- name: Check if PGP key is installed ({{ item.key }}) command: "apt-key export {{ item.value.key_id }}" register: pgp_key failed_when: no changed_when: no - set_fact: key_missing: "{{ 'nothing exported' in pgp_key.stderr }}" - become: yes when: key_missing and item.key_url is defined block: - name: Download ES PGP key become: yes get_url: url: "{{ item.key_url }}" dest: /tmp/apt-repo.pgp when: key_missing - name: Install ES key become: yes command: apt-key add /tmp/apt-repo.pgp when: key_missing notify: apt update - name: rm /tmp/apt-repo.pgp become: yes file: path: /tmp/apt-repo.pgp state: absent when: key_missing - name: "apt-key add {{ item.key }} (keyserver)" apt_key: id: "{{ item.value.key_id }}" keyserver: "{{ item.value.keyserver }}" state: "{{ state }}" when: key_missing and item.value.keyserver is defined and item.value.key_id is defined notify: apt update - name: "add repo {{ item.key }}" when: item.value.url is defined and state == "present" vars: filename: "{{ item.filename | default(item.key) }}" copy: dest: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/{{ item.key }}.list" content: | deb {{ item.value.url }} {{ item.value.distro }} {{ item.value.sections }} notify: apt update - name: "remove repo {{ item.key }}" when: state == "absent" file: path: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/{{ item.key }}.list" state: absent notify: apt update