#!/bin/bash workdir=test-run # TODO: assert that the exit code is 1 for 'usage' outputs. exit_usage=1 exit_usage_wrong=0 setup() { ORIG_PATH=$PATH APPSTORE_HOME=$(cd $BATS_TEST_DIRNAME/.. && echo `pwd`) PATH=/bin:/usr/bin PATH=$PATH:$APPSTORE_HOME APPSH_HOME=$(cd $BATS_TEST_DIRNAME/../../app.sh && echo `pwd`) if [[ ! -x $APPSH_HOME/app ]] then echo "app.sh has to be available as ../app.sh" exit 1 fi PATH=$PATH:$APPSH_HOME rm -rf $BATS_TMPDIR/appstore mkdir $BATS_TMPDIR/appstore HOME=$BATS_TMPDIR/appstore-home cd $BATS_TMPDIR/appstore REPO=$BATS_TMPDIR/repo REPO_URL="file://$REPO" FIXED_REPO_URL="file://`fix_path $REPO`" cd $BATS_TEST_DIRNAME/data make if [ "`declare -f setup_inner >/dev/null; echo $?`" = 0 ] then setup_inner fi } echo_lines() { echo lines: for line in "${lines[@]}"; do echo $line; done echo status=$status } install_artifact() { local artifactId=${1}; shift local version=${1-1.0-SNAPSHOT} describe -Dfile=`fix_path $APPSTORE_HOME/test/data/$artifactId.zip` -DgeneratePom PATH=$ORIG_PATH mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=$FIXED_REPO_URL \ -Dfile=`fix_path $APPSTORE_HOME/test/data/$artifactId.zip` -DgeneratePom \ -DgroupId=org.example -DartifactId=$artifactId -Dversion=$version -Dpackaging=zip } check_status=yes app() { echo app $@ run $APPSH_HOME/app $@ echo_lines if [ "$check_status" = yes ] then eq '$status' 0 fi check_status=yes } app_libexec() { local x=`PATH=$APPSH_HOME/libexec:/bin:/usr/bin which $1` echo libexec/$@ shift run "$x" $@ echo_lines if [ "$check_status" = yes ] then eq '$status' 0 fi check_status=yes } appstore() { echo appstore $@ run $APPSTORE_HOME/appstore $@ echo_lines if [ "$check_status" = yes ] then eq '$status' 0 fi check_status=yes } fix_path_uname=`uname -s` fix_path() { case $fix_path_uname in CYGWIN_NT*) cygpath -wa $1 ;; *) echo $1 ;; esac } describe() { echo "# " $@ >&3 } can_read() { if [ -r "$1" ] then return 0 else echo "Can't read $1" return 1 fi } can_not_read() { if [ ! -r "$1" ] then return 0 else echo "Can read $1" return 1 fi } is_directory() { if [ ! -d "$1" ] then echo "Not a directory: $1" 2>&1 return 1 fi } eq() { local ex="$1" local e="$2" local a="`eval echo $ex`" if [[ $e == $a ]] then return 0 fi echo "Assertion failed: $ex" echo "Expected: $e" echo "Actual: $a" exit 1 } neq() { local ex="$1" local e="$2" local a="`eval echo $ex`" if [[ $e != $a ]] then return 0 fi echo "Not-equal assertion failed: $ex" echo "Expected: $e" echo "Actual: $a" exit 1 } match() { local ex="$1" local regex="$2" local a="`eval echo $ex`" if [[ $a =~ $regex ]] then return 0 fi echo "Match failed: $ex =~ $regex" echo "Value: $a" exit 1 }