lxc_host__state: present
lxc_host__backing_store: dir
lxc_host__br_if: lxc0-br
lxc_host__internal_if: lxc0-int
lxc_host__default_container_if_name: veth0
lxc_host__networkd_number: 50

# You have to fill the dict in host_vars/$hostname/lxc.yml
#  test1:               # The name of the container
#    state: started     # The state passed to lxc_container.
#    interface: veth0   # The name of the ethernet interface inside the
#                       # container (optional)
#    host_database:     # The key used to look up IP info in the
#                       # global 'host_database' dict (optional,
#                       # defaults to the name of the container).

# The host_database must have an entry that looks like:

#  my-container:
#    interfaces:
#      lxc0-int:                # This key must be what is specified
#                               # by lxc_host__containers.$container.interface
#                               # or lxc_host__internal_if.
#        ipv4:                  # Optional
#          address: aa.bb.cc.dd
#          netmask: 24
#        ipv6:                  # Optional
#          address: aaaa::1
#          netmask: 64