Download generic cloud image: cd /data3/libvirt/images/pool/ wget cp debian-*.qcow2 $VM.qcow2 qemu-img resize $VM.qcow2 20G virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 debian-*.qcow2 danneri.qcow2 Inject SSH key for root user: virt-customize \ --add /data3/libvirt/images/pool/$VM.qcow2 \ --root-password password:root \ --hostname $VM \ --firstboot-command 'ssh-keygen -A && systemctl restart sshd' \ --ssh-inject "root:file:$(echo ~trygvis/.ssh/" Register a new VM with Virtual Machine Manager. Connect to the machine, log in as root/root and run `dhclient enp1s0`. Add host to Ansible inventory `ansible/inventory`. SSH to the host first so the host's fingerprint is saved: ssh $VM Apply users playbook: ansible-playbook ansible/plays/users.yml -l $VM -u root -k ansible-playbook plays/danneri.yml