-module(ppool_tests). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -export([test_mfa/1, wait_mfa/1]). %%% All Test Fixtures start_test_() -> {"It should be possible to start a pool server and give it a name", {setup, fun find_unique_name/0, fun(Name) -> [start_and_test_name(Name)] end}}. mfa_test_() -> {"A pool process can be allocated which will be ordered " "to run an MFA call determined at start time, with arguments " "provided at call time", {setup, fun start_ppool/0, fun kill_ppool/1, fun(Name) -> [pool_run_mfa(Name)] end} }. alloc_test_() -> {"A pool process can be allocated which will be ordered " "to run a worker, only if there are enough which " "haven't been ordered to run yet.", {setup, fun start_ppool/0, fun kill_ppool/1, fun(Name) -> [pool_run_alloc(Name), pool_run_noalloc(Name)] end} }. realloc_test_() -> {"When an allocated process dies, " "A new one can be allocated to replace it.", {setup, fun start_ppool/0, fun kill_ppool/1, fun(Name) -> [pool_run_realloc(Name)] end} }. queue_test_() -> {"The queue function can be used to run the function as soon as possible. " "If no space is available, the worker call is added to the queue.", {foreach, fun start_ppool/0, fun kill_ppool/1, [fun(Name) -> test_async_queue(Name) end, fun(Name) -> test_sync_queue(Name) end]} }. supervision_test_() -> {"The ppool will never restart a dead child, but all children (OTP " "compliant) will be shut down when closing the pool, even if they " "are trapping exits", {setup, fun find_unique_name/0, fun test_supervision/1}}. auth_test_() -> {"The ppool should only dequeue tasks after receiving a down signal " "from a worker and nobody else", {setup, fun start_ppool/0, fun kill_ppool/1, fun test_auth_dealloc/1}}. %%% Setups/teardowns find_unique_name() -> application:start(ppool), Name = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[now()]))), ?assertEqual(undefined, whereis(Name)), Name. start_ppool() -> Name = find_unique_name(), ppool:start_pool(Name, 2, {ppool_nagger, start_link, []}), Name. kill_ppool(Name) -> ppool:stop_pool(Name). %%% Actual tests start_and_test_name(Name) -> ppool:start_pool(Name, 1, {ppool_nagger, start_link, []}), A = whereis(Name), ppool:stop_pool(Name), timer:sleep(100), B = whereis(Name), [?_assert(undefined =/= A), ?_assertEqual(undefined, B)]. pool_run_mfa(Name) -> ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 1, 1, self()]), X = receive {_Pid, i_am_running} -> ok after 3000 -> timeout end, ?_assertEqual(ok, X). pool_run_alloc(Name) -> {ok, Pid} = ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 1, 1, self()]), X = receive {Pid, i_am_running} -> ok after 3000 -> timeout end, [?_assert(is_pid(Pid)), ?_assertEqual(ok, X)]. pool_run_noalloc(Name) -> %% Init function should have set the limit to 2 ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 300, 1, self()]), ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 300, 1, self()]), X = ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 1, 1, self()]), ?_assertEqual(noalloc, X). pool_run_realloc(Name) -> %% Init function should have set the limit to 2 {ok, A} = ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 500, 1, self()]), timer:sleep(100), {ok, B} = ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 500, 1, self()]), timer:sleep(600), {ok, Pid} = ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 1, 1, self()]), timer:sleep(100), L = flush(), [?_assert(is_pid(Pid)), ?_assertEqual([{A,i_am_running}, {B,i_am_running}, {Pid,i_am_running}], L)]. test_async_queue(Name) -> %% Still two elements max! ok = ppool:async_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 2000, 1, self()]), ok = ppool:async_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 2000, 1, self()]), noalloc = ppool:run(Name, [i_am_running, 2000, 1, self()]), ok = ppool:async_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 500, 1, self()]), timer:sleep(3500), L = flush(), ?_assertMatch([{_, i_am_running}, {_, i_am_running}, {_, i_am_running}], L). test_sync_queue(Name) -> %% Hell yase, two max {ok, Pid} = ppool:sync_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 200, 1, self()]), ok = ppool:async_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 200, 1, self()]), ok = ppool:async_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 200, 1, self()]), {ok, Pid2} = ppool:sync_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 100, 1, self()]), timer:sleep(300), L = flush(), [?_assert(is_pid(Pid)), ?_assert(is_pid(Pid2)), ?_assertMatch([{_,i_am_running}, {_,i_am_running}, {_,i_am_running}, {_,i_am_running}], L)]. test_supervision(Name) -> ppool:start_pool(Name, 1, {ppool_nagger, start_link, []}), {ok, Pid} = ppool:run(Name, [sup, 10000, 100, self()]), ppool:stop_pool(Name), timer:sleep(100), ?_assertEqual(undefined, process_info(Pid)). test_auth_dealloc(Name) -> %% Hell yase, two max {ok, _Pid} = ppool:sync_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 500, 1, self()]), ok = ppool:async_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 10000, 1, self()]), ok = ppool:async_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 10000, 1, self()]), ok = ppool:async_queue(Name, [i_am_running, 1, 1, self()]), timer:sleep(600), Name ! {'DOWN', make_ref(), process, self(), normal}, Name ! {'DOWN', make_ref(), process, self(), normal}, Name ! {'DOWN', make_ref(), process, self(), normal}, timer:sleep(200), L = flush(), ?_assertMatch([{_,i_am_running}], L). flush() -> receive X -> [X|flush()] after 0 -> [] end. %% Exported Helper functions test_mfa(Pid) -> Pid ! i_am_running. wait_mfa(Pid) -> Pid ! i_am_running, timer:sleep(3000).