- debug:
    msg: "LXC HOST: {{ i.key }}"
  tags: lxc-host

- name: Create container
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
    name: "{{ i.key }}"
    state: "{{ i.value.state }}"
    template: debian
    template_options: -r stretch --packages git,etckeeper,python,sudo
    backing_store: "{{ lxc_host__backing_store }}"
    zfs_root: "{{ lxc_host__zfs_root|default('') }}"
  register: lxc

- name: Connection info
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
  when: lxc.changed
    msg: "Container created! All keys for superusers are installed for
      root user, so remember to add 'ansible_user=root' when running the
      play for the host the first time."

- name: Create /root/.ssh
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
  when: lxc.changed
    path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/rootfs/root/.ssh"
    state: directory
    mode: 0600
    owner: root
    group: root

- name: Fill authorized_keys
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
  when: lxc.changed
    dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/rootfs/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
    content: |
      {% for user in superusers %}
      {% if users[user].authorized_keys is not none %}
      {{ users[user].authorized_keys }}
      {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}

- name: config-lxc-host
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
  register: config_lxc_host
    dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/config-lxc-host"
    content: |
      lxc.network.type = veth
      lxc.network.link = br0
      lxc.network.flags = up
      lxc.network.hwaddr = {{ lan.hwaddr }}
      {% if lan.ipv4 is defined %}
      lxc.network.ipv4 = {{ lan.ipv4.address }}/{{ lan.ipv4.netmask }}
      lxc.network.ipv4.gateway = {{ lan.ipv4.gateway }}
      {% endif %}
      # 0 = trace, 1 = debug, 2 = info, 3 = notice, 4 = warn, 5 = error, 6 = critical, 7 = alert, and 8 = fatal.
      lxc.loglevel = 1
      lxc.logfile = /var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/{{ i.key }}.log

- name: "include file: config-lxc-host"
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
  register: include_lxc_host
    path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/config"
    regexp: "^lxc.include *=.*/config-lxc-host$"
    line: "lxc.include = /var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/config-lxc-host"

- name: "include file: config.d"
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
  register: include_config_d
    path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/config"
    regexp: "^lxc.include *=.*/conf.d/$"
    line: "lxc.include = /var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/conf.d/"

- name: "mkdir conf.d"
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
    path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/conf.d"
    state: "directory"

- name: "fill conf.d"
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
  register: fill_config_d
  with_fileglob: "lxc-host/{{ i.key }}/*"
    loop_var: file
    dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/conf.d"
    src: "{{ file }}"

- name: "restart lxc container {{ i.key }}"
  tags: lxc-host
  become: yes
  when: i.value.state == 'started' and (
            lxc.changed or
            config_lxc_host.changed or
            include_config_d.changed or
    name: "{{ i.key }}"
    state: restarted