 31 31 read Low Pin driver is low. 0 High Pin driver is high. 1 write Clear Set pin driver low. 1 IN Read GPIO port. 0x510 read-only PIN0 Pin 0. 0 0 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN1 Pin 1. 1 1 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN2 Pin 2. 2 2 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN3 Pin 3. 3 3 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN4 Pin 4. 4 4 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN5 Pin 5. 5 5 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN6 Pin 6. 6 6 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN7 Pin 7. 7 7 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN8 Pin 8. 8 8 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN9 Pin 9. 9 9 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN10 Pin 10. 10 10 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN11 Pin 11. 11 11 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN12 Pin 12. 12 12 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN13 Pin 13. 13 13 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN14 Pin 14. 14 14 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN15 Pin 15. 15 15 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN16 Pin 16. 16 16 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN17 Pin 17. 17 17 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN18 Pin 18. 18 18 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN19 Pin 19. 19 19 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN20 Pin 20. 20 20 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN21 Pin 21. 21 21 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN22 Pin 22. 22 22 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN23 Pin 23. 23 23 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN24 Pin 24. 24 24 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN25 Pin 25. 25 25 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN26 Pin 26. 26 26 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN27 Pin 27. 27 27 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN28 Pin 28. 28 28 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN29 Pin 29. 29 29 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN30 Pin 30. 30 30 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 PIN31 Pin 31. 31 31 Low Pin input is low. 0 High Pin input is high. 1 DIR Direction of GPIO pins. 0x514 PIN0 Pin 0. 0 0 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN1 Pin 1. 1 1 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN2 Pin 2. 2 2 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN3 Pin 3. 3 3 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN4 Pin 4. 4 4 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN5 Pin 5. 5 5 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN6 Pin 6. 6 6 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN7 Pin 7. 7 7 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN8 Pin 8. 8 8 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN9 Pin 9. 9 9 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN10 Pin 10. 10 10 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN11 Pin 11. 11 11 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN12 Pin 12. 12 12 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN13 Pin 13. 13 13 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN14 Pin 14. 14 14 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN15 Pin 15. 15 15 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN16 Pin 16. 16 16 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN17 Pin 17. 17 17 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN18 Pin 18. 18 18 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN19 Pin 19. 19 19 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN20 Pin 20. 20 20 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN21 Pin 21. 21 21 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN22 Pin 22. 22 22 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN23 Pin 23. 23 23 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN24 Pin 24. 24 24 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN25 Pin 25. 25 25 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN26 Pin 26. 26 26 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN27 Pin 27. 27 27 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN28 Pin 28. 28 28 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN29 Pin 29. 29 29 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN30 Pin 30. 30 30 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 PIN31 Pin 31. 31 31 Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 DIRSET DIR set register. 0x518 PIN0 Set as output pin 0. 0 0 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN1 Set as output pin 1. 1 1 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN2 Set as output pin 2. 2 2 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN3 Set as output pin 3. 3 3 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN4 Set as output pin 4. 4 4 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN5 Set as output pin 5. 5 5 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN6 Set as output pin 6. 6 6 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN7 Set as output pin 7. 7 7 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN8 Set as output pin 8. 8 8 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN9 Set as output pin 9. 9 9 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN10 Set as output pin 10. 10 10 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN11 Set as output pin 11. 11 11 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN12 Set as output pin 12. 12 12 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN13 Set as output pin 13. 13 13 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN14 Set as output pin 14. 14 14 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN15 Set as output pin 15. 15 15 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN16 Set as output pin 16. 16 16 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN17 Set as output pin 17. 17 17 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN18 Set as output pin 18. 18 18 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN19 Set as output pin 19. 19 19 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN20 Set as output pin 20. 20 20 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN21 Set as output pin 21. 21 21 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN22 Set as output pin 22. 22 22 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN23 Set as output pin 23. 23 23 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN24 Set as output pin 24. 24 24 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN25 Set as output pin 25. 25 25 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN26 Set as output pin 26. 26 26 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN27 Set as output pin 27. 27 27 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN28 Set as output pin 28. 28 28 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN29 Set as output pin 29. 29 29 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN30 Set as output pin 30. 30 30 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 PIN31 Set as output pin 31. 31 31 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Set Set pin as output. 1 DIRCLR DIR clear register. 0x51C PIN0 Set as input pin 0. 0 0 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN1 Set as input pin 1. 1 1 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN2 Set as input pin 2. 2 2 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN3 Set as input pin 3. 3 3 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN4 Set as input pin 4. 4 4 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN5 Set as input pin 5. 5 5 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN6 Set as input pin 6. 6 6 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN7 Set as input pin 7. 7 7 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN8 Set as input pin 8. 8 8 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN9 Set as input pin 9. 9 9 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN10 Set as input pin 10. 10 10 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN11 Set as input pin 11. 11 11 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN12 Set as input pin 12. 12 12 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN13 Set as input pin 13. 13 13 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN14 Set as input pin 14. 14 14 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN15 Set as input pin 15. 15 15 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN16 Set as input pin 16. 16 16 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN17 Set as input pin 17. 17 17 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN18 Set as input pin 18. 18 18 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN19 Set as input pin 19. 19 19 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN20 Set as input pin 20. 20 20 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN21 Set as input pin 21. 21 21 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN22 Set as input pin 22. 22 22 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN23 Set as input pin 23. 23 23 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN24 Set as input pin 24. 24 24 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN25 Set as input pin 25. 25 25 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN26 Set as input pin 26. 26 26 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN27 Set as input pin 27. 27 27 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN28 Set as input pin 28. 28 28 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN29 Set as input pin 29. 29 29 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN30 Set as input pin 30. 30 30 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 PIN31 Set as input pin 31. 31 31 read Input Pin set as input. 0 Output Pin set as output. 1 write Clear Set pin as input. 1 32 0x04 PIN_CNF[%s] Configuration of GPIO pins. 0x700 0x00000002 DIR Pin direction. 0 0 Input Configure pin as an input pin. 0 Output Configure pin as an output pin. 1 INPUT Connect or disconnect input path. 1 1 Connect Connect input pin. 0 Disconnect Disconnect input pin. 1 PULL Pull-up or -down configuration. 2 3 Disabled No pull. 0x00 Pulldown Pulldown on pin. 0x01 Pullup Pullup on pin. 0x03 DRIVE Drive configuration. 8 10 S0S1 Standard '0', Standard '1'. 0x00 H0S1 High '0', Standard '1'. 0x01 S0H1 Standard '0', High '1'. 0x02 H0H1 High '0', High '1'. 0x03 D0S1 Disconnected '0', Standard '1'. 0x04 D0H1 Disconnected '0', High '1'. 0x05 S0D1 Standard '0', Disconnected '1'. 0x06 H0D1 High '0', Disconnected '1'. 0x07 SENSE Pin sensing mechanism. 16 17 Disabled Disabled. 0x00 High Wakeup on high level. 0x02 Low Wakeup on low level. 0x03