Please report bugs by posting a message to To minimize work for OpenOCD developers, you can include all the information below. If you feel that some of the items below are unnecessary for a clear bug report, you leave them out. - Target PCB/board description - Config scripts - OpenOCD command line - List of commands issued or GDB operations performed - Expected result - Actual result - debug_level 3 logs - If this is a regression, include logs for working and broken version - If this is a regression, please find out the precise version that caused the regression. This can be done via a binary search. E.g. if version 550 worked and 600 failed, then try 575, etc. - If OpenOCD is crashing, you can use GDB to get a trace: gdb --args openocd .... (gdb) run (gdb) bt => here a stack trace is dumped. attach files directly to the posting. The mailing list knows to transform attachments to links so you will not be bloating anyones mail box. Keep attachments to <100kBytes.d>
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