-module(what_the_if). -export([heh_fine/0, oh_god/1, help_me/1]). %% should check if this actually works (hint: an error will be thrown) heh_fine() -> if 1 =:= 1 -> works end, if 1 =:= 2; 1 =:= 1 -> works end, if 1 =:= 2, 1 =:= 1 -> fails end. oh_god(N) -> if N =:= 2 -> might_succeed; true -> always_does %% this is Erlang's if's 'else!' end. %% note, this one would be better as a pattern match in function heads! %% I'm doing it this way for the sake of the example. help_me(Animal) -> Talk = if Animal == cat -> "meow"; Animal == beef -> "mooo"; Animal == dog -> "bark"; Animal == tree -> "bark"; true -> "fgdadfgna" end, {Animal, "says " ++ Talk ++ "!"}.